
Senate Works on Law Banning Workplace Discrimination Against Stupidity

For the first time in two decades the U.S. Senate has developed legislation extending workplace protection for the right to be stupid. Citing federal innovations at successfully implementing stupidity the U.S. Senate seeks to compel business with more than five employees to be equally stupid at budgeting, health care provisioning for the poor and unregulated behavior.

The Presidential advisory clave pointed out that the founders failed to fully enumerate the rights of protected behavior in the articles of confederation and the constitution. The right to pick one’s nose fully and satisfyingly in the workplace without harassment, the right to camp in any public or historical proven bivouac space and the right to workplace eccentric or homosexual behavior clearly were intended by the founders while egregious displays in public spaces of Christian symbolism were not.


 Protection for homosexual behavior in the workplace is high on the Senate and President's agendas. Senator Scofflogic said that queers have the right to be flirtatious with co-workers, wear lavender mascara and pink dress with inflatable boobs without discrimination.

When wages for soldiers in the volunteer military reached 24,000 dollars for a private in combat zones the military was opened to openly homo service in order to share the wealth. When cost-saving drafts are restored and wages cut drastically queers will not be a deferment problem for cannon fodder eligibility any more assuring equal rights to die, the Senator said pointed out. He concluded in, “In the meantime let the good times roll”.

Developing new laws to protect and regulate behavior is an important tool for control of political speech further closing down pernicious ‘rights’ to free speech being used in the Internet by too many Americans. The President has said that bloggers should be ignored. Considering blogging a workplace activity it will be helpful to censor antipathetic political free speech critical of homosexual behavior by banning that as workplace discrimination.

The Presidential advisory clave, with five stars of approval from the regulatory ratings board said that Obamacare had brought health insurance within reach of millions that did not need it or want it and omitted millions of the poor in the majority of states from expanded Medicaid health care coverage. This was cited as a race to the top for concentrating wealth and data mining and further, that the federal health care web site would confirm that when it was running correctly in a few months.

In the meanwhile the President has been advised to enforce the right of illegal aliens to become cheap legal working citizens to expand the unemployment rate to 12% immediately to deliver minimum wage ending 4$ an hour labor prevailing wages to business. This is the right to work policy applied existentially to all Mexicans seeking dual citizenship and votes for the Democrat Party.

In retaliation the far right is considering development of legislation to protect workplace bullying and tax cuts for the hard-pressed uber-rich.

Moderates are seeking to expand the bill of rights to seek fair and balanced law enforcement defending political opponents of special protections for special classes of citizens from economic deletion retaliation for using political free speech.

The left is seeking federal protection to prevent discrimination against workplace use of marijuana and XTC, illegal aliens without voter I.D. at polling places, drunk driving, raving news media. Ground breaking work to ban mention of national debt is also in the works by left and right major bipolar parties.

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