
Treasury Secretary prospect Jack Lew is said to be a revolving door K Streeter that worked for CityGroup with Robert Rubin earning a couple million dollars doing the sort of trading Democrats sought to ban as responsible for the financial collapse of 2008. It's the same old stuff one expects of the Clintonistas that constructed with deregulation the corruption of Wall Street banks and of course Jack  Lew was part of that too with 8 years working for President Bill including a stint running the Office of Management and Budget.

Democrats don't care about Wall Street corruption, Republicans profit from it. The unemployed need to worry about President Obama's efforts to add 15 million more revolving door Mexicans to the cheap labor force. With high unemployment and China moving into Cancun and more jobs going south it doesn't seem like work prospects the next four years are good.
It seems unconscionable to consider making illegal aliens legal; rather than asking them to go back through that revolving door to Mexico with U.S. unemployment about 8% and real underemployment about 20%. Mexico isn't a distant third world nation, it's a second world nation that is quite nice. It's illegal immigrants don't join a melting pot as might someone from Bangladesh who can't just go back home on the bus at the end of a work day to Juarez. Adding 15 million dual citizenship Mexicans to the work force would further degrade the job prospects for single passport Americans along the border and elsewhere about whom the Democrats who are 'a party of the middle class' seem to think they just need to slop with four years of unemployment checks and food stamps.

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