
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Assembly Votes Homosexual Sin’s O.K

It is a characteristic of history that falsehoods of language and empirical use-truths generate in time what Confucius called a rectification of names. Like skyscrapers built with numerous elements missing because of the lies of contractors that pocketed the materials cost instead of buying building components, social falsehoods given sufficient quantity create weaknesses leading to collapse. False syllogistic structures and wrong church doctrine don’t cohere within truth. The Presbyterian Church ( U.S.A.) leadership assembly overseeing 1.76 million members voted for the politically convenient lie of homosexual marriage.

One of the remarkable elements of the Gospel according to John is the brilliant exposition of theology. The Apostle John was a fairly simple man with an energetic temperament who lived to old age probably in Ephesus where he was able to put together writing about the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is said by Biblical scholars that the Apostle wrote in simple Greek such as learned by one who isn’t a native writer. Greek allows long, complex sentence structures yet those of John are short and to the point using Hebraisms and ideas that are complex. That is the theology of the incarnation of the Universe from the Word whom had pre-existed the temporal Universe is set forth. It isn’t like other ancient philosophical writing though some have noted quite reasonably attributes of mysticism and logic it may share with Platonism and hence some neo-Platonist/Gnostic ways of regarding the world that might best be represented in the 2nd  neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus. John creates a brilliant theological paradigm for cosmology inspired and led by Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God that is very solid.

Biblical writings don’t really change. Subjective interpretation of the Bible and the New Testament may change over time and it has especially since the Protestant reformation. Sin that was said to be sin by the Apostle Paul and known to be sin by traditional Jewish law remain such. When the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Assembly decided that homosexual marriage is o.k. they voted in point of fact that select sin is o.k. if it is politically popular. They would have been on the side of the Sodomites and against Lot and his family when the angel visted to bring judgment. That is a wrong choice for church leadership to take.

Christianity in its organizational forms that are denominations and assemblies called churches are in the actual Christian Church of all believers only so long as they share the faith in the Lord and live or seek to live in harmony with the word of God as set forth in Bible scripture. There isn’t the slightest reason for doubt on the basis of Old or New Testament that homosexuality is sin. Christians though forgiven for their sin are supposed to seek to not sin, and further, they should not want to sin. Homosexual marriage is blasphemous sin in effect and a corrupt union the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) should denounce rather than encourage.

In the 19th century the Presbyterian Church was a leading evangelical organization. By the mid-20th century it had fallen into decline as had many other high churches. Today they have a tiny percent of Christian Church goers and that makes them vulnerable to takeover by persons without Christian values though of course the denomination can still have the shingle on the door, the prestige and the rump infrastructure and positions, even sinecures funded well enough by old money, leftists and homosexual political elites. Make no mistake however, the homosexual expropriation of some American church denominations is an expansion of the realm of Satan. One can only pray that the reprobate direction of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is corrected in some way by a renewal of faith.

The Apostle John and the other first century Christians would never have signed off on any sort of homosexual marriage as acceptable Christian behavior. In the 21st century it remains wrong. For a church denomination to support homosexual marriage is to leave off the Bible and prefer politics and worldliness. It is as if authorities on the U.S. Constitution said that cannibalism, fascism and state socialism are consistent with the principles of the founders. Instead of lying about it honest people sinners would at least just write a new constitution with that sort of thing in it. The Presbyterian Church instead of lying about the Bible such that they find any sort of acceptance of homosexual marriage support in it ought to just say they think world politics and power are more important to them than the word of God and ready themselves too an explanation at the day of judgment with some sort of plausible excuse.

Presbyters meant elders in Greek used in the day of the early church. Initially it referred to the disciples and Apostles and their place in the church. Then the term declined a little and referred. Presbyter-elders were like Bishops as the church developed. Later presbyters and deacons became less important. During the reformation a protestant church denomination named Presbyterian developed in Scotland. One wonders if the contemporary United Kingdom support for homosexual marriage is a cause for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) decent into accepting the sin of homosexual marriage in the very gay empowering Obama administration.

Perpetrating the frauds of false advertising used to be meaningful in U.S. law. When the U.S. Government and global corporations have evolved ideological corporatism that fails to develop national democracy, secure borders, reign in the concentration of wealth and power through stock sharing, trading and banking networking oligarchies the practice of pejorative use-truth has legitimized fraud as subjective establishment political realism. Christians should beware of false Christian church fronts in the era of mass social propagandizing and keep that King James New Testament in hand. It is far more reliable than the opinion of Presbyters of San Francisco and Wall Street.

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