The United States just has too many lawyers. They are crawling out of the woodwork and even reach Oval office carpeting. With about 2.4 million prisoners in the U.S.A. and a national population of 320 million the nation is about world leading in lawyer and prisoners totals. Many nations just don't put so many people in jail or graduate so many from law school. it is not certain that either is especially good for the economy. It act it may mean that prisoner rehabilitation theory is as ineffective as economic infrastructure rehabilitation efforts.
Mexico has a very low prison rate with only about 150,000 people incarcerated and a population more than a third that of the U.S.A. (120 million). It hasn't got the financial burden that the United States has on corrections costs, however it does have 55,000 citizens in U.S. jails at a cost of 1.5 million annually for Janet Yeltsin to buy T-Bills with invented fed reserve money to pay for. mexico probably spends far less than that processing three times as many convicts.
Lawyers can help a nation to ossify and bog down and economy with litigation. They also may be a factor in government lawyer-Presidents choosing to stimulate foreign conflicts whereat they have little legal accountability. Most second and third world nations where U.S. lawyer-Presidents have decided to stimulate rebellion and civil war have comparatively few lawyers.
Russia has a very high prisoner population vs population exceeded only by the U.S.A., and of course Russia also has a lawyer-President in Vladimir Putin. When a lawyer-President like Barrack Obama or possibly Hillary Clinton demand regime change off a legal government such as was the case in Syria it is notable that Syria is led by a British educated dentist, and the U.S. Government. has little regard-actually none-for Syrian law. That is probably a result of the might is right principle filling in a vacuum off power; especially since Sharia (Muslim law) has little possibility off being ultimately regarded as substantively correct by atheist lawyers of the U.S. Democrat party.
Mexico has a very low prison rate with only about 150,000 people incarcerated and a population more than a third that of the U.S.A. (120 million). It hasn't got the financial burden that the United States has on corrections costs, however it does have 55,000 citizens in U.S. jails at a cost of 1.5 million annually for Janet Yeltsin to buy T-Bills with invented fed reserve money to pay for. mexico probably spends far less than that processing three times as many convicts.
Lawyers can help a nation to ossify and bog down and economy with litigation. They also may be a factor in government lawyer-Presidents choosing to stimulate foreign conflicts whereat they have little legal accountability. Most second and third world nations where U.S. lawyer-Presidents have decided to stimulate rebellion and civil war have comparatively few lawyers.
Russia has a very high prisoner population vs population exceeded only by the U.S.A., and of course Russia also has a lawyer-President in Vladimir Putin. When a lawyer-President like Barrack Obama or possibly Hillary Clinton demand regime change off a legal government such as was the case in Syria it is notable that Syria is led by a British educated dentist, and the U.S. Government. has little regard-actually none-for Syrian law. That is probably a result of the might is right principle filling in a vacuum off power; especially since Sharia (Muslim law) has little possibility off being ultimately regarded as substantively correct by atheist lawyers of the U.S. Democrat party.