
Capitalism as Quality vs Quantity Growth for Ecospheric Commerce

Saving the planet from the irrational exuberance of quantitative capital growth that depletes the fund of natural capital is challenging in this anthropocene era were the profound of me-ness in material power has made an atheist god of capitalism. Inflexibility and non-adaptability were thought to be the characteristics of government instead of capitalism generally, yet in the corporatist era of networking and mass broadcast media networking a pervasive ossification has ensued resistant to progress. Here is what can be done to rectify the political economy.

Government direction of economic development toward qualitative rather than quantitative growth is requisite for change. There are existing facts that can't be changed of course. America isn't a leader on environmental economics and the second and third world will want to increase their production of greenhouse gases and extermination of ecospheric habitat in order to upgrade their consumer comfort to something like that of the United States of America.

The U.S.A. can't cut back its carbon emission much-even a 25%  would be shocking and virtually communist to some pundits. Instead the United States outsources its material production to China and blames the Chinese for being the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter. When the American Midwest becomes a desert and the Mississippi River dries up, when Americans try to crowd in to Alaska the argument about reduction of greenhouse gases will be late.

The United States could act a priori and begin a vast desalinization of seawater for irrigation purposes border control canal project if it had the intellectual wherewithal to work macro-physical construction projects of scale any more. Instead it will seek after regulatory, bureaucrat solutions or alternatively through science laboratory packages Those likely policy approaches aren't likely to  work though some believe evolutionary capitalism will get to the right place eventually as needed. End of the

Capitalism doesn't need to be like an airliner taking off along a runway, inflexible and unable to alter direction of lift-off. If terrorists armed with stinger missiles taken from the Iraqi Army are at the end of the runway capitalism can invent in overdrive and qualitatively improve for example taking off straight up with electro-magnetic lift and choosing any direction to be electro-magnetically accelerated in by a charge particle beam until airspeed is sufficient for its jets to carry on. Qualitative change parameters selected for the survival of human life on Earth in addition to full employment well-being of Americans should be national priorities.

Like a draft animal-a stubborn Missouri Mule for instance, capitalism if it is to do more than browse the grass and work sexing like turbo-donkeys as ineffectively as homosexual marriages producing nothing needs to be put to work pulling more than its own weight in qualitatively improving wagons. Capitalism and free enterprise should serve democracy and be given guidelines and parameters for progress to reduce the depletion of natural environmental capital. Actually destruction of the ecosphere is a dumb trade since the creation and context of the environment is far more valuable and intricately complex than the comparatively simple, stupid materials manufacture of human technologists. Be like little gods as they might regard themselves politically seem incapable of successfully responding to the challenges set through demography, capitalism, natural resource limits and the bite of corporatism into democratic self-determination.

As a citizen of a democracy that is ineffective at selecting Presidential and general political leadership it is frustrating to experience the juggernaut of environmental doom unhindered in its development. Additionally the are too many people out of work, national debt is increasing and the flood of illegal aliens is likely to increase. Quantitative growth encouraged by government intention should provide some object criteria for free enterprisers to work within.

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