
Few Realists in Understanding Reganomics

President Ronald Reagan's economy benefited from mass deficit spending with concurrent tax cuts. That freed a lot of cash and loans for economic stimulus and it worked-the jobless rate dropped from the high of the last Carter year. Ronald Reagan of course advocated just tax cuts, yet that wasn't the economy he had. The vast military build up and Star Wars developments, the 500 ship navy were paid for with public debt. During the Reagan presidency the public debt of the U.S.A. reached about 5.3 trillion dollars if I recollect that accurately.

For the nearing 17 trillion dollar U.S. public debt to be reduced a federal budget surplus is requisite to pay the 3/4's trillion dollars of annual interest on the debt plus more to pay it down. That would require economic management competence rather than fantasy or delusion as both Republicans and Democrats prefer. Tax increases and budget cutting are needed. Yet more vital is budget reform where intelligent legislators (I am not joking) get more bang for the buck; they provide better services to the public at less cost.
The U.S. Government should not create many new federal programs that increase the number of government employees and while the private sector is not doing so well. U.S. manufacturing has decreased significantly during the Obama administration. Neither should a revitalization of the private sector fail to regard the environment and its conservation and restoration as priority number one. Politicians cannot afford to be ignorant children on the topic if a long-range eco-health is to have a chance of existing as science now understands it.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...