
Ecosphere, Economy and Politics Video

I am not  optimistic about the prospects of electing a quality President up to the job with good ideas in the next few elections-that just isn't necessary for Wall Street to collect rents, wealth to be concentrated or for Democrats to select quietist, uncreative majority leadership or Presidents without ecospheric economics, full employment and security education.

I made a video with images taken on the west side of the Mendenhall Glacier wherein I make some philosophical comments about ecosphere poltics and the problem of perceptions about the effect of housing on the environment. Alice Cooper's Elected video encapsulates the futility of the meaning of the vote for the helots these days.


President Obama's Counterproductive Development of Terrorist Army

At first glance President Obama's Middle East policy seems crazy. At second glance it could be his early childhood Sunni Muslim orientation growing up in Sunni Indonesian society. In Indonesia 88% are Muslim and 99% of Muslims are Sunni. A couple of days after Syria got rid of all its chemical weapons stockpile he asked Congress for a half billion dollars for weapons for the Sunni jihadist at war on the Syrian Government. The President subconsciously may see red at Shi'a and Alawite and doesn't mind building up a vast jihadist army in the Middle east without a nation of their own to topple Alawite-Shiist Assad if possible, intimidate Iran with quality terrorist insurgents, eye-down Jewish Israel and look southwest toward oil-fat Crotiun Saudi Arabian royals.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFVrBzuyhFA elected video by Alice Cooper

ISIS has of course taken much of Iraq already. ISIS is undermining the Iraq government and the President wasn't able to influence Prime Minister Malaki much over the years. Withdrawal from Iraq without security arrangements was followed by building up a jihadist fighting force. Al Qaeda has completely swelled in numbers as a consequence.

Civilian casualties for Syria and Iraq during the President's tenure have been huge and probable will increase. Muslims have a different view of Armageddon than Christians. The President may not be aware of the appearance to Christians of his Middle East policy.


Orion Spacecraft Scheduled for DRO Flight Around Moon in 2017

N.A.S.A.'s Orion spacecraft intended to take space travelers to Mars is scheduled for its first significant mission in 2017 in what is called a distant retrograde orbit. That is a budget orbit around the moon that doesn't require fuel expense to keep the orbit after the spacecraft arrives. L-3 and L-5 apparently do cost something according to an explanation in Aviation Week 7 Space Technology June 23, 2014.       Orion concept image credit-N.A.S.A.


As Buzz Aldrin suggested among others, construction of an Earth-Mars orbiter permanently making the voyage perhaps helped with ion engines could be a method for regular shuttle of astronauts to mars and back. Landers sent from Earth or the Moon on auto pilot could be sent to meet visitors to Mars down to the planet surface from the Earth-Mars shuttle.

It could be useful to design a number of low cost and effective Bernoulli sphere Earth-Mars taxi capsules with cosmic-ray protection for biological life given with water made from ice strewn around the solar system. Nearly ten feet of water are required to defend against cosmic ray damage. One hopes that N.A.S.A. has encouraged with some sort of incentive design competition to get ideas for Bernoulli sphere containers for solar system taxis.

Fed Court Decides Utah Homo Marriage Ban Illegal-Squares Circle

The U.S. 10th Court of Appeals green-lighted homosexual marriage in Utah overturning the state's constitutional ban. The court said that there is no logical reason why not. We appreciate the court's athority on rules of logic. One anticipates the court reasons that squares are circles too, and a2 + a2 = c2.



Time for Washington Redkins to Drop the 'Red'

The Washington Redskins is a potent political symbol of Red State decline of fortune. After the Clinton and Obama administrations the D.C. football team has become a symbol of transition to anachronism failing to change to Obama blue. Blue states have the political power and red states fossil fuel panache.

One would hope that Redskins ownership would change to apostrophe Skins perhaps with a shirtless Mr. Universe or a Green Hulk on the helmet instead of the noble native American warrior.Washington Redskins logo

Linux Mint 17 Qiana Released

The newest version of Linux Mint-an open source operating system fairly easy to install that may be dual booted with Windows was published. It is named Qiana.  Mint version 17 will be maintained two or three years evidently. One can install it from a thumb drive. Learning how to make a bootable thumb drive can take a little time-Ubuntu has a hyperlink for making a bootable thumb drive.


If one has a bootable thumb drive and installed uneboot or easybcd its necessary to shrink the volume of drive c where windows is kept maybe 30 or 40% in order to free up room for Mint to install itself.When Mint is booted up from the thumb drive or cd it will offer the option to dual boot with windows and save the existing files in windows-that's a good choice. You can access those files from within Mint.


Capitalism as Quality vs Quantity Growth for Ecospheric Commerce

Saving the planet from the irrational exuberance of quantitative capital growth that depletes the fund of natural capital is challenging in this anthropocene era were the profound of me-ness in material power has made an atheist god of capitalism. Inflexibility and non-adaptability were thought to be the characteristics of government instead of capitalism generally, yet in the corporatist era of networking and mass broadcast media networking a pervasive ossification has ensued resistant to progress. Here is what can be done to rectify the political economy.

Government direction of economic development toward qualitative rather than quantitative growth is requisite for change. There are existing facts that can't be changed of course. America isn't a leader on environmental economics and the second and third world will want to increase their production of greenhouse gases and extermination of ecospheric habitat in order to upgrade their consumer comfort to something like that of the United States of America.

The U.S.A. can't cut back its carbon emission much-even a 25%  would be shocking and virtually communist to some pundits. Instead the United States outsources its material production to China and blames the Chinese for being the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter. When the American Midwest becomes a desert and the Mississippi River dries up, when Americans try to crowd in to Alaska the argument about reduction of greenhouse gases will be late.

The United States could act a priori and begin a vast desalinization of seawater for irrigation purposes border control canal project if it had the intellectual wherewithal to work macro-physical construction projects of scale any more. Instead it will seek after regulatory, bureaucrat solutions or alternatively through science laboratory packages Those likely policy approaches aren't likely to  work though some believe evolutionary capitalism will get to the right place eventually as needed. End of the

Capitalism doesn't need to be like an airliner taking off along a runway, inflexible and unable to alter direction of lift-off. If terrorists armed with stinger missiles taken from the Iraqi Army are at the end of the runway capitalism can invent in overdrive and qualitatively improve for example taking off straight up with electro-magnetic lift and choosing any direction to be electro-magnetically accelerated in by a charge particle beam until airspeed is sufficient for its jets to carry on. Qualitative change parameters selected for the survival of human life on Earth in addition to full employment well-being of Americans should be national priorities.

Like a draft animal-a stubborn Missouri Mule for instance, capitalism if it is to do more than browse the grass and work sexing like turbo-donkeys as ineffectively as homosexual marriages producing nothing needs to be put to work pulling more than its own weight in qualitatively improving wagons. Capitalism and free enterprise should serve democracy and be given guidelines and parameters for progress to reduce the depletion of natural environmental capital. Actually destruction of the ecosphere is a dumb trade since the creation and context of the environment is far more valuable and intricately complex than the comparatively simple, stupid materials manufacture of human technologists. Be like little gods as they might regard themselves politically seem incapable of successfully responding to the challenges set through demography, capitalism, natural resource limits and the bite of corporatism into democratic self-determination.

As a citizen of a democracy that is ineffective at selecting Presidential and general political leadership it is frustrating to experience the juggernaut of environmental doom unhindered in its development. Additionally the are too many people out of work, national debt is increasing and the flood of illegal aliens is likely to increase. Quantitative growth encouraged by government intention should provide some object criteria for free enterprisers to work within.


On Barth's Post-Calvinist Paradigm of Election & Predestination

In several respects Karl Barth reformed the theology of the reformed church. Issues that persist todays for Christians on the topic of predestination of the elect remain conversational objects especially in the dialogue between believers and the faithless. Usually people draw upon Augustine and Calvin for theological insights into scripture. Karl Barth wrote a new and even upgraded interpretation of the subject of election however, that seems eminently logical and with some support in scripture.

In short-all humans comprise the elect when they are saved. The reason for that is that just one man-Jesus Christ who is God, actually is the elect. God approved/elected Himself. Fairly though, God also rejected Himself in the crucifixion of the Son. Jesus Christ as man bore the physical body housing original sin in the fallen, temporal Universe. Since he was God though he was without spiritual sin and able to overcome the original sin's withering effects on morality. Christians become the elect through faith in the Son. An Introduction to Barth's Theology by Geoffrey Bromley is a succinct accounting of Barth's innovative and realistic insight

I would add the observation that spiritual coherence in the will of God once broken-as Adam and Eve perpetrated in the Garden-cannot easily be fixed. God as God is recognizable only to himself yet as the man Jesus Christ became subject-for-others. Even so God and the Holy Spirit are One with the Lord. Human free will arose with disobedience to God somewhat like symmetry breaking of a perfect unified field without imbalance in an original singularity created rapid expansion and hyperinflation hypothetically of a basic Universe within one physical cosmology theoretical paradigm. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as God can restore the lost, free willed sinners of the realm of broken forms, temporal entropy and original sin to perfection in the will of God.

A Chamber of Eco-Commerce Might Provide Leadership

An Ecosphere friendly chamber of commerce would be a useful tool to pragmatically support development of business and employment that reinforces ecospheric integrity such as is possible. Few politicians or business people have a good notion of what ecological economics are. Entire fields of study have been devoted to it in colleges however. The application of new business to society requires analysis of its political prospects in adverse non-supportive political social environments. A Russian-American or Russian-Alaska Ecosphere of Commerce could help bridge the gap created by the failures of Washington D.C. to move forward with Russia toward a green conservative full employment

Gov. Sean Parnell on the job
There are numerous reasons for the failures of U..S. leadership that I won't digress upon. Alaska of course is subject to political control by oil corporations that support the state government. Imperialism was the traditional way of commerce for the British Empire-a little island with big economic ambitions-and Bill Clinton supported that on Wall Street during his Presidency. Global imperialism through business may be good for Britain yet it's bad for the U.S.A.  Developing easy breezy foreign interests neglects one's national interests-that brought down the Roman Empire and it can bring down the U.S.A. Britain needed imperialism yet the United States always had plenty of resources to support its own development needs. If America can't make it on its own no one else probably can either. The people of the world have too big of economic appetites with natural resources sufficient to support the habit.

Some may say that imperialism isn't the issue. The problem is just that government and business exist in a networking, bureaucrat and finance heavy drug using immoral social environment where government can't really do anything besides occupy the big chairs in the big jobs and plan for retirement with lots of foreign vacations. That may be so. N.P.R. was worried about the Norfolk naval bases flooding in a century from sea level rise. Poor navy-they will need to get boats to save the admiral's homes from drowning.

The U.S. navy could become something of a bureaucracy itself with no surface battles for a century. A zillion micro-drone fast attack force delivery packages could track and sink any significant surface vessel in a decade or less. Maybe the Navy should plan for something else in ruling the waves for bureaucrats and Wall Street. Assuredly people need to be able to get about on the ocean yet new military paradigms could develop that don't comprise copious imperial spending and anachronistic security criteria.

Alaska's Governor has supported minor cross-border exchanges with Russia. It would be good if an Ecosphere of Commerce  were to arise with government and business supported perhaps coordinated by Amory Lovins and other seriously green individuals. The Anthropocene Era of mass extinction perhaps including human life is upon us. One should never misunderestimate the ineffectiveness of government and its inability to created or allow political reform in the era of bureaucratic-financial networking glamor inertia.


Obama Administration on Point With Queer Marriage and Chaos in Middle East

The election in Afghanistan appears troubled with one of two candidates in the Presidential runoff declaring fraud. The Taliban seems the winner with strength in Pakistan and five reinforcing leaders released by President Obama from Guantanamo Bay incarceration. Across the Middle East and S.W. Asia Obama administration policy to subvert lawful governments and replace them with more democratic ones consistent with U.S. values (see Alice Cooper video 'Elected') has brought regime change and development of terrorist rebel infrastructure with a little temporal, tranformational success at bringing one democratic election before hostile takeover by fundamentalists or military junta. Of course we wonder what the long term results of the short-sighted administration policies will be on the formation of Middle East politics.

U.S. leadership could be said to have been somewhat idiotic since the end of the Reagan era in January 1989. The nation has been involved in a series of wars with second and third rate powers unaccompanied by rational political oversight. Vast national debt has built up, the media has grown corrupt and is a propaganda sluzhba influencing political liberty. Church dogmatics have been corrupted and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) following President Obama's homosexual organizing has brought profane policy in accepting homosexual marriage as church doctrine.

Presbyterianism that fails at the elder ideal of leadership in church dogmatics centered on the word of God in scripture such as Karl Barth described in Church Dogmatics departs from the word and drifts into alliance with the profane. Like juvenile delinquents pursuing a naturalistic liberal theology suggesting they love the one they are with for the moment, elder juvenile church leaders seek after a feel good worldliness instead of the freedom of God revealing himself as God in the Lord Jesus Christ. True freedom in obedience to the word is reinforced by accurate dogmatics interpreting or shepherding church doctrines to conformity with scripture and the living Word. I suggest those lost souls of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) read Geoffrey W. Bromley's Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. Barth was a dissident to Nazi rule and takeover through intimidation of the German protestant church. When church and state are unified it leaves plenty of room for corruption of the church and of church doctrine by the state.

Homosexual marriage politically expropriates an institution developed by countless political decisions for heterosexuals. It is like a communist expropriation of Wall Street to redistribute wealth to those that did not build it. I say this in the abstract in reference to Wall Street of course because networking of financial wealth expropriating capitalism for the few is itself something of a fraud perpetrated upon the masses. Honest homosexual politicians would have built up benefits for homosexual establishments for-themselves such as the public and legislatures were willing to concede. Instead federal judges and a politically butch President simply stole marriage, corrupting and redistributing it to homosexuals. Queering in turn is of benefit to a plutocracy consolidating wealth through their disestablishment of countless social establishments developed created in the absence of a semblance of queer marriage. In any raving social circumstance with chaos and corruption the primary beneficiaries are the rich and the basic victims are the masses. As resistance in the social body politic is killed the power of the wealth increases as juggernauts in the darkness.

Short term political goals of creating democracies in the middle east following regime change have been a staple of President Obama's policy and like the administration of George W. Bush that believed with rose-colored glasses that following a quick regime change democracy would break out conflict rising to the scale of war developed instead.

Past Presidential maladministration has consequences. The media is largely a collage of embedded boofiness supporting the concentration of wealth, the Chinese Communist Party as the remaining idealistic vast socialist left-wing conspiracy remaining on Y'Earth (there are more left-handed people in the journalist trade than in any other), they partner and propagandize for the plutocracy and communists in true boofiness. The interests of the United States decay as the ideal world of irresponsibility is developed by the administration. A clever, intelligent President can like a good chess player win a lot of games while a klutz without much skill loses-it's as simple as that. America elects klutz's charismatic to youth, the electorate or something. The Republicans are mostly tone-deaf and don't get populism (see Alice Cooper video 'Elected'). In any case a candidate not only needs to get elected he needs to be competent in several areas of political skills with leading ideas to work if the nation is to end up without another in the long line of turkey Presidents.

 ISIS's incursions into Iraqi territory after a long build up with American military equipment and funding from the 'friends of Syria' in order to war on the lawful and stable Syrian government has already created a vast humanitarian crisis in Iraq with more than half a million displaced and stressed civilians along with innumerable civil and military casualties. The Obama administration has called for Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to step down as they called for three years for Syrian President Assad to step down for not being Sunni perhaps yet proximally for not leading a democracy acceptable to ideal U.S. Democrat Party standards with all of the homosexual benefits that includes. More than 120,000 people-mostly civilians-have been killed in Syria. U.S. Presidential leadership should have more than posturing as a requirement for domestic consumption it ought to have realpolitk competence as well if it is to accomplish more than insinuate chaos and civil conflict abroad.

One might speculate that the advantage of vast military power without a conventional and approximately equal potential foe since the end of the cold war in January 1989 at the end of the Reagan administration tempted subsequent U.S. Presidents to use their military buildup without judicious restraint or commensurate, requisite political wisdom. Military force used in a correct way is comparable to a surgical instrument or a chess sacrifice of Mikhail Tal used to secure political goals that realistically work. As in syllogistic reasoning the means must equal the ends, the premises add up to the conclusion if military intervention and/or regime changing through subterfuge, subversion and large-power intervention are employed. Otherwise one brings about policy failure and one heck of a mess as seems to be developing presently in Iraq. Of course Democrat Party and media sycophants would regard that as evolution in action and another story to report on replete with pathos and potential for progress and right-wingers to blame.

Iran has been regarded as a traditional enemy of the U.S.A. since they declared the embassy a nest of spies and captured it during their dangerous revolt against the Shah. Iran released the hostages eventually. Perhaps the United States built up Saddam Hussein's Iraq then and fomented the Iran-Iraq war as a low cost spooky method of exacting revenge-that's hard to confirm, yet the Middle East has been a problem for American policy planners for a long time. It will be difficult to build up good relations in the region as it does seem entirely fluid and destabilized without a foreseeable outcome the next few years.

 One might speculate about potential scenarios of course. ISIS could establish a nation carving out some of Iraq and Syria. Iraq could become a Shia state affiliated with Iran as Syria would be an Alawi state affiliated with Iran. The Saudi regime could be changed and become a Muslim fundamentalist state with terrorism funded by formerly Saudi oil sales to America and China. In the midst of all that mess Israel would stand as God's little nation on the Earth somewhat like Jesus Christ persecuted and oppressed by the establishment surrounding it and harassed by the global media. Well enough of that sort of scenario generating presently.

 Of actual Obama administration opportunities to direct middle east political development cutting off funding to everyone besides Israel and Egypt would be the most affordable and pragmatic option short of intelligent military intervention and taking charge in Iraq that would require a different sort of military leader with good economic sense as well-not Obama admin characteristics at all. The administration is probably busy planning for the loss of Afghanistan to the Taliban before it leaves office in January 2017. It seems to have already accomplished losing Iraq.




P.M. Maliki Under Fire By Anglo-American Gov Op

The crisis for Iraq of the war of ISIS has been meet by U.S. and British advice that Prime Minister Malaki quit. During a crisis the first thing friends suggest is that the leadership resigns. Regime change must be a good policy since President Obama has pursued that across the Middle East. Voters in the U.S.A. need to wait until November 2016.


After the crisis is over and ISIS rolled up (if that should occur) might be a better time to change leadership. Like all bureaucrats and even American politicians that never fade away gracefully any more Iraq's P.M. has held on. They may need a war leader and someone able to build national unity. It is improbable that President Obama's advisers will offer practical advice on how to stop the violence realistically.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Assembly Votes Homosexual Sin’s O.K

It is a characteristic of history that falsehoods of language and empirical use-truths generate in time what Confucius called a rectification of names. Like skyscrapers built with numerous elements missing because of the lies of contractors that pocketed the materials cost instead of buying building components, social falsehoods given sufficient quantity create weaknesses leading to collapse. False syllogistic structures and wrong church doctrine don’t cohere within truth. The Presbyterian Church ( U.S.A.) leadership assembly overseeing 1.76 million members voted for the politically convenient lie of homosexual marriage.

One of the remarkable elements of the Gospel according to John is the brilliant exposition of theology. The Apostle John was a fairly simple man with an energetic temperament who lived to old age probably in Ephesus where he was able to put together writing about the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is said by Biblical scholars that the Apostle wrote in simple Greek such as learned by one who isn’t a native writer. Greek allows long, complex sentence structures yet those of John are short and to the point using Hebraisms and ideas that are complex. That is the theology of the incarnation of the Universe from the Word whom had pre-existed the temporal Universe is set forth. It isn’t like other ancient philosophical writing though some have noted quite reasonably attributes of mysticism and logic it may share with Platonism and hence some neo-Platonist/Gnostic ways of regarding the world that might best be represented in the 2nd  neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus. John creates a brilliant theological paradigm for cosmology inspired and led by Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God that is very solid.

Biblical writings don’t really change. Subjective interpretation of the Bible and the New Testament may change over time and it has especially since the Protestant reformation. Sin that was said to be sin by the Apostle Paul and known to be sin by traditional Jewish law remain such. When the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Assembly decided that homosexual marriage is o.k. they voted in point of fact that select sin is o.k. if it is politically popular. They would have been on the side of the Sodomites and against Lot and his family when the angel visted to bring judgment. That is a wrong choice for church leadership to take.

Christianity in its organizational forms that are denominations and assemblies called churches are in the actual Christian Church of all believers only so long as they share the faith in the Lord and live or seek to live in harmony with the word of God as set forth in Bible scripture. There isn’t the slightest reason for doubt on the basis of Old or New Testament that homosexuality is sin. Christians though forgiven for their sin are supposed to seek to not sin, and further, they should not want to sin. Homosexual marriage is blasphemous sin in effect and a corrupt union the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) should denounce rather than encourage.

In the 19th century the Presbyterian Church was a leading evangelical organization. By the mid-20th century it had fallen into decline as had many other high churches. Today they have a tiny percent of Christian Church goers and that makes them vulnerable to takeover by persons without Christian values though of course the denomination can still have the shingle on the door, the prestige and the rump infrastructure and positions, even sinecures funded well enough by old money, leftists and homosexual political elites. Make no mistake however, the homosexual expropriation of some American church denominations is an expansion of the realm of Satan. One can only pray that the reprobate direction of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is corrected in some way by a renewal of faith.

The Apostle John and the other first century Christians would never have signed off on any sort of homosexual marriage as acceptable Christian behavior. In the 21st century it remains wrong. For a church denomination to support homosexual marriage is to leave off the Bible and prefer politics and worldliness. It is as if authorities on the U.S. Constitution said that cannibalism, fascism and state socialism are consistent with the principles of the founders. Instead of lying about it honest people sinners would at least just write a new constitution with that sort of thing in it. The Presbyterian Church instead of lying about the Bible such that they find any sort of acceptance of homosexual marriage support in it ought to just say they think world politics and power are more important to them than the word of God and ready themselves too an explanation at the day of judgment with some sort of plausible excuse.

Presbyters meant elders in Greek used in the day of the early church. Initially it referred to the disciples and Apostles and their place in the church. Then the term declined a little and referred. Presbyter-elders were like Bishops as the church developed. Later presbyters and deacons became less important. During the reformation a protestant church denomination named Presbyterian developed in Scotland. One wonders if the contemporary United Kingdom support for homosexual marriage is a cause for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) decent into accepting the sin of homosexual marriage in the very gay empowering Obama administration.

Perpetrating the frauds of false advertising used to be meaningful in U.S. law. When the U.S. Government and global corporations have evolved ideological corporatism that fails to develop national democracy, secure borders, reign in the concentration of wealth and power through stock sharing, trading and banking networking oligarchies the practice of pejorative use-truth has legitimized fraud as subjective establishment political realism. Christians should beware of false Christian church fronts in the era of mass social propagandizing and keep that King James New Testament in hand. It is far more reliable than the opinion of Presbyters of San Francisco and Wall Street.


Bureaucratic Decay (a poem)

Structural bureaucracy
harmony of lyrical progression
biomass ideas
clocked the work

Population ages, numbers, locations
bits of data and particles of being
dots of energy crowding out reason's last word
massified and gentrified parties of ego

Elected unto never when lightening bolts end
flowing like shadows in rivers flowing through quiet pools
of business networks as time-in-itself

ISIS an Aspiring Islamic State (of Iraq and the Levant) Nears Baghdad

The history of ISIS is interesting reading. The term is an acronym for Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham. The term al Sham refers to Syria. The rebel military terror is trying to take Baqubah-a city they have claimed as the capitol of ISIS.

They were the most powerful rebel group in Syria before the other rebels reduced their turf.  They have been active in Iraq since 2006. ISIS just stole 425 million dollars from a Mosul bank. They are well financed for military neccessaries for the present.


An Haaretz editorial opinion notes that the communists took the rest of Vietnam in just a few days after America left. The dangers of free Iraq falling to Sunni terrorists is apparent though perhaps will be avoided through a number of developments.



One wonders if the release of five high ranking Taliban from Gitmo was a green flag for the most recent operation in Iraq? The politics are rather convoluted for most Americans I would think. The appearance of weakness can draw the beast to attack sometimes.

Iraq's Shia political leadership has said that the Sunni are attempting genocide. I would say that democide is a more accurate term-they are seeking to terminate Shia and western ways rather than fellow Arabs. I would think that even Persian ancestry Sunni wouldn't be massacred under ISIS adult supervision. The Obama administration has sought to secure Sunni, perhaps Saudi help in reigning in the ISIS boys from their over-the-top massacring and marauding in the region. Evidently they have even killed a few in Turkey.


ISIS fighters have arrived at the edge of Baghdad. Rather than air power the Iraqi government could probably use a little U.S. expeditionary force help that is simply dangerous-for-others and gets in the way when appropriate. The Obama administration is probably the wrong team for quick military surgical interventions.


The United States shouldn't be clueless in international events and act just with large conventional forces in a sort of manic-depressive deployment criterion. A little moderate military prophylaxis can go a long way toward stabilizing civil disorder.


Territorial control of the ISIS.svg
"Territorial control of the ISIS" by NordNordWest, Spesh531 - This is the most recent source of a map, Some info in Aleppo and Ar-Raqqah Governorate (Jan 19, 2014) Map of Syrian controlled areasInformation on claimed areas.]

Derived from:
File:Saudi Arabia location map.svg
File:Jordan location map.svg
File:Syria location map.svg

File:Iraq location map.svg. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.


Video Essay on Biblical Criticism and Infinities

I read an read an essay on Biblical criticism and another on the topic of infinities. The division of the energy field of the Universe-possible a Higgs field initially may be a logical consequence shaping through quantum apportionment equally more or less as things pull apart and recover. An original imbalance may have shattered the field minimal singularity yet subsequently quantum balance generated the basic balance of power with a direction of time being the factor of recovery. Naturally I see a simile to the history of mankind after the fall from grace in the garden though that isn't mentioned in either essay.

On the several different methods of Biblical criticism I haven't said much; form criticism, narrative interpretations etc. I tend to regard all of these academic styles and well intentioned efforts to learn more about the inspired word of God that is the Bible and the gospel of the Lord. It is reasonable to consider human theories as phenomenal events and beliefs in a phenomenal energy field localized within a brain. The Universe as an energy manifestation is a live phenomenon in-itself and the medium in which the Lord has worked his art of creation evolving mass and energy through changes physically somewhat deterministic.


Former Brit P.M. Blair Says Isis Front in Iraq Results From Failure to Attack Syria

Former British P.M. Tony Blair has considered the ISIS front in Iraq and decided that it is a consequence of the West's failure to invade Syria rather than the coalition of the willing's 2003 invasion of Iraq. He is probably wrong on both assumptions. The west's arming of the terrorists attacking Al Qaeda stuffed Al Qaeda's weapons and organizational stocking enabling them to attack Iraq after the invasion of Syria wasn't going too well. That probably would have occurred even if they were successful in ousting the lawful government of Syria.


If Saddam Hussein had not been taken out it is challenging to sat what would have occurred in the region. As it is he lost his head in the hanging and Saudi Arabian monarchy remains secure for the time being while the 'populist' terrorists receive financing from the 'friends of Syria'. The fundamentalist jihadis might like to roll the head of the Saudi aristocracy if they got a chance. It is probable that even if the Sunni co-religionists of the radical revolutionary jihad branch were to capture Syria somehow and purge that society of Shia and Alawite they would yearn to depose the Saudi 1% with prejudice.

Obama administration reinforcement of the multi-billion dollar Iraqi embassy with a military deployment has fewer than 100 troops. One hopes a Benghazi situation doesn't arise again as the administration misunderestimates all over again the nature of the action in preference for partisan posturing for domestic political purposes. 


Iran has offered to work with U.S. military advisers in the effort to stabilize Iraq-that is perhaps the best opportunity for reducing the tensions between the two nations that has arisen in a while. The U.S. ought to send 30 or 40 officers to work with the Revolutionary Guard of Iran in Iraq and see what they can come up with to stop the massacre of Iraqi soldiers and stop loss of civilian life in that area resulting from inadequate planning of intervention and post-intervention continua without adaptability to currents of contemporary history.


U.S. Presidential Selection Quality Died With Clinton in 1992

The U.S. democracy has failed to elect good Presidents since Bill Clinton. It is probably that it isn't capable of electing quality leaders to the highest political office in the media-corporatist-globalist era political party environment. Even at the primary level a bevy of bad politicians step forward without competence in more than one or two of several critical areas of qualification meeting the challenges facing the nation.

Theoretically one could find a candidate able to do the job of President of the United States well. Each major political party could hire professional executive search firms to find a 1000 potentially qualified competent people and with review the Party could field a dozen good candidates apiece for the voters to sort through. As it is the locally swell politicians best suited for glad handing, obligation making and fund raising who enuciates platitudes and partisan rhetoric best eventually gets the nod. Voters face a choice like that familiar to television viewers where there are a hundred stations with nothing on.


The nation has pressing issues that a few intelligent think tanks might determine though some intellectually inclined citizens are well aware of what they are. The global environment is in decay, the nation is flooded by illegal aliens in an over-populated world, jobs and wealth are being outsourced, economics and capitalism need reform to fit in the resource limited world, democracy needs to be rescued from concentrated wealth and power etc. Just the one field of environmental economics is beyond the competence of all candidates for the Presidential office that have ever run except Ralph Nadir, then the problem of philosophically understanding history, economics and society well enough to make accurate political leadership changes arise. A politician must be able not only to comprehend what changes need to be done he or she also must be able to get those changes through Congress.

Obviously there is no way either major political party will change their way of doing business, of cutting taxes on the rich, of reinforcing the concentration of wealth through incestuous networking of business ownership by the 1% or of sharing the propaganda whirlpool bath of broadcast media propaganda institutionally. Americans will find the bad choices and be told to like it with a zillion polls indicating their acquiescence or not for the government. Americans can always take out the flag to wave and know everything is right as their power to intelligently elect good Presidents is lost.

Isn't Marshawn Lynch Worth $20 Million a Year to Seahawks?

Marshawn Lynch-the best running back in the N.F.L. beside Adrian Peterson was an essential component for the Seahawk's victory in the Superbowl this year. If he were to play for Denver the Broncos would have won. The Broncos didn't have a strong ground game to complement arguably best passing quarterback in NFL history and lost. Seattle is unlikely to repeat without Lynch. The St. Louis Rams with Kurt Warner-a dynamite quarterback-could have won without Marshall Falk even so.

Lynch is in the most head-banging, concussion driving role in the game. His future medical bills to rehabilitate his brain may cost more than 5 million dollars-the amount he is supposed to get presently for the few good years he has left before age and younger, tough tacklers without so much millage drag him down like lions taking a gazelle to lunch.

One hopes the Seahawks do the decent thing and trade him to Denver where he might get the money he deserves. In Superbowl 50 the best passer and second-best runner ought to put on a good show.adrian



Telsa Auto' CEO Musk Makes It's Tech Patents Open Source

Elon Musk's decision to change the way a major corporation does business placing its electric-car patents in something like the public domain is a significant step in the effort to reduce global warming from fossil fuel  burning. One would like to see electric vehicles or low to zero emission personal transport vehicles replace the fossil fuel collection. 


There are only 100 pairs of breeding spoon billed sandpipers remaining. Wildlife and the ecosphere are really taking a beating from the high-entropy production technology evolved since the Flintstones. If there were more leadership to better economics maybe the paradigm for overuse disasters could be decreased.

http://www.amazon.com/Temporal-Currents-Garrison-Clifford-Gibson-ebook/dp/B00KSC1SKG free novel download

The Flood and Daniel 7: 9-15

Biblical criticism advanced several methods for filtering the veracity of the Bible since the 18th century. Most of the critical devices turned out to be logically incomplete. Even so one may reasonably consider the Genesis story of the flood in several interpretive paradigms when one adds what is known of history to the mix. Before Columbus discovered the New World most people did not think of the world as being round. Kopernik/Copernicus developed a heliocentric theory published in 1543.  Copernicus started looking in 1504 for sun-centred mechanics in 1504. After Magellan expedition sailed around the world 1519-1522 the heliocentric theory was doomed to acceptance even among scientists.

It is quite possible that people of 2000 B.C. did not think of the world as referring to a round Earth either. People capturing the gist of the story in 3rd millennium B.C. Sumer perhaps didn’t use geographic concepts that wouldn’t make much sense to people for another 3 or 4 thousand years. Hence the history of the flood story may refer to a local event in Mesopotamia. That seems consistent with other facts related in the narrative.  Some anti-Christians tend to read today’s meaning of the word ‘world’ into Genesis and dismiss the timing due to evolution theory paradigmata. Without considering the meaning of the terms of Genesis much people may leap to wrong conclusions and be satisfied with their subjective epistemology; bad choice.

Considering that Abraham of Sumer brought the flood story with him in moving to Zion circa 2000 B.C., and that his knowledge of the story of the flood was the same story from the same place as related in the Tale of Gilgamesh, according to modern skeptical criticism it is probably true. Geography and the history of sea level rise and global warming at the end of the Wisconsin Glacial era support the concept that a proto-civilization also known as the whole world to the people of the region actually was subsumed by a catastrophic flood. Noah's home town might have existed under today's Persian Gulf anytime since the ending of the Wisconsin Ice age perhaps 25,000 years ago.

Noah of course survived the flood being prepared with a vessel able to ride out the storm surge and flood. Maybe the proto-civilization was below sea level and protected by a dirt barrier that was overcome suddenly. That happened in the history of the Black Sea very long ago too. The Bible relates that Noah’s sons went out to found peoples-and they didn’t do that alone. Genesis seems to indicate that local women were already living in Egypt, Cush etc. That makes sense. A local flood wiped out the first civilization and the sons of Noah journeyed to start new civilizations. They had the advantage of knowledge.

Some very conservative literalists will demure with the theory above saying that the entire book of Genesis originates with Moses through revelation. That is partly true. Moses as a son of Israel perhaps learned Jewish history from those that went with the Jews into Egyptian captivity. The captive Jews learned that from Abraham’s line. Moses as a prince of Egypt new hieroglyphics and learned the Jewish language of the day-Hebrew. In the 40 years wandering in the desert Moses was able to synthesize/invent the first phonetic alphabet-the aleph beth, and the Ten Commandments appeared carved in stone-so much better than on just paper or a digital medium for durability. All of the aforementioned was divinely inspired. Some can quibble about how much and what form the divine guidance affected the construction of the history of the chosen people. I should mention that this theory is only one way of interpreting the content of Genesis-others exist. Neither is it necessary that there is only one right interpretation for the meaning of Genesis and the Flood story. Maybe it can be said that divine guidance is the necessary criterion.

This was written by the Prophet Daniel about 550 B.C.

Daniel 7:
“9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.
11 I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.
12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.
13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

Christians believe the above refers to God the Father and Jesus Christ. There is a teleology (purpose and divine plan) for the people of the world leading to heaven or hell. One may be saved from the latter with faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. It is an important choice to make.


Recent U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy Failures

A new and improved version of the prior post with enhanced commentary on the present increase of strife in Iraq. The United States should consider an intervention to reduce violence. Ground combat advisers would be helpful to reinforce the Iraq Army. It is not certain that the President would invoke the 90 day war powers license to send U.S. military forces directly or to engage high-level diplomacy for creating U.S. military concerns in Iraq within a fortnight yet he should if he is capable of limiting the scale of troop deployment.

One can suggest correct a priori remedies for emergent social problems including those of environmental degradation and know for sure the U.S. Government and political structure will ignore them. Social inertia and bureaucratic structures support the continuity of bad public policy with liberal application of financial band aids. One gets a vast dysfunction machine that is costly and inefficient as a result. Here are some current issues.

 The porous Mexican-American border flooded with illegal aliens. In the future as world population increases beyond 10 billion and moves toward 12 billion and up the number of illegal immigrants is likely to increase especially if global warming, desertification and financial crisis, wars and other ecospheric or political issues send floods to enter the U.S.A. No fence or deployment of Marines would be good remedies for a number of social, political and environmental reasons. In the long run the construction of an ecosphere water desalinization-irrigation production canal and defense line across the Southwest is the best political acceptable way to create a reasonable yet impassable border barrier. I have written about that elsewhere. The government however will prefer to use ecologically unconstructive, inefficient means of stemming the human tide if it reacts at all besides Hollywood and media propaganda support for indifference. Green projects help society in numerous ways where political solutions fail. They can catalyze international remedies that help the poor rather than exploit them.

 Another issue is the failures of Obamacare and V.A. service to veterans and the poor. For years I suggested that the V.A. system be expanded and integrated with public health clinics around the nations for the poor and homeless. Instead the expensive and inefficient Obamacare build-up of corporate medicine advanced while the V.A. was left to rot and half of the states didn’t cover the poor in Obamacare. I have written about that elsewhere. Recently the Obama administration appointed a fellow named Gibson to run the V.A. He had been head of clinics for the poor in Cleveland-another band aid.

The rise of Al Qaeda’s ISIS soldiery to capture Mosul and Tikrit and announce a march to capture Baghdad is a result of the administration’s failures to comprehend the nature of Middle East politics and society. Building up Al Qaeda terrorists to attack the Syrian Government has back-blasted into Iraq. Obama administration preferences to degrade the Shia and Alawi have emboldened the Sunni in what is traditional sectarian conflict. Al Qaeda as a result is probably stronger than before 9-11. In the future they can infiltrate over the border with leadership from Taliban released from Gitmo-who knows?

A little military intervention can be worth a pound of cure. The trouble with the Obama administration is the lack of military judgment about appropriate force levels in the Goldilocks Criterion. Three bears have taken the lunch Goldilocks slaved over for Iraq after removing the evil dictator Saddam Hussein. What sort of force interdiction should Goldilocks commission to recover Iraq for Democracy-that is the Shia-Kurd alliance with careful cooperation from difficult to trust non-Kurdish Sunni to friendly with Wahhabism’s extreme elements?

As a military non expert like many civilians I suggest only Army special forces and Air Force personnel be permitted to use a base or two in Iraq after a quick long-term leasing agreement from the Iraqi Government so we can send a couple brigades of special forces-BlackOp Bop leadership to coordinate resistance and free the oppressed from the rising Caliphate of evil royalty.

It actually matters when administration failure to take specific action at the correct time reverses whatever good a prior administration accomplished. Numerous individuals perish with the non-benign neglect on critical matters. Plainly Senator McCain reinforced the President's wrong decision to build up the anti-government insurrection in Syria, and now the moderate use of governing force is required to stabilize a degrading situation in Iraq before the situation gets worse. There are intelligence and trust issues amid the uneasy sectarian alliance of democracy in Iraq that benefit from impartial support by the U.S. defense establishment.

Aspects of U.S. Domestic and Foreign Policy Failure

One can suggest correct a priori remedies for emergent social problems including those of environmental degradation and know for sure the U.S. Government and political structure will ignore them. Social inertia and bureaucratic structures support the continuity of bad public policy with liberal application of financial band aids. One gets a vast dysfunction machine that is costly and inefficient as a result. Here are some current issues.

 The porous Mexican-American border flooded with illegal aliens. In the future as world population increases beyond 10 billion and moves toward 12 billion and up the number of illegal immigrants is likely to increase especially if global warming, desertification and financial crisis, wars and other ecospheric or political issues send floods to enter the U.S.A. No fence or deployment of Marines would be good remedies for a number of social, political and environmental reasons. In the long run the construction of an ecosphere water desalinization-irrigation production canal and defense line across the Southwest is the best political acceptable way to create a reasonable yet impassable border barrier. I have written about that elsewhere. The government however will prefer to use ecologically unconstructive, inefficient means of stemming the human tide if it reacts at all besides Hollywood and media propaganda support for indifference. Green projects help society in numerous ways where political solutions fail. They can catalyze international remedies that help the poor rather than exploit them.

 Another issue is the failures of Obamacare and V.A. service to veterans and the poor. For years I suggested that the V.A. system be expanded and integrated with public health clinics around the nations for the poor and homeless. Instead the expensive and inefficient Obamacare build-up of corporate medicine advanced while the V.A. was left to rot and half of the states didn’t cover the poor in Obamacare. I have written about that elsewhere. Recently the Obama administration appointed a fellow named Gibson to run the V.A. He had been head of clinics for the poor in Cleveland-another band aid.

The rise of Al Qaeda’s ISIS soldiery to capture Mosul and Tikrit and announce a march to capture Baghdad is a result of the administration’s failures to comprehend the nature of Middle East politics and society. Building up Al Qaeda terrorists to attack the Syrian Government has back-blasted into Iraq. Obama administration preferences to degrade the Shia and Alawi have emboldened the Sunni in what is traditional sectarian conflict. Al Qaeda as a result is probably stronger than before 9-11. In the future they can infiltrate over the border with leadership from Taliban released from Gitmo-who knows?

A little military intervention can be worth a pound of cure. The trouble with the Obama administration is the lack of military judgment about appropriate force levels in the Goldilocks Criterion. Three bears have taken the lunch Goldilocks slaved over for Iraq after removing the evil dictator Saddam Hussein. What sort of force interdiction should Goldilocks commission to recover Iraq for Democracy-that is the Shia-Kurd alliance with careful cooperation from difficult to trust non-Kurdish Sunni to friendly with Wahhabism’s extreme elements?

As a military non expert like many civilians I suggest only Army special forces and Air Force personnel be permitted to use a base or two in Iraq after a quick long-term leasing agreement from the Iraqi Government so we can send a couple brigades of special forces-BlackOp Bop leadership to coordinate resistance and free the oppressed from the rising Caliphate of evil royalty.


Christianity in the Quantum Era

Modern America could be said to have entered the quantum era of social phenomenality. P.A.M. Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli led the way with Einstein, Dewey and Sartre to the edge of phenomenal relativism not just in science and education but in Wall Street banking and government. Social organization is encouraged to be regarded as ad hoc and free; a wild maturization of capitalism of the frontiers while it is simultaneously treated as a practico-inert substance for material exploitation by collective business and government economic militants. Christianity is still relevant as the blessing unto all nations flowing through Abraham even so. The Jews served as God’s pedagogical nation to bring the people of the world unto Himself from the wilderness of sin they were and are lost within.

Like and aircraft carrier battle group American social organization is something like an atom with a core nucleus and valence and eigenvalues of quantum orbits and packets of power. Gravity and other forces exist in quantum packets as divisions from the one field tend to split probabilistically in a balance of power structure. Atomic and quantum proportions from large to small sweep and clear, consolidate and organize within quantum structuralism. The broadcast media is an outer orbit of electrons protected by the sacred first amendment developed to let that ruling class have a priority over political and social organization; the only important feature of international relations is that the broadcast media have something to report and keep them busy. The political governing core symbiotically interacts with public opinion polls reported by the media and the machine mechanism allows Wall Street and the rich to expand the networking of power. A quantum military mercenary core loyal to the machine and without political realism regarding a democratic society serves it. These are quantum social phenomena of the 21st century. It is a leaky and inefficient machine destructive of the society, economy and environment with non-renewable elements failing the principle of integration with the actual thermodynamic characteristics of the macro-Universe in a positive and sustainable development.

The gospel of Jesus Christ presented in the bible is an integrated, wholistic way to salvation for those of faith. The ethics of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament instructions of the Lord wherein one learns the commandments of God as they are written upon the heart.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 13 explaining ordinances of God consistent with the real ways of human nature even today. In popular music one finds innumerable song lyrics consistent with the relations of Adam and Eve given by God after the fall in the garden. Eve was deceived and Adam willfully went along with her error. Troubles existed between men and women subsequently though they are attracted to one another. That is consistent with the quantum structure of physics of course existing since the creation. In Paul’s commentary from verses 8-11 one reads of the failures of the quantum social organization in economics and banking in particular-especially in the ubiquitous loans and loan corruptions generally responsible for the 2008 banking and derivatives Wall Street crash, the home finance collapse and ongoing issues with student loans and public debt generally. Of course the socially disorganizing tendencies of disregard for the word of God prefers the ways of sin and error in economics, environment and social structuring generally expressing preponderantly an inability to comprehend challenging Utopian Christian ethics. It is notable that many Christians do as well.

This is what the Apostle wrote about loans and love; Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

A reformed quantum social structure could adapt to the no-load, no-loan principle of social adequacy in acceptable ecospheric economic activity with competent and measured technological advance. The proliferation of vast financial networks and the concentration of wealth isn’t a preferred method for conservation a moral social environment, life on Earth or human and civil liberties that are more than rights inherent to particular political party use-truths. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance through the word of God is the sole way to finesse the accelerated volatility of indebtedness and catastrophe in mass social financing.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...