
Parables of the Way of Salvation Through D'Evil-ish Ethics and Usury

The parables of the lost coin, the unrighteous manager and the prodigal son are about the return of the lost to God and notably they have much to do with money. Money can be considered unrighteous mammon or material that dominates an individual’s character to his eternal loss. Today axiology (value theory) is largely disregarded in politics and society as people pursue cash for its own value without recognizing the purpose of money to serve as a tool for the improvement of society, environment, trade and quality of life. Christians sometimes have failures in value theory too, and err in implementing the application of money to improve social well-being and even bring the gospel to the lost or to materially benefit challenged Christians empirically. Political wisdom is hard to find. Jesus noted that some of the unrighteous have more wisdom/pragmatism about worldly values than the righteous.

The money people stampeded over the message of the Lord like a herd of buffalo running across a field of lilies. The Lord knew that some people inclusive of Pharisees sought to bring legal righteousness and monetary policy together for their profit. Yet He said one can’t have two masters. One can serve the Lord and inherit the kingdom of God or godless, immoral worldliness. Some try to place the morality of the kingdom of God outside the bounds of relevant moral conduct in the world, and that is a mistake. The moral and ethical conduct of Christians in-the-world is such that the world actually works better with it too. It is not just an ethics theory for the next-world. Resurrection is for the next world, and all will encounter that day of death where the fork in the road to eternity follows.
Because the worst-case social behavior of personal egoism, avarice, dissimulation and etc. strives against inhibiting moral concerns a false-alternative paradigm of no-ethics worldliness vs. Christian ethics is common. 

There are of course some societies without a concept of sin or a need for salvation from their condition of original sin encased with a temporal form. These lost souls require the hearing of the word of God, perhaps in a reformed priesthood of believers with ecclesiastic egalitarianism and honest tithing of 1% (higher than what the Federal Reserve has been charging the major banks in zero-interest loans).  When the rich get billions and billions without usury and the poor get high interest pay day loans and so forth there is an obvious wrong.
With a straw man argument to knock down (that Christian ethics is not an option for tis world) there is an effort to impeach the veracity of the gospel and the resurrection. The love of money drives the dissent to salvation, resurrection and eternal life with the Lord.

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