
U.S. Labor Participation Rate Expected to Decrease the Next Decade

U.S. labor force participation is the lowest in 35 years. In spite of a good June employment report of 288,000 jobs the need for several million quality employment positions remains. The bleak job outlook for the nation is a great opportunity for the next Presidential candidate to build an economy for ecosphere renewal to raise that labor participation rate up from 62 million to perhaps 100 million.

http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FM.ZS ratio of female/male employment in world nations

King salmon fishing in Alaska and the North Pacific is bad not only because of river habitat degradation. The salmon oceanic four-year life cycle is technologically obsolete. The big fish can’t dodge those big drift nets on their easily predictable routes so many years. Pink salmon that are on a two year closer to shore life cycle tend to thrive however. The ecosphere predation economy of humans has outgrown the prey (natural resources) and requires conservation.

Nations with rivers that have or had King salmon runs could agree to not fish in the middle of the ocean any more and just catch fish close to home in limited numbers, yet if they did that they would probably lose out as nations from elsewhere on the planet sent ships to the North Atlantic to take the bounty. King Salmon numbers are doomed by the political economy.

 A new President who comprehends what ecological economics is and who is able to reform and direct capitalism to work within new procedural parameters could stimulate the creation of new work. The low labor participation rate is an excellent opportunity to reform capitalism and de-escalate the concentration of wealth neo-monopoly of Wall Street networking capitalism and return it to the former pluralism through limits on the numbers of corporations one can invest in to three (so that people have to work their own business instead of just owning others).

Probably no one in either party has a clue about what ecological economics is.

The U.S. dept. of labor anticipates that labor participation rate will continue to fall in comparison to the past until at least 2022. Young workers aren't entering the work force as much for some reason, and population increase has slowed except for that of recent immigrants.

Getting good ecologically reconstructive work for more Americans ought to be a goal of Presidential candidates instead of just creating more quick and dirty exploit the environment sorts of work in work procedures of the past.

                 U.S. Labor Force Participation chart from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                                   of the millions of Americans working

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