
The American Broadcast Media is an Automatic Assault Weapon That Should Be Banned

The American broadcast media is an assault weapon dumbing-down the U.S. electorate-those are the people eligible to vote. It should be banned or carefully restricted through stoppage of federal sales of broadcast wavelengths to the public. Instead those finite wavelengths should be given over to individual citizen podcast rebroadcast use through public computer facilities akin to public highway facilities. Without the presence of individual broadcast entrepreneurs by the millions many of whom are graduates the development of good political sense is defeated a priori. The assault weapon of media ignorance and 'entertainment' continues to build an elite of corruption over the masses.
In days of yore the media was a respectful presenter of 'news'. After the development of cable and the Internet they morphed into some form of predatory wolfen men and women raving at the mooned public.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...