
Former Brit P.M. Blair Says Isis Front in Iraq Results From Failure to Attack Syria

Former British P.M. Tony Blair has considered the ISIS front in Iraq and decided that it is a consequence of the West's failure to invade Syria rather than the coalition of the willing's 2003 invasion of Iraq. He is probably wrong on both assumptions. The west's arming of the terrorists attacking Al Qaeda stuffed Al Qaeda's weapons and organizational stocking enabling them to attack Iraq after the invasion of Syria wasn't going too well. That probably would have occurred even if they were successful in ousting the lawful government of Syria.


If Saddam Hussein had not been taken out it is challenging to sat what would have occurred in the region. As it is he lost his head in the hanging and Saudi Arabian monarchy remains secure for the time being while the 'populist' terrorists receive financing from the 'friends of Syria'. The fundamentalist jihadis might like to roll the head of the Saudi aristocracy if they got a chance. It is probable that even if the Sunni co-religionists of the radical revolutionary jihad branch were to capture Syria somehow and purge that society of Shia and Alawite they would yearn to depose the Saudi 1% with prejudice.

Obama administration reinforcement of the multi-billion dollar Iraqi embassy with a military deployment has fewer than 100 troops. One hopes a Benghazi situation doesn't arise again as the administration misunderestimates all over again the nature of the action in preference for partisan posturing for domestic political purposes. 


Iran has offered to work with U.S. military advisers in the effort to stabilize Iraq-that is perhaps the best opportunity for reducing the tensions between the two nations that has arisen in a while. The U.S. ought to send 30 or 40 officers to work with the Revolutionary Guard of Iran in Iraq and see what they can come up with to stop the massacre of Iraqi soldiers and stop loss of civilian life in that area resulting from inadequate planning of intervention and post-intervention continua without adaptability to currents of contemporary history.


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