
Federal Apartheid & Chinese Globalism

One wonders how long the racial apartheid lands for American Indians can be defended in the global political context of non-race based nationalism? American liberals have traditionally defended Amer-Indian apartheid reservations for humanitarian reasons. In the modern paradigm that may sound like Lester Maddox or George Wallace advocating racial segregation now and racial segregation forever on special set-aside lands.

                                          Tlingit Culture Center Juneau Alaska Dec 2013
 Reservations were created during an era when colonialism with set-asides for aboriginals was a convenient way to relocate the savages. If that had been done by Napoleon for Berliner’s, if he had won that war maybe World War Two could have been pre-empted when a German Geronimo took the lead. The French Revolution liberated Haiti and brought the mobile guillotine to lop off the heads of monarchy-aristocrat supremacists enabling democracy to take hold. Depriving Germans of their reservations even today is a continuing source of trouble with neos seeking to breathe free of racial competition for First Peoples of Europe (pity the Neanderthals)

So long as the U.S. Government exists as a nationally independent body and the U.S. Supremes hold apartheid-race reservation lands constitutional it likely will defend the land selections for race/tribe clan-only use. However with the co-option of the U.S. Government through public debt, lobbyists and globalism the time may come when a heavily indebted and lobbied government votes to end race/tribe/clan apartheid reservations in Alaska and across U.S.A.

Even before the full corruption of the U.S. Government is ripe and it drops like a rotten fruit to the ground of global tyranny under the U.N. or a Plutonomy union with Chicom billionaires it may decide to have a season of business tourism and flood Alaska with subversive gang members, cash and honey pots to infiltrate, takeover clan leadership from a number of angles. China’s Pacific Rim presence may become a flood and business surge so large with a robust economy that it may seek to convert Alaska like Africa or Australia into a resource colony as Britain has before.

U.S. policy on economic development isn’t certain, except that Wall Street keeps getting richer while the Federal Reserve is issuing zero interest loans and buying U.S. bonds. Globalism means investing overseas and degrading local population standard of living and political autonomy.

It is challenging to explain why an Adolph Hitler acceptable racial purity policy for ‘First Peoples’ in the U.S.A. that could apply equally well to a Germany and Europe being flooded by non ‘First Peoples’ from Africa and Asia is o.k. for non-whites but verboten for whites that doesn’t seem racist. Anti-racial purity policies are popular in the corporate world and are used to exploit local nations in justifying illegal immigration. What is plain is that duplicity is at work, democracy in decline and wealth is being concentrated. Whose fault is that?


On the Gospel of Luke; Evangelist, Physician, Artist

Luke- A physician named Luke, born in Antioch was the author of the eponymous gospel account. His Greek language skills are flawless and he wrote Hebrew well. He was a companion of the Apostle Paul and writes in the most physically descriptive way of the synoptic gospels. He is mentioned in Paul’s epistles of II Timothy 4:11, Philemon verse 24 and Colossians 4:14.

 Luke like  Matthew, Mark and John was able to draw upon the collected experience of the disciples and church of the day. He is said to have died in 84 A.D., probably martyred. It is notable that the Apostles best suited for writing to select groups, in this case the Greek speaking world, produced the four gospels. Coordination in the early church to develop a Universal collection of writing explaining the Lord’s soteriological life and mission seems likely. The late Francois Bovon observed the gospel according to Luke’s ‘sense of joy’. Others have observed the artistic quality of the work as literature.

Luke may have been one of the 70 disciples sent out by Jesus into the world, or not. If he did not meet Jesus Christ in-the-flesh, he certainly meet many of his disciples and was well able to record with a shared feeling of compassion the meaning and purpose of the life of the Lord. Luke was a painter and reportedly produced the first Christian icons, as many as 600 raising.


Duck Dynasty's Phil Roberts Shot Down by L.G.B.T. Political Foes

The ugly censorious head of corporatism entered to take down an individual for expressing an off-the-job opinion. Phil Robertson being interviewed by a slick tabloid reporter made some disparaging remark about ‘homos, terrorists and drunks’. Classifying homos with other threats to male security was going too far for the Arts and Entertainment network management that choose succumbing to elite homo sponsor's will-to-kill expression of antipathetic political opinion. Such is the way of globalism.

President Obama as a natural untouchable caste member may himself yield to India’s political elites and join the maid-beating politicians attacking American labor laws and immigration requirements to pressurize the federal prosecutor in New York that charged an Indian diplomat with lying on a visa application to get cheap imported labor. If the President takes the side of the Indian elites all of America’s poor and middle class may be on the slippery slope to the untouchable class too.

Free speech that disagrees with the LGBT corporate agenda is verboten, and so evidently are fair wages and good jobs in the U.S.A. for the poor and middle class.


Truck in Frost (poem)

Sad truck, black cab alone
air vacated, tire two-thirds deflated
spent souffle in frost


Indian Diplomat's Job Scam Lands Her in Jail-Double Standard for Rich Expected

Protests have arisen in India over an arrest in New York of an Indian diplomat for running an employment scam claiming she was paying an imported worker thousands per month instead of the actual $3.31 an hour. Makes one wonder how many U.N. diplomats are also claiming to pay good wages to menial workers in order to pocket the difference after a low actual wage is paid. Taxpayers in India should be glad that at least one federal prosecutor was intolerant of a double standard for the rich. It would have been good if contractors in Iraq being paid high wages by the U.S. Government for workers actually paid minimum wage were held to the same standard (see Halliburton's War).

It is possible that the diplomat wasn't really scamming her own government as well as the U.S. Government claiming to pay 30,000 rupees per month ($4,500) to her maid. The Deputy Consul General of India didn't have diplomatic immunity because lying on immigration/visa applications to meet qualifications for domestic servants isn't an official part of the diplomacy business.

India has threatened retaliation as if they could find illegal aliens working for the U.S. State Department right away in time to make the news cycle. It was reported that there are some protests in India about the alleged strip search of the diplomat who they believed should have been treated better than other prisoners-especially because she is a woman and maybe rich. In India the police,  it was reported, manhandle only poor women and defer to the delicate criminal sensitivities (that wasn't reported) of the rich.

Plainly the cost of making arrest being in the thousands of dollars, India should be expected to repay the U.S. taxpayers for the cost of the arrest and trial if convicted, and pledge never ever to underpay domestic staff again if they are working in New York.

Corporate & Government Data Mining; Egress to the Orwellian State?

One area of spiritual decline for Americans is that of individualism vs authoritarianism. Ubiquitous federal and corporate data mining and surveillance isn't something that the founders would have believed good. It's a real contrast with the American ideals of individual liberty with privacy.

Advancing the Orwellian corporatist state is the way things are, setting up the possibility of distopian futures I would think. 

The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre wrote another book besides Being and Nothingness. The Critique of Dialectical Reason is largely an analysis of social interaction and of the individual's place in groups and organizations. Large organizations such as governments and multi-national corporations have their own social golas, policies and codes of conduct for their minions. It is large organizations threatening the freedom and opportunities for enterprise of individuals. Too little taxation on wealthy individuals owning shares in corporations allows preferreed network location insider algorithms for concentrating wealth. Because the world economy and politics may become totally dominated by networks of corporate wealth and governments repressing individual liberty becomes second nature. It becomes routine to censor dissent through a variety of legal means and expropriate intellectual capital in the trickle up to the insider thugs phenomenon.

Then again, they may be monitoring your keystrokes and looking at you through your computer's camera lens.

U.S. Economic Growth Just 1.6% in 2013

Enriching the Wall Street Banks with zero interest Fed loans has enabled in part global investments to enrich Saudi Arabia, China, India, Argentina and other economies with hot economic expansion rates of G.D.P. In October 19th The Economist reported the U.S. G.D.P. rate with a 1.6% rate for 2013, China’s at 7.5%, India’s at 4.4%, Argentina’s at 8.3% and Saudi Arabia’s at 5.1%. The U.S. rate is probably puffed up by the Wall Street bank and investor profits on investments in foreign economies.

Even a zero-quantitative rate of economic growth is o.k. if qualitative growth increases, public debt is reduced, the environment restored and the quality of living of the poor and middle class increasing. Such right-thinking policy are perhaps considered in some collegiate ecological economic colloquia yet definitely not in the U.S. Government or on Wall Street.

Since the Obama administration generally followed Bush II economic policy with permanent Bush II tax cuts the economic interests of the poor and middle class have continued to be stagnant if not downward. Nothing in the administration policy seems designed to counter that. The big question is; will the President get in his 200th round of gold before January 1st?


Applied Concepts of Transcendence (video/science fiction)

I've read an excerpt from my science fiction novel 'Temporal Cross Currents' a piece exemplifying applied concepts of transcendence.


Why Lawyer-Presidents Harm U.S. Economy and Morals

On the topic of what requires more faith, science or religion; consider the diverse nature of science with millions of experiments. Sometimes the data acquired leads to conflict scenarios for applied science. Radithor was a bottled health beverage sold to American sports elites in the roaring twenties. Its warming ingredient was radium. The new thing isn’t always the right thing. How bad are excess antibiotics in the ecosphere? 

To a certain extent an era of corporatism coincides with a period of legalism. Legalism morphs into authoritarianism and oppression of citizen test-subjects. Litigation can dominate political and corporate free space for enterprise displacing individuals with better ideas. Faith in science develops a requirement for faith in corporate financing power or big government research funding. 

Electing lawyers to political office to make public policy is comparable to feeding cattle ground up dead cattle pellets inducing prions in political brains and mad cow disease in the populace. It’s as bad an idea as having the CEO of Morgan Stanley serve concurrently as the federal banking regulator or the Chief of Exxon setting the rate of the oil depletion tax allowance. 

Lawyers making laws for-themselves establish the ultimate Soviet Style class bureaucratic sluzhba for insiders without a clue of what people want or society needs in the free world. As the ultimate insiders passing laws to benefit special interests confidant they have the muscle to force through and defend their favorite laws, going so far as to pack courts with simpatico lawyers for rubber stamping approval of corruption without need for consent from a political power minority of opposition, public debt and moral decline metastasize. 

Experts on everything in their own view because they occupy high ground on the legal and political battlefield the populace couldn’t hope to storm without heavy casualties fighting uphill against established lawyercratic rulers (if they weren’t doped out with media soporifics and dissimulation in support of the ruling class) bad ideas multiplied by the factor of lawyers in politics become a Medusa’s Gordian knot of laws. Free enterprise is qualitatively repressed in the mass corporate-government lawyer filters of power when it has potential to alter the insider edge deleteriously or economically. Remember Gillette’s suppressed shave crème; The Hot One! 

The failures of public policy made by lawyer-politicians are multiplied by the hubris of too much faith in themselves and proprietary interests being good for society as a whole. The exploitation of Adam’s Smith’s ideas about enlightened self-interest applied to lawyer-politicians is a tragic debasement of philosophical thought influenced by Adam Smith, and even modern science has experienced some debasement of its currency value because of Gresham’s law that bad money follows good. 

Tabletop fusion and miracle drugs claims need to be verified rather than exploited for instant political gains comparable to claiming low unemployment just before and election that facts will controvert later. The Economist in an Oct. 2013 issue had a special section on ‘How Science Goes Wrong’. Page 13- “Amgen, found that they could reproduce just six of 53 “landmark” studies in cancer research.” The economic motivations for rapid assertions of scientific progress make for shoddy science. Amid the good science arises a lot of bad. The Economist editors mentioned the principal of ‘trust but verify’. One may have faith that matter and energy can be reconfigured for the human good or that the Universal configurations of matter and energy in the past were of a given shape, yet uncertainty enters into anything except those things of faith that one may have in Spirit.


Value Theories in Contentious Political Economic Contexts

Lawyers and philosophers obviously take a different approach to language and analysis. Sometimes attorneys seem to be on stilts because of their insider position in society in regard to law, government and so forth. Winning points may seem to be of more value than finding the truth. One might discern that trend in Congressional budgeting. Definition of words and language and theories about that such as W.V.O. Quine developed in 'Ontological Relativity' let us consider lexicons as sets with unique values that may or may not have meanings coinciding with homonyms of others. It is a paradox that 'value theory' itself could be construed as having different meanings, definitions or values within which capitalism may or may not be included.

Is capitalism not more than an economic theory and monetary theory not also a value theory criterion? Von Mises and others considered the nature of capital-is it in money or in factories, social power and etc. without reaching a particularly persuasive conclusion. Capitalism may be an event-process comprising acquisition of economic power however capital itself is a value theory component in so far as what is regarded as valuable is a variable set by consumers as well as physics. Hollywood stars may pay a lot for cocaine and value that more highly than growing potatoes on an acre or two of land (or not) for instance, while shells were valuable as a money item to some natives of New Guinea and others believed gold to be the Texas T of the time.

The United States has predominantly had one value theory in recent decades-especially the 'me decades' of the 1980s and 1990s when material girl values and blimped up banks empowered with Monty Carlo algorithms, computers, mortgage derivatives and globalism arose ads phenomenalities in an existential pursuit of financial power and consumption. That is well known. Spiritual values were in decline along with innumerable traditional values even as the ecospheric decay such as the ozone hole, global warming, acidification of the ocean and biodiversity loss were considered to be externalities to the organizational use-truth value theories of corporate profit above all social responsibility.

I think some may misconstrue ideas about God and time. God always was, eternal being has no temporal beginning. The 'in the beginning' phrase from the book of John would be in relation to the temporal creation of things such as any given Universe.

Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...