
Obama Administration on Point With Queer Marriage and Chaos in Middle East

The election in Afghanistan appears troubled with one of two candidates in the Presidential runoff declaring fraud. The Taliban seems the winner with strength in Pakistan and five reinforcing leaders released by President Obama from Guantanamo Bay incarceration. Across the Middle East and S.W. Asia Obama administration policy to subvert lawful governments and replace them with more democratic ones consistent with U.S. values (see Alice Cooper video 'Elected') has brought regime change and development of terrorist rebel infrastructure with a little temporal, tranformational success at bringing one democratic election before hostile takeover by fundamentalists or military junta. Of course we wonder what the long term results of the short-sighted administration policies will be on the formation of Middle East politics.

U.S. leadership could be said to have been somewhat idiotic since the end of the Reagan era in January 1989. The nation has been involved in a series of wars with second and third rate powers unaccompanied by rational political oversight. Vast national debt has built up, the media has grown corrupt and is a propaganda sluzhba influencing political liberty. Church dogmatics have been corrupted and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) following President Obama's homosexual organizing has brought profane policy in accepting homosexual marriage as church doctrine.

Presbyterianism that fails at the elder ideal of leadership in church dogmatics centered on the word of God in scripture such as Karl Barth described in Church Dogmatics departs from the word and drifts into alliance with the profane. Like juvenile delinquents pursuing a naturalistic liberal theology suggesting they love the one they are with for the moment, elder juvenile church leaders seek after a feel good worldliness instead of the freedom of God revealing himself as God in the Lord Jesus Christ. True freedom in obedience to the word is reinforced by accurate dogmatics interpreting or shepherding church doctrines to conformity with scripture and the living Word. I suggest those lost souls of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) read Geoffrey W. Bromley's Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. Barth was a dissident to Nazi rule and takeover through intimidation of the German protestant church. When church and state are unified it leaves plenty of room for corruption of the church and of church doctrine by the state.

Homosexual marriage politically expropriates an institution developed by countless political decisions for heterosexuals. It is like a communist expropriation of Wall Street to redistribute wealth to those that did not build it. I say this in the abstract in reference to Wall Street of course because networking of financial wealth expropriating capitalism for the few is itself something of a fraud perpetrated upon the masses. Honest homosexual politicians would have built up benefits for homosexual establishments for-themselves such as the public and legislatures were willing to concede. Instead federal judges and a politically butch President simply stole marriage, corrupting and redistributing it to homosexuals. Queering in turn is of benefit to a plutocracy consolidating wealth through their disestablishment of countless social establishments developed created in the absence of a semblance of queer marriage. In any raving social circumstance with chaos and corruption the primary beneficiaries are the rich and the basic victims are the masses. As resistance in the social body politic is killed the power of the wealth increases as juggernauts in the darkness.

Short term political goals of creating democracies in the middle east following regime change have been a staple of President Obama's policy and like the administration of George W. Bush that believed with rose-colored glasses that following a quick regime change democracy would break out conflict rising to the scale of war developed instead.

Past Presidential maladministration has consequences. The media is largely a collage of embedded boofiness supporting the concentration of wealth, the Chinese Communist Party as the remaining idealistic vast socialist left-wing conspiracy remaining on Y'Earth (there are more left-handed people in the journalist trade than in any other), they partner and propagandize for the plutocracy and communists in true boofiness. The interests of the United States decay as the ideal world of irresponsibility is developed by the administration. A clever, intelligent President can like a good chess player win a lot of games while a klutz without much skill loses-it's as simple as that. America elects klutz's charismatic to youth, the electorate or something. The Republicans are mostly tone-deaf and don't get populism (see Alice Cooper video 'Elected'). In any case a candidate not only needs to get elected he needs to be competent in several areas of political skills with leading ideas to work if the nation is to end up without another in the long line of turkey Presidents.

 ISIS's incursions into Iraqi territory after a long build up with American military equipment and funding from the 'friends of Syria' in order to war on the lawful and stable Syrian government has already created a vast humanitarian crisis in Iraq with more than half a million displaced and stressed civilians along with innumerable civil and military casualties. The Obama administration has called for Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to step down as they called for three years for Syrian President Assad to step down for not being Sunni perhaps yet proximally for not leading a democracy acceptable to ideal U.S. Democrat Party standards with all of the homosexual benefits that includes. More than 120,000 people-mostly civilians-have been killed in Syria. U.S. Presidential leadership should have more than posturing as a requirement for domestic consumption it ought to have realpolitk competence as well if it is to accomplish more than insinuate chaos and civil conflict abroad.

One might speculate that the advantage of vast military power without a conventional and approximately equal potential foe since the end of the cold war in January 1989 at the end of the Reagan administration tempted subsequent U.S. Presidents to use their military buildup without judicious restraint or commensurate, requisite political wisdom. Military force used in a correct way is comparable to a surgical instrument or a chess sacrifice of Mikhail Tal used to secure political goals that realistically work. As in syllogistic reasoning the means must equal the ends, the premises add up to the conclusion if military intervention and/or regime changing through subterfuge, subversion and large-power intervention are employed. Otherwise one brings about policy failure and one heck of a mess as seems to be developing presently in Iraq. Of course Democrat Party and media sycophants would regard that as evolution in action and another story to report on replete with pathos and potential for progress and right-wingers to blame.

Iran has been regarded as a traditional enemy of the U.S.A. since they declared the embassy a nest of spies and captured it during their dangerous revolt against the Shah. Iran released the hostages eventually. Perhaps the United States built up Saddam Hussein's Iraq then and fomented the Iran-Iraq war as a low cost spooky method of exacting revenge-that's hard to confirm, yet the Middle East has been a problem for American policy planners for a long time. It will be difficult to build up good relations in the region as it does seem entirely fluid and destabilized without a foreseeable outcome the next few years.

 One might speculate about potential scenarios of course. ISIS could establish a nation carving out some of Iraq and Syria. Iraq could become a Shia state affiliated with Iran as Syria would be an Alawi state affiliated with Iran. The Saudi regime could be changed and become a Muslim fundamentalist state with terrorism funded by formerly Saudi oil sales to America and China. In the midst of all that mess Israel would stand as God's little nation on the Earth somewhat like Jesus Christ persecuted and oppressed by the establishment surrounding it and harassed by the global media. Well enough of that sort of scenario generating presently.

 Of actual Obama administration opportunities to direct middle east political development cutting off funding to everyone besides Israel and Egypt would be the most affordable and pragmatic option short of intelligent military intervention and taking charge in Iraq that would require a different sort of military leader with good economic sense as well-not Obama admin characteristics at all. The administration is probably busy planning for the loss of Afghanistan to the Taliban before it leaves office in January 2017. It seems to have already accomplished losing Iraq.



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