
President Obama's Political Weapons of War Used to Support Concentration of Wealth

Socialized in the far eastern nation of Indonesia as a youth President Obama learned how society is of peons under the Suharnos and Suhartos of the world. Chowing down in a nation of dog eaters the young Barrack Obama learned not to rock the boat and disturb the wealthy. He continues that lesson as President of the United States.
President Obama has twice renewed the Bush II tax cuts instead of letting the expire so the U.S.A. can return to fiscal balance. One percent of Americans have as much wealth as 95% of the rest combined. The six heirs of Sam Walton have as much money as 30% of the people of the United States. No wonder they need to heir vets. Those vets with feelings of violence instilled in two foreign wars will need to be read Miranda rights before consulting with psychiatrists who might report their expression about violence to the state security officers for investigation.
President Obama seek Harvard lawyer regulatory changes and is clueless about reforming  the economy. America's 50% most poor have just 2.5% of the wealth between them. The President poses with Hollywood Stars and children as he seeks to disarm Americans so they will be less resistant to the encroaching concentration of wealth and perennial high unemployment. In the past 40 months just 59% of working age Americans had a job. What will the President develop next?

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...