
U.S. Foreign Policy as Good As U.S. Bi-Partisanship in Congress

The United States since the last clever, innovative President who understood the nature of the American people- the late Ronald Reagan- has significantly deteriorated its foreign and domestic standing. As the economy increasingly worsens rotting from the inside out the stock market has risen over its all-time high at 16,000. That's a result of concentrating wealth because of the political correctness and recalcitrance of the Congress and Presidents after the end of the cold war top act responsibly as egalitarian citizens of a democracy and tax the rich progressively rather than regressively. President Obama is the latest incarnation of giving the people of the United Sates a pacifier-President rather than and economic reformer. America's domestic policy failures are consistent with its foreign policy failures.

It isn't reasonable to expect the U.S. Government to make any sort of realistic deal with Iran on stopping the development of nuclear weapons. Eventually Israel will need to make an air assault and take out the Arak nuclear plant itself and bear the consequences. Iran will get over that and maybe still have a good relationship with the hillbilly's of Washington D.C. that are better at posturing and feuding than real politick.


One can't rely on Rush Limbaugh to fix things either in spite of the acclaimed new book Rush Revere. One wonders if Mr. Limbaugh ever rode a horse.

Giving the children of the U.S. a common inheritance of a healthy and recovering global ecosphere is as important as giving them a personal family inheritance of hard-earned dollars that the public has no right to usurp. It is important to regulate business such that large organizations public or private do not hog all the wealth and opportunity. The diner's and prisoner's dilemmas paradigms are reasons why government and talk radio hosts advocate tax cuts for the rich, deregulation of big business and corporate health care (Obamacare). The President gives what strategists believe are opiates to the masses of marijuana, homosexuality and illogically proffered health care while the domestic economy rots. 
Because of the deficient and ill-conceived domestic policy leadership the foreign policy of the United States sucks too. The nation spies upon its allies leaders and flunks nuclear limitations with North Korea. The food for stopping nuclear production policy of the Clinton administration was an abject failure, the administration is so cool on reinforcing the Iraq government that that nation is on the brink of sectarian war and Afghan leader Karzai won't sign off on the Loyajurga's will to have U.S. troops remain after 2014 just because he wants to stay alive after leaving office and enjoy is wealth is Gstadd or wherever one would think. Who wants to be blamed for having U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan if they aren't going to be President and control the troops for a decade or two?

American government prefers feuding for the simple reason that it's easy to publicize good and bad guys to a nation of comic book readers. It's also difficult to change the villains for writing and entertainment purposes. It was really a problem to stop making Boris and Natasha the villains until Al Qae'da arrived and maintaining bad relations with Iran was easier too.

When the Iranian revolution happened I was working in a kitchen with Iranian cooks that had very large knives for cutting meat. That was a little uncomfortable yet because I graduated a computer programming course I moved on. America can also move on despite the risk of possibly redeveloping a neutron bomb capacity to liberate Iranian leaders from worry about their infrastructure being vaporized if a war occurs.

Seriously though, the United States had good relations so far as there were any in the 1930s with Iran. An American economist was the basic adviser to the government and Iran did very well at developing its economy. After the Second World War and the start of the cold war the inability to understand the Muslim world very well led the Eisenhower administration to support a coup against the Iranian government to restore monarchy. The Brits of course goaded us on because the Iranian government had nationalized the British owned oil fields. Foreign control of Iranian natural resources had long been a source of trouble even amidst the troubled Iranian social rivals for power. That coup wasn't necessary; there wasn't much chance of a communist takeover in a Muslim country although theorists didn't know that then, so the United States started a lasting progression of bad relations with the people of Iran. And of course our preference for business imperialism continues to this day as the people of the U.S.A. become poorer while the rich globally become richer.

Iran then has the difficult problem of negotiating with a disingenuous American partner that does want to halt nuclear weapons development honestly yet simultaneously prefers what are neo-imperial economic developments globally. Since the cold war ended U.S. leadership has forgotten what democracy is and taken a turn for deregulated existential Spenserian capitalism. Morally the leadership seems taken by the devil so right wing politicians in Iran and the United States (fewer perhaps) can rightly find a wealth of criticism of the U.S. Government opportunity.

Bill Clinton claimed to be able to chew gum and walk at the same time. That was probably an exaggeration since he worked for the government and keeping two foreign and domestic policy initiatives going concurrently such as promoting small business and individualism while regulating big business adequately domestically and becoming good friends with Iran while halting their nuclear development and strongly supporting Israel would just be too much. U.S. leadership would probably inhale the gum and require a tracheotomy with whatever knife some passerby has in her pocket.

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