
If Homos Can Marry Shouldn't White Males Be Regarded as Black for Equal Affirmative Action?

Homosexual militants often compare their desire to expropriate heterosexual marriage for themselves to the racial problems of black Americans. That comparison is silly.  Black is not a behavior. Enslaving souls is behavior. Homosexuality is behavior, pregnancy is physical. One ought not set up separate legal status for behavior if possible, except as it is necessary to have criminal laws for bad behavior.

Including homosexuality in the traditional heterosexual paradigm for marriage is as wrong as including  straight white males in affirmative action for blacks.

Someone has to pay for the wealth of benefits homosexuals want to expropriate from heterosexuals-and that would be single individuals-especially youth whom already will be required to buy health insurance they don't generally need.

In my opinion citizens that practice homosexuality,  public nose-picking, race car driving or spelunking already are treated equally. If they want to heterosexually marry they are free to do so.

I stipulated in the original article that there are some with congenital sex identity issues. 

Nevertheless one doesn't want to get rid of criminal proceeding just because a few innocent people are convicted. The better course is to improve the applications of the legal process and change the social conditions that lead to crime.

Because some people are maladjusted sexually that does not mean that the most socially effective course would be to abolish traditional marriage integrity. Instead homosexuals or any others for reasons besides perverted lust might form a different institution somewhere within business law. 

That might be a partnership for individuals with whatever special conditions homosexuals think they need to be legally tangled up. Make no mistake, hermaphrodites are usually infertile and those with odd genetic combinations and sex paraphernalia leading them toward non-heterosexuality are not a social norm, although polar bears have had increasing incidents of hermaphroditism because of pervasive estrogen contamination in water due to industrial waste-products.

Because some people are born like old people as children with odd disease, or are dwarves and short as children, that is not a good argument for letting adults pay a child's bus fare so they have equality. The real differences amidst social classes given different rates are made with the idea that people are not equal in all things. 

America was not always a wicked nation forsaking its forefathers and mother's traditions. Though Americans today did not fight a civil war and mostly did not fight in the Second World War much less the revolutionary war they are quick to give away their inherited civil rights, border security and comparative advantages in an existential way rather than strengthen them.

 Homo partnerships with particular rights giving them some sort of advantage presumably over singles would be better than the godless, atheistic attack upon the millennial old traditions of marriage and less threaten to accelerate national moral and social decay. It is wrong to tempt priests to perform ceremonies of sacrilege such as homosexual marriage. Yet in an era of a hierarchical priesthood instead of a priesthood of believers far too many are oriented more toward secularism rather than doing things pleasing to God.

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