
President Obama's Counterproductive Development of Terrorist Army

At first glance President Obama's Middle East policy seems crazy. At second glance it could be his early childhood Sunni Muslim orientation growing up in Sunni Indonesian society. In Indonesia 88% are Muslim and 99% of Muslims are Sunni. A couple of days after Syria got rid of all its chemical weapons stockpile he asked Congress for a half billion dollars for weapons for the Sunni jihadist at war on the Syrian Government. The President subconsciously may see red at Shi'a and Alawite and doesn't mind building up a vast jihadist army in the Middle east without a nation of their own to topple Alawite-Shiist Assad if possible, intimidate Iran with quality terrorist insurgents, eye-down Jewish Israel and look southwest toward oil-fat Crotiun Saudi Arabian royals.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFVrBzuyhFA elected video by Alice Cooper

ISIS has of course taken much of Iraq already. ISIS is undermining the Iraq government and the President wasn't able to influence Prime Minister Malaki much over the years. Withdrawal from Iraq without security arrangements was followed by building up a jihadist fighting force. Al Qaeda has completely swelled in numbers as a consequence.

Civilian casualties for Syria and Iraq during the President's tenure have been huge and probable will increase. Muslims have a different view of Armageddon than Christians. The President may not be aware of the appearance to Christians of his Middle East policy.

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