
Recent U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy Failures

A new and improved version of the prior post with enhanced commentary on the present increase of strife in Iraq. The United States should consider an intervention to reduce violence. Ground combat advisers would be helpful to reinforce the Iraq Army. It is not certain that the President would invoke the 90 day war powers license to send U.S. military forces directly or to engage high-level diplomacy for creating U.S. military concerns in Iraq within a fortnight yet he should if he is capable of limiting the scale of troop deployment.

One can suggest correct a priori remedies for emergent social problems including those of environmental degradation and know for sure the U.S. Government and political structure will ignore them. Social inertia and bureaucratic structures support the continuity of bad public policy with liberal application of financial band aids. One gets a vast dysfunction machine that is costly and inefficient as a result. Here are some current issues.

 The porous Mexican-American border flooded with illegal aliens. In the future as world population increases beyond 10 billion and moves toward 12 billion and up the number of illegal immigrants is likely to increase especially if global warming, desertification and financial crisis, wars and other ecospheric or political issues send floods to enter the U.S.A. No fence or deployment of Marines would be good remedies for a number of social, political and environmental reasons. In the long run the construction of an ecosphere water desalinization-irrigation production canal and defense line across the Southwest is the best political acceptable way to create a reasonable yet impassable border barrier. I have written about that elsewhere. The government however will prefer to use ecologically unconstructive, inefficient means of stemming the human tide if it reacts at all besides Hollywood and media propaganda support for indifference. Green projects help society in numerous ways where political solutions fail. They can catalyze international remedies that help the poor rather than exploit them.

 Another issue is the failures of Obamacare and V.A. service to veterans and the poor. For years I suggested that the V.A. system be expanded and integrated with public health clinics around the nations for the poor and homeless. Instead the expensive and inefficient Obamacare build-up of corporate medicine advanced while the V.A. was left to rot and half of the states didn’t cover the poor in Obamacare. I have written about that elsewhere. Recently the Obama administration appointed a fellow named Gibson to run the V.A. He had been head of clinics for the poor in Cleveland-another band aid.

The rise of Al Qaeda’s ISIS soldiery to capture Mosul and Tikrit and announce a march to capture Baghdad is a result of the administration’s failures to comprehend the nature of Middle East politics and society. Building up Al Qaeda terrorists to attack the Syrian Government has back-blasted into Iraq. Obama administration preferences to degrade the Shia and Alawi have emboldened the Sunni in what is traditional sectarian conflict. Al Qaeda as a result is probably stronger than before 9-11. In the future they can infiltrate over the border with leadership from Taliban released from Gitmo-who knows?

A little military intervention can be worth a pound of cure. The trouble with the Obama administration is the lack of military judgment about appropriate force levels in the Goldilocks Criterion. Three bears have taken the lunch Goldilocks slaved over for Iraq after removing the evil dictator Saddam Hussein. What sort of force interdiction should Goldilocks commission to recover Iraq for Democracy-that is the Shia-Kurd alliance with careful cooperation from difficult to trust non-Kurdish Sunni to friendly with Wahhabism’s extreme elements?

As a military non expert like many civilians I suggest only Army special forces and Air Force personnel be permitted to use a base or two in Iraq after a quick long-term leasing agreement from the Iraqi Government so we can send a couple brigades of special forces-BlackOp Bop leadership to coordinate resistance and free the oppressed from the rising Caliphate of evil royalty.

It actually matters when administration failure to take specific action at the correct time reverses whatever good a prior administration accomplished. Numerous individuals perish with the non-benign neglect on critical matters. Plainly Senator McCain reinforced the President's wrong decision to build up the anti-government insurrection in Syria, and now the moderate use of governing force is required to stabilize a degrading situation in Iraq before the situation gets worse. There are intelligence and trust issues amid the uneasy sectarian alliance of democracy in Iraq that benefit from impartial support by the U.S. defense establishment.

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