
Philosophical Ideas On Cosmology and Phase-space

Physical laws of the Universe (1) logically are manifestations of one force. An initial force in various forms and permutations equivalent to mass in sundry, evolved configurations seems the nature of things. The paradox of an initial force or of an initial allotment of force is something to consider and define. What would be the parameters or boundaries of an initial force of which space and time may be contingencies?

 Is it bigger than a breadbox as a potential quantum fact? Is it monistic or plural? Why should the force ever divide itself and become plural even unto having spacing. Once such a force exists it ought to expand and dissipate itself in entropy if a negative space exists and if the force is finite. Yet what if the force is infinite? What boundaries would it have and what would forms would they take?
 Lee Smolin and Roberto Unger were working on a book in 2010 named a The Reality of Time and the Nature of the PhysicalCosmos. Some working through The Perimeter Institute have added recently to the philosophical and scientific tool kit of contemplations for thinking about the Universe (1). Smolin and a few others have developed a theory of an 8 dimensional Universe combining four dimensions of space-time and another four dimensions of momentum-space in phase-space. Momentum space was, I believe, a concept invented by Max Born.
 The question of is it a Universe or a multiverse seems secondary in philosophical considerations to the phenomenal nature of the initial force prior to the manifestation of time. Can time ever be separable from space? Can space be created that doesn't originally exist or must energy and mass flow into a pre-existing infinite space and/or nothingness?
 Some have considered Darwinian evolution as a model for the way physical laws and perhaps multiverses may evolve. Evolution of biological forms occurs within the energy field of the initial force though. Scientific reductionism to understand the development of the Universe extrapolating from observed or functioning physical law theories applied to life leads one to assume that the advantage of larger clumps of atoms and molecules is in the overall strength of mass and energy localized in a star or in a starfish. Gravitational force drawing mass together is an example problem for consideration of the question of why an initial force would be separate at any point in time to start with?

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...