
Point-n-Clique Tax Evasion and Federal Debt Ceiling

In the beginning there were lawyers engaged in a dualist struggle with CEOs seeking a simplified tax code for tax evasion purposes. Loyal lawyers seeking to protect proprietary tax prep hourly wages developed 16,000 pages of clear-as-mud tax laws to defend the people against globalist CEOs seeking a simple tax code easy to evade with simple point-n-click international production asset-management reallocation.

While the Democrat Party sought after a higher credit card debt limit, Republicans sought a simplified tax code that would enable corporations to avoid paying taxes entirely while enjoying the free benefits provided by the U.S. Government in subsidies and support for corporate business activity
During the Clinton era a Republican Congress balanced the federal budget that the President had to sign off on because of misbehavior. The President however allowed business deregulation too that Republicorporatists supported. The economy began producing concentrated wealth low unemployment in down-scaled pay job flipping burgers and telemarketing while jobs were outsourced to enhance profits. 
Republicans may take the Senate in 2014 and once again balance the budget as in the Clinton era. President Obama will dutifully follow the Republican lead and sign off on federal budget cuts. The preferred alternative now though is to not raise the debt ceiling in two months but instead to cut the budget as one would do if it were a personal credit card debt.
Because the public credit card debt isn't personal fewer people care about. As Aristotle wrote in The Politics the commons are the least well-maintained are of a society. In Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowsky would like the state to manage game on federal parks and allow bear baiting. Smoky had better watch out in Yellowstone in buy a Kevlar vest.
Raising the federal debt limit is a way of bear-baiting politicians to feed the public desire to soak up abstract dollars that no one has to pay for. With so many politicians gathered to load up the free money for constituencies some time when the rook falls in it will trap a lot beneath the rubble.

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