
North Korean Nuclear Development Will Continue During Dynastic DIctators Kim Era

Dictator Un may feel a need for nuclear weapons to safeguard his own political position. China has tons of nuclear weapons, the need for North Korea to have its own nuclear force for war is illogical and a poor substitute for peaceful free enterprise and neo-socialist economic progress with South Korea.

The work of making nuclear weapons is an intellectual as well as a material game. The 1992 Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula that the Clinton administration got through was something of a sham. Realistically it allowed North Korea to continue to develop its nuclear program through alternative means while IAEA inspectors toured NK facilities, except for those declared military facilities and off-limits. A couple of nuclear reactors for energy and heavy fuel oil were allowed in during the slow-down in direct plutonium production in exchange for enduring Sect. Albright dancing before the old dictator.

There is a fair history of the NK nuclear diplomacy game here… North Korea Nuclear Technology & Nuclear Weapons Program

Apparently NK developed thermonuclear bombs and may have exploded one in 2017. There are of course nuclear fission and fusion bombs with the latter more powerful. Scientists do a lot of theoretical work without hardware. Dictator Kim has lots of espionage and negotiating people able to get Do-It-Yourself books on building and improving nuclear weapons.
image diagram of 'Little Boy' in public domain via wiki

NK may be working on miniaturizing a nuclear weapon so it could be delivered secretly in some way to Washington DC. Maybe they are making progress on that. Some Democrats might think that o.k., as might a sprinkling of fiscal conservatives who view the 93 trillion dollar Green Deal as a trillion too far.

Pelosi says she's "glad" Trump walked away from North Korea summit with no deal

Fundamentally Dictator Kim can continue to develop nuclear war technology under the table with more help from Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China, and with appeasement Democrat Party symps. The question of his ending the economic division with the south isn’t too difficult to answer; he really can’t for he is a Dictator that many of his own people would like to terminate if they could, I would think. The Kim Dynasty probably will continue along with nuclear war tech until NK is saturated with nuclear weapons and with no good chance to safely use them.

The American Drift Toward Pseudo-Socialism

Public education has been unionized and leftist for decades. That has indoctrinated youth with left-leaning values. Hollywood is full of leftists and Democrats because they support leftist moral decay along with defense of individual civil liberties (generally a good thing).

Democrats have supported the rise of corporatism. That networking creates extreme concentration of wealth. The United States is becoming more like Mexico in wealth distribution. Democrat leadership has appealed to populist debauchery, homosexuality, lesbianism and so forth as continuities of affirmative action. Democrat leadership has lost any ability to understand what democracy is and how it works with free enterprise and capitalism. They gloss over the loss of democracy because they aren’t capable of understanding or reforming free enterprise and democracy and their leadership became shop-steward union advocates for higher minimum wages, more abortions (including infanticide), free education, Medicare for all and so forth. Youth go along with all that.

A recent poll found that about 50% of people under age 34 support socialism. Fundamentally they aren’t political philosophers as so many of the founders were, and are content with using tired, old socialist political philosophy as their tool for merger with corporations as pseudo-socialists.


In my opinion the majority are idiots that should read more political philosophy and reform free enterprise and democracy to invent new adaptations suitable for the era that would bring capitalism down to a level that it doesn’t own politics and the media, yet allow free enterprise to employ most people and serve restoration of environmental health and profit together. Several simple items such as reducing patent exclusivity to three years and giving patent holders 10% royalties from user sales thereafter, limiting the number of employees of any corporation to 20,000 people, progressive taxation with those earning more than two million annually at 80%, letting individuals own stock in no more than three corporations, creating legal hoops for eco-sustainability for business to comply with on an even field including anything imported to the U.S.A. etc.


Fundamentally one may call the mish-mash of concentrated wealth, corporatism, socialism and so forth whatever one likes, yet it doesn’t work well. Individual freedom is repressed, inventiveness stalls etc. Politicians that have no creative capacity or learning advocate off-the-shelf political theories that were meaningful a century or two or three ago. Simply passing good legislation is all that is needed to set economics and ecosphere straight, yet that idea escapes them.

The founders’ day had a lot of creative political philosophers and no corporations in existence. Neither was there much in the way of unions and broadcast media to demand socialism and conformity.

 Joint stock companies are not corporations. The Hudson’s Bay and East India companies were most like modern corporations that existed during the 18th century. Nonetheless the United States was without corporations from the beginning. The Boston Manufacturing Co. in 1813 is credited as being the first industrial corporation of the United States- quite bit after 1776.

While socialists may believe they are against business and corporations, pure socialism such as that of the Soviet Union is not a direction most modern socialists admit to, instead they point to mixed economies such as that of Sweden and consider that socialist.
The actual direction that socialists have moved the past half century in the United States is toward corporatism. Obamacare was a good example of corporatism. I will suggest a good primer on the political philosophy of corporatism written in 1999- somewhat more recent that the Communist Manifesto from which socialists have found inspiration. Nonfiction Book Review: The Unconscious Civilization by John Ralston Saul, Author Free Press $23 (208p) ISBN 978-0-684-83257-9

Corporatism was invented by the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. It found application in Hitler’s 3rd Reich. Corporate leaders worked for the government. Hitler was put into power with help from the Storm Troopers led by Ernst Röhm. The Sturmabteilung The German Military and the Holocaust were composed of as much as 70% former socialists who believed Hitler would lead them to power and depose the former aristocracy. They were as naive as modern socialists.


Green New Deal Presents Critical Opportunity Costs

AOC's Green New Deal presents significant opportunity costs for developing responses to ecological challenges that might actually work. With such a vast government spending program that might well dry up like California's high speed rail before anything working is constructed, there may be little funding for effective programs that might work.

It was fairly unrealistic to pack a green reform program with democrat pork. If everyone is thrown out of work with few corporations or rich people to pay for the program they would require food and medical treatment from the government. When they slaughter the last 'farting cows' for government food programs Americans may need to look elsewhere for jobs. It might be worthwhile inventing the low cost equivalent of catalytic converters for cattle exhaust emissions. Concepts include a new digestive enzyme, gas tubes to vents and filters, alternative excretia-gas branch processing route (I saw a cow with a window in its side once at an agricultural college. A lot of work for veterinarians would arise unless calf insert mass production technology was invented), etc.

Science has indicated that if the world atmospheric carbon dioxide content reaches 1300 ppm from the present 400 plus parts per million the world temperature may rise eight degrees f. The world would lose its cloud cover and planetary temperature would rise substantially more. In the interim the oceans are growing more acidic and warmer. Life could die off in the oceans because of the decrease of oxygen in it. These are concerns that need be addressed before they become critical. Ineffective and too costly bad economic concepts won't get it done.

There are serious scientists and economists in the field of ecological economics, as well as philosophers and others that might form a a research group to define criteria that could be most effective if made into law that are also the most efficient and economical. Fossil fuel automobiles are the major CO2 point source of pollution in the U.S.A., yet other nations such as China and India have pollution issues too. They also have economic relationships with the United States that could be adversely affected with unilateral, radical economic restructuring through ineffective and ineffective, costly processes.

There seems to be a certain level of political insanity in suggesting spending of trillions of dollars that did not formerly exist unless attacked during war, and even then the degree of spending was far less that contemporary politicians are accustomed to playing about with. Good government regulation doesn't require vast public expenditures. Government regulations that work let the private sector work and invent new technologies that go through regulatory ecospheric hoops that are beneficial rather than harmful to planetary ecospheric health.

Did You Here the One About Democrats That...

Did you here the none about fiscally conservative Democrats that say no to spending $5 billion for border security and yes to $93 trillion for the Green New Deal?


Why is Ireland a Problem for Brexit?

Settling the Irish troubles must have been tougher than getting an Irish trade policy that works for Brexit to satisfy the EU and England. Consider a Venn Diagram approach to trans-border trade. England, Ireland and the EU are the three circles, one adds what trade items each desires to their respective circle then determine where they overlap.

Yes there could be some challenges for those challenged with free trade to agree on what items and policy can be added to each circle, yet it shouldn't be that tough.

There are other approaches to filtering and polarizing trade diagrams. It would be helpful if Europeans didn't look daft-for-others and unable to find rational and mutually satisfactory solutions to one fairly simple issue. No wonder global warming remedies don't work well. Maybe President Trump should be asked to appoint a special Brexit envoy to resolve the issue as an arbitrator.


It Makes Perfect Sense That Jesus Could Pay for the Sin of Mankind

The Lord Jesus Christ is God. He is the only way for any of mankind to make it to heaven. All human beings fall short of the perfection required to enter an eternal relationship with God, whom is perfect.

It is as if a trillion dollar fine was required of each human to be free from sin and released from hell. For after one dies heaven and hell are the two possibilities for everyone. Those with faith in Jesus Christ and belief that he is God will be saved by the atoning sacrifice of the Lord.

It is as Jesus Christ had infinite wealth and could pay the trillion dollar fine that each human owes, for those that ask Him to.

It is easy to understand why Jesus Christ is able to pay for the sin debt of all of those that ask; Jesus Christ is God- one of the Trinity (God has a three-part nature). Since no human can do anything himself to pay the sin debt owed to God, in the perfect goodness of God the divine plan for all mankind allows for a sacrifice paid by the only one that could met the sin debt- God himself in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The sacrifice of the Lord was the sacrifice of God himself. Jesus Christ was able to pay the debt of humanity, and was willing to do so for those that have faith in Him and His ability to do so. Infinite moral perfection, goodness and all of the attributes of God when sacrificed, compiled infinite wealth- perfection, to meet the condition required for mankind to exist in eternal relationship with God. Through the shed blood of the Lord; the perfect blessing, humanity that are saved are able to have a relationship with God through the Lord.

One might regard human existence as a kind of imperfect, broken form that is unfit for eternal existence. Yet whatever is required of God for mankind to exist eternally is provided by the Lord God himself.

Blitz 3M-Modern Defense with 1e4

                                                                                              I played black in this game.

California; The Train to Nowhere and Supremists

There was a question about why the President doesn't offend white 'cists and President Trump's respect for other ethnic traditions.  There were good answers demonstrating his support for Jewish social structures. I should mention though, that the word supremacist seems a little offensive to me.
I seem to recall that in the 1970s the word didn’t exist. The word supremist (or something similar) was used without the cist suffix. I believe it may be some kind of Orwellian spell-checker collusion that enters the word for all those without a sense that it is wrong.
Another word that is out there yet is not too used publically, for it has a double-edged sword aspect of political incorrectness about it, is ‘tard. An abbreviation of retard, tard might well be used politically to describe those so concerned about business that they ignore the decaying ecosphere as an externality to profit.
President Trump may be offensive to left-wing supremacists whom are natural tards for-themselves working degradation of opposition to imperialism of one form or another. Of course, he may not be offensive enough, although why be offensive and use hate speech such as the President frequently gets from the media in form if not in vulgarity?
When the pneumonic and bubonic plagues of the 12th through 14th century killed off 2/3rds of the population of Europe, and in the 16th centuries communicable diseases wiped out an equivalent amount of Americans (about 16 million), the world was in a roiling turmoil of risk and exploration. In my opinion many of the present attitudes arose in that era. I also believe a lot of people have maladroit political-historical thought that inertially continues, deleteriously.
President Trump probably can use whatever votes he can get to accomplish his political agenda. When Democrats (besides FDR and HS Truman) are in the White House, all of the corruption in the harbor rises. When will California repay the billions and billions of dollars it got for the train-to-nowhere? Offending people of any race that are citizens, on the basis of racism would be a good way to lose votes. He is against crime though. If individuals of any race commit crimes he is likely to be against that; regardless of the skin color.

American Technology Gap in 1492

Americans were about 7000 years behind Eurasia technologically in 1492. Eurasian technology rather than simply European technology had been shared culturally since perhaps 40,000 b.c. Americans were isolated from the main human currents of technological development though they had tenuous relations with Eurasia that actually never stopped arriving. The Ulu (skinning knife) used in Alaska probably got its name from the Mongol word Ulu meaning rule of law. The Dorsett Eskimo sled arrival from Siberia conquered the North American Arctic littoral in just 200 years arriving at far eastern Canada. For the region it was like an F-22.

It was never possible for America to remain culturally isolated from Eurasia, as Eurasians populated it in the first place in migrations across Berengia to Alaska and by boat. Technology and people would have continued to make their way to the Americas and the mainstream of world technology development would have reached the Americas over time. Maybe the Chinese would have ‘discovered’ the western hemisphere if Europeans were more introverted and hydrophobic. The first Emperor of America might have been of the Song Dynasty.


Blitz 3M-Sicilian Defense-Marshall Counterattack

Everyone is making a lot of blunders these days. Here my opponent went for the simplest trick. I played white in this game.

End of World in 2030? The Panic Hypothesis

The panic hypothesis that the world will end in 2030 advanced by Rep. AOC is a bad interpretation or translation of a recent U.N. report that global warming greenhouse gassing issues will increase substantially between 2030 and 2050. Some people took Alexandria Octavio Cortez' dire prediction to e something like the Mayan Calendar predictions and thought about buying space on the Space X Mars trip sometime in the future.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/01/22/ocasio-cortez-climate-change-alarm/2642481002/ The Panic Hypothesis


Actually the most solid end of the Earth's civilized life on it predictive scenario was that advanced by the author and scientist James Lovelock. He wrote in his book The Vanishing face of Gaia- A Final Warning, that the world's civilizations will mostly collapse in about 200 years. Jacque Cousteau had about the same time estimate. He understood the way people are and live in regard to the ecosphere.


Quite a bit more that restraining some greenhouse gas emissions would need to be done if the world is to have a modicum of ecologically sustainable economics for a population as great as it is today. Nothing like that is in the works politically of course.


https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/ecological-economics-principles-and-applications_herman-e-daly_joshua-farley/300499/?mkwid=s0GErMpGO%7cdc&pcrid=70112878392&pkw=&pmt=&plc=&pgrid=21323665512&ptaid=pla-292616666626&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt4P7gpfS4AIVbCCtBh0flQSbEAQYBSABEgKN3_D_BwE#isbn=1559633123&idiq=3818488  First edition 

A reform of capitalism and free enterprise as well as democracy such that wealth is not concentrated as much as to create a political structure where the most rich and their media actually determine political direction would be the better way to exploit human inventiveness and adapt to the environmental challenges most choose to ignore. Other approaches such as socialism, fascism and so forth are not good alternatives for the majority of the people of the world.

All that is needed are good lines of legislation code building a systematic program. Rube Goldberg grandiose schemes waste time and money while presenting a large opportunity cost. Land use, zoning for lots regarding shape, rules set that free enterprise need to follow to build a sustainable ecosystem. It doesn't take genius. large government spending programs cannot substitute for free enterprise directed to go about things the right way rather than the wrong way through legislative neglect.

Fundamentally their are three basic forms of government; imperialism, democracy and chaos. Today real democracy seems radical to the rich who prefer a corporatist form of imperialism. socialism and communism are hybrids of authoritarianism with some elements of democracy, and they repress individual inventiveness and the social capacity for radical improvement.


Corrupting Medicare for Universal Coverage isn't a Good Idea

Socialism is an off the shelf, easy to think about political philosophy for those unable to create anything new philosophically speaking. It is a tired old way to overcome concentrated wealth that hasn’t worked very well, except in a few northern countries with a degree of natural isolation and cold weather. Socialized medicine or insurance would bog the field down as it does individual enterprise in several fields, Socialized actions crush individual initiative. If power generation were socialized the light bulb might yet not exist.

Reforming capitalism and democracy such that it works better in the 21st century would be useful yet few comprehend what is required for that, such as a substantial degree of ecological economic criteria. To deliver quality medical necessities for those that cannot afford it does not require corrupting medicare that was designed for the old, rather, a unification of the Veterans hospital system with walk-in community poor and homeless clinics coupled with fast national tube transport would allow free walk-in service for veterans and those citizens proven to be to poor to pay. 

Even in the old west country doctors and neighbors did their best to provide free service for people that needed it. Charity is not the same as megalomaniac universal medicare for all including those that don’t need it because they are filthy rich.

Veterans with several years service should be permitted to use the V.A. Hospital system even if they earn more than $40,000 annually. The system should be solid enough that all veterans could use it as well as poor Americans and those demonstrably ineligible for insurance.


Little More Than a Month Until NFL Draft

So who will the Denver Broncos pick? An edge, a corner back, Bennie Snell Jr and an interior offensive lineman are interests as well as the acquisition of Antonio Brown; those are possibilities, yet if a QB like Kyle Murray is available the Broncos should snag one and give him a year as back up (or maybe two) to learn the game.

I suppose people wonder who Tampa will draft to enhance their already good prospects for the year. A more useful question is will the Buccaneers play an exhibition game in Havana?

Catholicism and the Contemporary Imperial Drift

When the church reformer Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a Cathedral in Wittenberg Germany in 1517 he got the ball rolling on reforming the Catholic Church so far as to evolve a splinter movement between the reformed protesters and the imperial papal line that entertained select doctrinal inaccuracies and errors including the concept of papal infallibility. Today the problem of an imperial papal approach to Christianity persists though in a dampened down criterion.

Pope Francis of Argentina inherited the Argentine social environment of General Galtieri and the neo-Fascist expansionism of the junta that disappeared so many civilians. His approach was to demure during the neo-fasist era of the junta, yet the hard social-political environment was formative and may influence his idea of sending Latinos illegal across U.S. borders as being a good thing, at least for the imperial goals such as exist, of the Catholic Church leadership.

Protestants do not agree in a special role or divine mission for the pope. All Christians are equally without merit intrinsically and are saved only through the grace of God and the salvific intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Protestant Christian s have a more personal, direct approach to the Lord for-themselves without the intermediation of clerics within hierarchical structures. Martin Luther wrote that all Christians are priests. Modern reform minded protestants support the continuing de-imperialization of the clergy such that a priesthood of believers in a more egalitarian, less hierarchical ecclesiastic form is a desirable direction to evolve. A Christian church composed of priests would provide a great evangelical boost. Christian should not be pew-sitting subjects of an imperial proxy leader.

As the imperial goals of the Catholic Church tend to move in an opposite direction that personal, individual democracy and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, one finds odd circumstances such as that of the Pope at the U.S.-Mexican border arguing for support for illegal alien entry into the United States. Imperials tend toward trampling on the rights of ordinary people; in that case the lawful citizens of the United States, in furtherance of imperial goals such as an Argentine-directed invasion of the United States in order to politically transform the United States into a Catholic despotism under the sway of the Pope. One cannot have democratic, deterministic environmental reform politics within capitalism very while while fighting a two-front or ten-front battle against loose imperial external forces trampling on national political self-determination.

Imagine that Catholic leadership was competent and even smart about the political structures and workings of all of the world's nations, and more, that they agreed and supported the national politics and mechanics of every nation (the church politics in such a case would have implicit contradictions). If the imperial papal policies tried to manipulate the politics of a nation externally and internally it would tend to be an unknown force interfering with the mechanisms and effectiveness of operations of the body politic of that nation. It would be like an external source of waves directed toward a distant calm body with waves sent from the body's political center to coordinate politics nationally. The external waves would interfere with the national waves and create chaos and discord.

At a certain point in history societies may benefit from an extra, neutral institutional structure to support the education and organization of illiterate, poor masses; especially if the government is repressive. Yet as history evolves to a higher level of cultural progress the extra-imperial structure may retard progress. It should adapt.

Martin Luther's movement of reform was an historical adaptation as European society advanced even unto the printing press. Consider top-down programming and its implicit limits. It may be adapted and upgraded. Turned on it's side top-down programming reads from left to right. It may grow more vertical shafts and roots like a cedar tree knocked on its side by high wind. New vertical and horizontal programmatic logic nodes may network to communicate and democratize; times change and imperial structures may implicitly corrupt in new environments.

Consider the theological absurdity of God limiting his direct interactions through one human who would then apply God's will through his human filter deforming the instructions. God can relate directly to anyone and may in fact pre-destined the entire course of human events. There are many theological absurdities one might wish to investigate in the designation of one human as the primary agent of God on Earth. It seems unwise to do so.

Wisdom may be found within expert knowledge applied interdisciplinarily such that one may know or have a good idea what a good course of events or action is to take after recognizing what the situation is. Some have wisdom about investing on Wall Street, some have wisdom about the world ecosystem, and some have wisdom about the Bible; how few though have political wisdom.

The Catholic leader may view the world through imperial lenses; rose colored glass tinted toward the blood of the lamb, yet mistake the imperial goals as a kind of kingdom of God annexation tool. It is reasonable for the imperial paradigm to add a few communist party appointed bishops in China here and a few million illegal alien Catholics to a protestant country there to increase the realm of the kingdom of God under the Pope. The problem of course is that the world’s politics are secular and the imperial papacy becomes political and secular itself adapting its position too often to worldly trends instead of looking toward divine theological concerns. The same Pope who supported illegal immigration also refused to take a position against homosexuality “who am I to judge” at a critical time in the political currents for an apparently political reason of not taking a Biblical stand in an enfiladed political position. The imperial interests of Catholic leadership may take entirely political forms; the Hapsburg Empire wasn’t an ecclesiastical organization.

Martin Luther’s protestant movement stimulated political revolt from the Hapsburg Catholic empire as well. Unfortunately bureaucracies promote people quite often that rise to their level of incompetence. Experts at theology may be criminally incompetent at understanding world politics, national politics and the sort of balances that are socially and politically require to get an environmental movement going that works well with reformed capitalism, free enterprise and democracy. Not only might the Pope be incompetent, most protestants involved in U.S. politics may be equally incompetent at non-theological matters and some theological matters too including eschatology. Sadly, that is the way of the world.


President Trump Was Right In Asking N.A.T.O. Members to Pay Equal Percentage Share

The United States and Russia were the leading forces on the respective Western and Eastern Fronts in the Second World War. The United States propped up Britain and Russia with Lend-Lease to keep them alive until the U.S.A. entered the war. The Second World War was very costly for the United States and the other allies. President Trump is correct asking N.A.T.O. members to pay an equal share of the cost of N.A.T.O.

Yet better diplomacy would reduce the need for N.A.T.O. Simply getting on well with Russia would nearly eliminate it’s need to exist. What would be useful would be a better international pool of rapid response forces for emergent situations.

Bureaucracies once established are difficult to reduce. That is why a new space force may help to support development of human commercial ventures around the solar system. A new electro-magnetic mass driver to send cargo modules off world like machine gun bullets into orbit is an idea worth pursuing.

Europeans have always found a way to start wars with one another. The last general war wrecked much of Europe so they have a peacenik attitude, correctly. However their deep nature of racking other nations- such as not renegotiating the Brexit deal with England, illustrates the deeper character.

It is hard to imagine why N.A.T.O. could be useful in a war with China, yet a Chinese-Russian alliance to invade Europe would be a problem N.A.T.O. could respond to when off holiday.


McCabe's Self-Reinforcing Beliefs About Donald Trump

The former acting Director of the FBI seriously believed that President Trump was a threat to national security. Fundamentally those that believe that may also include Elvis as a substantive threat to national security, the Loch Ness monster can't be found because it has escaped to Chesapeake Bay, and George Washington was a traitor.

Some people can't see the trees for the wood. Bureaucratic techs loyal to government union-for-themselves that belief organizational ladders should promote executive leaders pimariily through seniority hate the capitalist who boldly took the top job in a way that few to none have done before. Hate.

Donald Trump is an American icon representing capitalism. He is also a globalist for personal business investment advantage as well as a nationalist-for-others seeking advantages for the United States. The socialists and Trotskiites hate all that and will always decide that President Trump may reveal secret documents or leak something to wiki-leaks- and everyone knows that only Democrats are allowed to do that.


Montana Might Benefit from Logging Fire Break Strips

Montana annually has months of forest fires that degrade air quality. Management of the forests is lacking. California also creates many forest fires and their smoke is harmful to Montana. Selective fire break creation logging of adequate strips to control fires should be done with consultation from forest fire experts.

The state presently allows minimal logging. Water runoff when clear-cuts occur can be harmful, and rivers with obstructions such as beaver dams (we like beavers) can exacerbate river flooding issues downstream along with ice blockages. Water run-off from clear-cuts can silt up rivers harming fishing. Coordinating the various elements of fire control requires solid analysis from experts in several fields.

Forests differ in nature from state to state. A solution that works in the Tongass might not work in Montana or Oregon, California and vice versa. Federal forestry management should upgrade its management policies so they reflect the good of people living in a state as well as the forests' health.

Humans cause a lot of forest fires with machines in hot summer conditions. Sparks from spinning tires on dirt and rock roads, catalytic converters that are hot and other motor vehicle issues start fires in addition to careless cigarette butt tosses. Yet when fires start controlling them before winter solves the problem may require careful and adequate design of fire breaks before fire season.
File:Deerfire high res.jpg
Image credit; US Dept of Agriculture

Small Town Paper Regards KKK as Jacobean Tool for Lynching Politicians

A small town Alabama paper called for the KKK to lynch politicians that want to raise taxes. Apparently some view the KKK as a kind of French Revolutionary tool for eliminating monoparty statists and elites that raise taxes on the middle class and cut them for the most rich. Some will sympathize and others will hate the triple K again, deservedly, yet the Jacobean reaction to the French revolution with the guillotines is a kind of perennial last resort for government reform.

The deep state does advantage the most rich and undermine political liberty with corporatism thus enabling socialists to engage in a dialectic with the media mouthpieces of the most rich. What is lost in the dialectic is the prospect for simply reforming capitalism and free enterprise to serve democracy once again.



Challenges of Nations and Civilizations

I tend to be a Toynbean regarding historical cycles. Civilizations face challenges and their responses determine what course they take in future development. Numerous causes exist for the decline of civilization. Some social constructions experience too much of a challenge to become a civilization. Toynbee at the end of his writing regarded the world as having just one civilization remaining after all the predecessors faded away from one cause or another.
The Roman Empire over expanded commercially. The Romans cared as much for foreign interests as their own. The people-the plebeians, were given bread and circuses in Rome. Too many foreigners were trained in the Roman Legions; Attilla for example, while the rich enjoyed estates in France growing grapes.

The United States isn’t an empire and it isn’t world civilization, yet nations can and do end; the former Soviet Union for example, as politics change or evolve to other paradigms. War is not the only causes for the end of a civilization. Food failures can happen. Plagues can enable rivals to invade, yet the most interesting cause Toynbee pointed out was the inability for civilizations or nations to upgrade and modernize their ossified economic infrastructure. Once a nation is established the economic patterns it follows tends to remain unchanged in its fundamental structure. The same condition prevails to political organization.

Toynbee wrote that Greek city-states couldn’t evolve a national democracy together and thus fell. Toynbee found that Rome evolved a Democracy or Republic in a modern form, yet they could not change their military structure or social structure enough to continue to exist in the west. The Eastern Empire of course continued for another 1000 years after the fall of Rome. The Roman legions just weren’t mobile enough with cavalry such as Attila and Ghengis Khan advanced in blitzkrieg fashion.

The United States as a great nation may be destroyed by moral failures and real-politic failures to reform free enterprise capitalism and democracy to free it from the concentrated wealth problems of corporatism and imperialism. Keeping the national borders and citizenship secure are requisite for any continuing chance for democratic self-determination to be a world leader in reformed ecological economics should that develop. National leadership failure to democratize patents and reduce the period of exclusivity to 3 years with ten percent royalties to the inventor for production thereafter will work against U.S. competitivity. Failure to be a leader in ecological restoration nationally and globally thereafter will reduce the nation to being a part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

The political will for the nation to be a nation rather than a catch-all cul de sac for global capitalists that is simply a phenomenal social nexus of comparatively short life has many challenges to continue including the global broadcast media and pervasive foreign opinion that swamps every place around the world today. To be a strong, moral nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all will require wisdom on the course of the future. That is one very difficult item for politicians to get.

It's Still an Emergency if First Responders Don't Respond

The national emergency over unsecured borders declared by the President is a real emergency even if Democrats say it isn't. An emerging situation of millions of illegals trying to enter the nation has been an emergency for decades. Occasionally people respond and upgrade security inadequately. Democrats have resisted securing the national boundaries against illegal entrants for some years, yet the unwillingness to respond to external challenges does not make the emergent situation go away or become something less than an emergency. An emergency remains an emergency even when first-responders don't respond or are lackadaisical about responding half-heartedly, slowly and with mere symbolism.

The common nature of an event does not reduce it to something that is not an event. An emergency situation like a fire that has been spreading for months does not make it not a fire or not an emergency. A flood that has been rising and increasing for years because of lack of flood control does not make it less than an emergency because of incompetent flood or zoning control. The failure of the U.S. government to defend the interests of American citizens against illegal immigration does not make mass illegal immigration less than an emergency, even if the U.S. government has members that don't have any interest in responding to external challenges to secure and defend the interests of the people of the United States.

Specious reasoning that an event that has started in time necessarily is not an emergency after a particular time interval has passed (n-time) from T=0, without response, could be applied to global warming and parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or sighting of an asteroid headed toward Earth. The entire Universe continuum is an emerging, incomplete phenomenon except as causality is regarded as pre-determined by a Designer, or perhaps within a Plotinus-Ennead holographic Universe criterion.

Even so, there is a subject aspect to emergency. That is, events and processes must be subjectively perceived in order to gave a name for the event process and classification as emergency. If no one existed on Earth, none could call anything an emergency; not lava flows, volcanic eruptions or Earthquakes, hurricanes etc.


Illegal Immigration Emergency is Just the 30th National Emergency Now in Effect

The United States has dozens of ongoing national emergencies. president Obama declared 13 national emergencies and President Clinton 17; it's churlish and unfair not to let President Trump declare one too.


President Trump should declare some kind of national emergency shortage in his administration and find some more emergency-worthy issues. The Congress could find some itself and ask the President to recognize them officially as national emergencies.


An obvious candidate is the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere being more than 500. Another is the lack of surplus drinking and irrigation water in the southwest.


Reform for Churches Within Corrupt Phase of an Historical Cycle

Society is increasingly corrupt as part of traditional historical cycles. Christianity also is in need of reform unto a priesthood of believers structure. The present ecclesiastical form was designed for pre-literate, agrarian social structures.

 Martin Luther was correct about the priesthood of believers. Churches should be more participatory in a collective do-it-yourself format with expert guidance.

Individuals including women are regarded as free, exploitable workers these days and families are fundamentally losing rights since they tend to conflict with corporate power and concentrated wealth. Television and media have usurped family social bonding and replaced them with wickedness. Government has followed suit. The Lord shall prevail anyway over time. He has already won the victory.


Asylum for All Citizens of High Crime-Rate Countries?

It does not seems reasonable to allow political asylum for citizens fleeing nations with high crime rates. How would one differentiate one citizen from another within that criterion when all of the citizens of Honduras or El Salvador for example, experience the dangers of high national crimes figures?

Political asylum was designed to afford individuals rather than entire nations a refuge from danger and/or death. Even large numbers of people actually targeted for elimination may be given political asylum; Jews or Armenians would have been given asylum when genocide was being wrought upon them.

It is necessary to end crime or reduce it to ordinary international standards at least in countries with very high crime statistics such that people seek political asylum. A policy that actually works to reduce crime from the U.N., Interpol the EC and the United States etc is a better way to go; a rational and realistic way to go, to benefit those nations seeking political asylum.


President Trump May Win the Next Noble Pizza Prize

President Trump may win the next Noble Pizza Prize. Reportedly he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize too- that in the view of some is less prestigious.


President Carter won a Nobel for hosting the Begin-Sadat talks at Camp David after Sadat visited the Knesset to ask Jews to allow tourists to see the pyramids in Egypt again instead of Israel. President Obama won the prize for speech-making and policies that got wars started from Libya to Syria. President Trump did nothing more than to get substantive normalization talks going with North Korean Dictator Kim Un where none had since the armistice was signed at the end of the 1950s Korean War. Therefore President Trump may be awarded the Noble Pizza Prize; awards aren't given for simply trying.


President Obama did restart the cold war with Russia as best as was possible while President Trump wanted to have normal relations with the Eastern savages that can drink vodka from paper cups while Cossack dancing.

President Trump has actually held talks with the Taliban to see if he can get them to stop molesting children or whatever it is they are reported to have done in media articles of past years, in addition to sending suicide bombers to demolish clusters of civilians. There is great potential when one has such partners in peace talks.


President Trump may get a border barrier constructed that is sufficient to slow human trafficking and illegal dope transport into the nation. Border security was the premise of NAFTA to start. Without border control the economics of NAFTA can't work too well and corruption benefits more. A border barrier that works and NAFTA together may benefit Mexico and the United States even though NAFTA was renamed the USMCA.


A Brief Evaluation of President Carter

President Carter allowed economic problems that seemed as bad as the last recession in 2007–2008 of George W. Bush with help from President Clinton and his home mortgage policy. Presidents Bush and Carter were nice guys although Carter it was written, believed he was the smartest guy in the room. Unemployment was very high. Some counties in Oregon had better than 50% unemployed. A billboard on the Seattle freeway said “Would the Last Person Leaving Please Turn Out the Lights”. Credit card interest rates hit 20%. There was a badly designed attempt to rescue the hostages. The post-Vietnam military didn’t have the elite special forces structure like it does now.

President Carter was rather poor at Middle East policy. He won a Nobel yet Moshe Dyan thought President Carter’s help to Israel was too slow. Began and Sadat deserved the Nobels yet Carter’s seemed as improbable as President Obama’s. Sadat made that brave trip on his own to speak at the Knesset and paid for it with his life when the Muslim Brotherhood gunned him down.

President Carter apparently mistimed his work on rebuilding the economy and it got better after the election so he lost to President Reagan.

As a Christian, President Carter was credible and a good example. He would be a good neighbor yet probably a poor foreign policy planner. As a nuclear submarine engineer he might have been more used to targeting solutions in a different way than someone with a degree in world history and politics might. Nuclear missiles are not subtle.

The Arab oil embargo was another problem for President Carter to address. He started the synthetic fuel program, or tried to, at Parachute Colorado. It never really got going too well. That seems quaint these days. Even the Nazi syn fuels program would be scotched as a polluter by retro-historians. There is enough oil already. It’s too bad he couldn’t have had 30% efficient solar panels for peanuts and electric cars; he probably would have used them.

US Should Sell California to Mexico for $22 Trillion

California's government already thinks it's part of Mexico, so why not sell it to Mexico for a good price? The cost of building a wall around California would only be 70 billion more or less and the hate from the state of California would go toward the Mexican government instead of the U.S.

Mexico could be given easy payments to buy the state; the U.S. shouldn't make it tough.




Image credit- modified C.I.A. map of Mexico showing the great location of the new property


Inquisitor Mueller Was HEU Mule to Moscow in 2009

In 2009 Sect of State Clinton passed on a request from a Russian ambassador to provide highly enriched uranium (weapons grade) in a small amount for a sting operation. Then F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller was the mule taking the stuff to Russia. It is a very strange history that was documented to a certain extent in a leaked official U.S. government cable via wikileaks.

It is a somewhat suspicious operation in that RUssia probably had pounds or a ton of HEU laying about and available for the FSB, GRU or just President Putin's staff and that they asked Sect. CLinton for a few grams. Unfortunately, it could be the tip of an iceberg regarding collusion between President Obama, Sect. Clinton, their transport mule and President Vladimir Putin. Maybe the Mueller Inquisition should investigate the concern.


"Classified By: EUR/FO: ACTING DAS ANITA FRIEDT E.O. 12958: REASONS 1.4 (B), (D), and (F). 1. (S) This is an action request for Embassy Moscow regarding the delivery by FBI Director Mueller of a requested sample of seized highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to appropriate Russian authorities. Please see para 3. Embassy Tbilisi see para 5. 2. (S) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of HEU seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU has been under U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to a 2007 Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis. FBI Mueller's trip to Moscow on April 27 provides an opportunity to deliver the requested ten grams from the seized HEU in order to obtain cooperation from the GOR on this nuclear smuggling case and to eventually establish a more productive mechanism of U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear forensics. (S//NF) While there was a reasonable exchange of information with Russian security services at the time of the seizure, we have had poor cooperation investigating the diversion of HEU, which the United States believes was stolen from a Russian facility. Russia did not respond to papers that former Acting U/S Rood provided his counterpart in December 2008 reiterating the USG position that Russia should pick up this sample in the United States. Further, when asked for an update on their response to our proposal, DFM Ryabkov told us recently in Washington that there was an interagency dispute over who would come and pick up the material. Given Russia's reluctance to act so far, FBI Mueller's delivery of this sample will underscore to Russia our commitment to follow through on this case. While some details may be too sensitive to discuss, delivery of the sample could enable us to discuss whether Russian authorities investigated the diversion and prosecuted anyone. Moreover, we hope it will spark discussions on mechanisms to exchange information and material on future incidents. 3. (S) Background continued: On April 16, the FSB verbally confirmed to Legatt that there will be no problem with the Russian Ministry of Aviation concerning Mueller's flight (although we probably won't see paperwork until shortly before the trip). The FBI is requiring that the sample be turned over to a Russian law enforcement authority (i.e., FSB) as opposed to an intelligence service (i.e., SVR) or technical authority (i.e., Rosatom). A representative from the responsible Russian Law Enforcement authority, who will accept custody of the sample, must be identified and verified ahead of time. That individual will be required to have signatory authority to accept the sample. Appropriate arrangements need to be made to ensure the transfer of material is conducted at the airport, plane-side, upon arrival of the Director's aircraft. Post should also remind the GOR that this is the material about which the GOR gave the USG nonproliferation assurances in 2008 (ref) in a diplomatic note from February 2008. 3. (S) Embassy Moscow is requested to alert as soon as possible and at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU material once he arrives to Moscow on April 27. Post is requested to convey information with regard to chain of custody, and to request details on Russian Federation's plan for picking up the material. 4. (SBU) Post is requested to draw from background above and the following talking points: --We wish to inform you that FBI Director Mueller plans to arrive in Moscow at approximately 10 pm local time on April 27 with a ten-gram sample of seized HEU, which you requested for nuclear forensics analysis. --We require confirmation that a representative from a responsible Russian law enforcement authority will be available to accept custody of the sample and have signatory authority to accept the sample. --We require that the transfer of this material be conducted at the airport, on the tarmac near by the plane, upon arrival of the Director's aircraft. --We place a high priority on completion of this sample transfer to facilitate your forensic analysis of the material. --Further, with the delivery of this sample, we hope to collaborate more closely on promoting a more effective relationship between our law enforcement organizations to counter illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. --Efforts to work closely on nuclear smuggling and forensics will help advance the goals outlined in our presidents' recent joint statement in London of securing vulnerable nuclear materials and improving nuclear security. --Moreover, it is our hope to eventually establish a more systematic mechanism to facilitate U.S.-Russian cooperation on investigations into nuclear smuggling cases. We continue to believe that Russia should be concerned by the prospect that HEU was diverted from one of its facilities, and should actively investigate the incident. 5. For Embassy Tbilisi: No action is required at this point. At the appropriate time, State will send instructions on alerting the Georgian Government that the transfer of the seized HEU has taken place and is in Russian custody. 6. (U) Department thanks Post for its assistance. Washington point of contacts are Mike Curry, ISN/WMDT, 202-736-7692 (CurryMR@state.sgov.gov) and Nate Young, EUR/PRA, 202-647-7278 (YoungNH@state.sgov.gov). Please slug all responses for EUR, ISN/WMDT, and T. CLINTON "

Rousseau's Political Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the U.S. Government

Why should anyone want to use Rousseau’s political philosophy? The social contract doesn’t fit well with the U.S. constitution. It was better suited to France before the revolution when the ruling legal authority was royal.

Under the influence of corporatism and concentrated wealth the legislative branch has moved dangerously toward Contract With America sorts of errors since they don’t well understand the individual and self-determination founding principles of the nation and the way corporate usurpation of political philosophy subverts and corrupts the inherent freedom of citizens of the United States.

Corporatism through the media and entertainment industry tends to provide crank political philosophy ill-suited for a polity that is anything more than subjects dominated by concentrated wealth and power from a tiny minority. Philosophers tend to neglect accurate, realistic work to coordinate , adapt and describe theoretical paradigms for the modern reformation of Adam Smith’s style of capitalism to the contemporary environment such that it would have the same purpose of bettering the lives of the vast majority of the people.
It is not that difficult to synthesize or induct capitalism, free enterprise and ecological economics together along with the best way to support the well being of the people, so they are not dominated or exploited by criminals, deep concentrated wealth or the power of the state.

A more efficient modern government should regulate capitalism so far as to make free enterprise go through ecological economic sustainability hoops before deployment in the field. Patents should be limited to three years of exclusivity with patent holder getting 10% royalties from users thereafter (the world needs a faster pace of technological change and upgrade along with reform of the ecosphere that is undergoing extreme degradation). Public debt should be reduced and corporations limited in the number of employees they may have to some figure like 20,000. That would stimulate competition and quality over quantity.

The Meaning of Judge Jackson's Allegations Regarding Paul Manafort

Disbelief in the veracity of the allegation might not be elicited if the Judge wasn’t a 2010 appointee of President Obama. Partisan judicial opinions are promulgated by the Supreme Court, and I would guess, down through the ranks if one researched the matter.

Amy Berman Jackson - Wikipedia

Democrats are politically at war through the judicial and legislative branches. Their goals and methods of construction require the destruction of independent and/or moral political opposition.

McCabe says he ordered the obstruction of justice probe of President Trump


Meaning of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic content of particular phrases might require some strict relation to the actual language if one isn’t simply to explore the wilderness of linguistic inventiveness from whence few true meanings emerge. If Grand Inquisitor Mueller releases the grand jury testimony and Manafort transcripts, inclusive of all pressure phrases applied by the Grand Inquisitor, that might be a prosecutable offense (of the Grand Inquisitor rather than the President).

The famous wikileak" 



 Couldn't President Putin have supplied his own Highly Enriched Uranium? Were President Obama and Sect of State Clinton-FBI Director Mueller the sole source for weapons-grade Uranium? Didn't President Putin have a few pounds of HEU and Plutonium laying around someplace in 2009? HEU isn't a cup of sugar. Ought not Inquisitor Mueller investigate the issue?


Universal Medicare and $7 Billion Green Deal Gambits

Obamacare brought a new tax for youth. Medicare would probably bring a larger tax if everyone were forced to get it.

Some people over age 65 have to pay hundreds of dollars a month if they want to have medicare coverage. Medicare is not free for all American citizens that happen to be 65 as it is. Youth would probably need to pay one thousand a month or so if everyone was forced to have Medicare.

I believe Democrat Party financial irresponsibility is the reason for the Medicare gambit.  With the public debt at 22 billion dollars the Medicare system may be broken in the future as democrats want to force everyone working to have it so the system can be funded while debt piles up to pay for boondoggles like a $7 Billion Dollar Green Deal Democrats want the public to buy- or the world will turn into a pumpkin in just 12 years!

Rational regulation and taxation cannot be replaced with Rube Goldberg schemes that won't bring Greenpeace to the world even they are enacted into law. There are lots of ecological problems that won't be easily fixed without deep ecological economic principles being applied while also keeping invention, patents and free enterprise alive.

Maybe Republicans should replace Mitch McConnell with Senator Scott of South Carolina as majority leader, and look for new ideas.

Should Chess Be Added to Winter Olympics

Winter or Summer Olympics? Probably winter. Curling and chess could be packaged together for ticket sales. Athletic sweeping driveways and hurling stone chess boards with mobile player chess benches to follow along before the jump might bring excitement. It might also be reasonable to combine chess pieces with weight lifting. Make the chess pieces weigh a minimum of 60 pounds, and the board 64 square feet.

Maybe mixed martial arts belong in the Olympics. I would prefer fast landscape painting in the Olympics more than chess. Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' was a brilliant composition and quite likely, dubious judging would not have awarded him a gold medal for it, perhaps in preference for a Monet.

Architecture for Green designs such as hollow mountain range condominiums where wildlife could roam on the outside for example, might be useful as an Olympic sport; there is certainly a paucity of cleverness in civic design these days. Square boxes as if cities were designed as chess boards with a few green squares, with perhaps, a radical conic section-like half step pyramid of a French defense structure to agitate conservatives.

Urban and suburban designers should have more of the Mikhail Tal spirit about them. Antonio Gaudi was far too conservative with his cathedrals. Design requires more ecological economics and art fused together.

Presidents Shouldn't Help the Opposition Too Much

Electing a President so he or she can spend four years being investigated by opposition party sympathizers isn’t the best way to support the Chief Executive to get things done. Presidents don’t usually testify about anything while in office. The trouble is that at that level of government everything that occurs through adversarial means, virtually, creates potential balance of powers conflicts. The Executive is not subordinate to Congress or the Judicial branch ordinarily. They are equal branches of government that can fall out of balance.

Even the effort to drag the President into extraneous proceedings involving foreign powers, without some obvious and plain illegal activity put the cart before the horse. In Watergate the President’s special team of burglars were caught and the following investigation led to President Nixon who then resigned. In the case of Facebook advertising by foreign nationals the relationship is worse than nebulous. There are better explanations for what dark matter is than there are ties of the President to conspiratorial activity with Russian politicians to be elected. The President should not help the effort to convict himself. 

 Couldn't President Putin have supplied his own Highly Enriched Uranium? Were President Obama and Sect of State Clinton-FBI Director Mueller the sole source for weapons-grade Uranium? Didn't President Putin have a few pounds of HEU and Plutonium laying around someplace in 2006? HEU isn't a cup of sugar. Ought not Inquisitor Mueller investigate the issue? FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Tell FBI's Mueller to Deliver Uranium to Russians in 2009 'Secret Tarmac Meeting'?

Democrat Leaders May Have Existential Neurosis

Democrat party politicians may be afflicted with a bad case of existential neurosis. There world-view is inward, inhibited and perverted. Because they are like dogs that cannot see over the top of the fence, they believe there should be no fence for it seems to without purpose except for repression.

Democrat party leaders have a swollen local authority perspective. They are like light bulbs so dim they can light there feet in the dark and not much beyond.

Existentialism is an intelligent philosophy that is ill-suited for those that substitute it for empiricism in error. Existentialism is a way of recognizing the reef of solipsism without going so far as to erase the great divide within one's own thought. It is a philosophical rather than a political work as Sartre wrote it.


The Bite of a Democrat Presidential Candidate's Dream Speech

"Just a few hundred years ago I invented my plan to emulate the ancient Earth aristocrats of Britain the classic era who, fell on hard times in the 20th century. I planned to expand conquests of free worlds through the double-fisted power of Darwinian evolution; immorality as an antidote to faith in God, and the power of corruption to undermine any individual security in the properties of rights that stand in the way of Aristocrats working for totalitarian domination over free society. I led you to understand that we can process humanity through mass propaganda, into a pig-dog immorality in a debased condition that's easy to squeeze in with the right financial incentives. It became self-evident to anyone following the Von Conn method that there was a galaxy for the taking if the absolute absence of morality that coheres in pure scientific Darwinism- it is just a scientific theory after all, could be put over on society as proof of the non-existence of God, therein invalidating any kind of morality at all within the new world order of evolution. I showed you how to make personal egoism the sole philosophically and politically acceptable social outlook in our brave new worlds ordered under Aristarchan power and insight. You all shared in the proplits even as we phased out human life altogether and kept just data records of erased genomes.”

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...