
Quantum Apocalypse/Holograpahic Universe (video) and My Comments on Dynamic Subjectivism

Since John Dewey popularized the notion that reality and language are subjective various forms of non-realism reinforced with existential thought, even the General Theory of Relativity and more have developed the notion that 'nothing is real'. There are numerous popular videos on youtube on 'The Holographic Universe' and the new foundation in quantum mechanics. Here is one I enjoyed quite a lot.
I agree that the perception and experience of reality is a phenomenon of mind existing in a quantum field that is interpreted by the brain. I think though that while reality is constructed through a subjective brain-mind channel, there is still something objective to interpret. If one brain-mind interprets Alaskan winters in a tent as cold, so would about anyone else in that circumstance. The quantum forces that produce the potential for cold to be experienced cohere within a steady state of quantum entanglement that determines the potential realm of experience of an observer.
The Holographic Universe videos present an artful and philosophical view of reality with some credibility. A human mind-brain interprets quantum data into a field image and sense data experience, yet the potential to make an image of reality is limited to the quantum material that exists. The brain-mind-observer may determine a particular point of view from all potential worldlines however I do not think the probability states of the quantum realm is anarchic or disordered. An observer may observe just those states that can exist amidst all the possible states. I believe that the probability entanglement status of the solid state Universe (1) is entirely subjective existentially and the possibilities of viewing it through observation are objective while the experience is subjective, so I have a somewhat different opinion of the topic of the videos.
I like the video. I can accept the Berkleyan position of pure ideaism with the theological perspective of a Christian as well as the notion of scientific subjectivism.

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