
Way Out East in Ukraine, the Rush Was On

I am late getting to the topic of the next triple seven throw of the aircraft to roll for the media. Way out east in the Ukraine the rush was on to get the first pictures of the bodies that are worth their weight in gold. Probably ground guides were hired and satellite photos scanned to find the body fields where the tragic corpses were located like casualties of a Napoleonic battle.

It’s not my fault I’m late-I was trying to figure out how to get MSWord’s speech-to-text stuff to work. I didn’t know it existed. Evidently one can just talk to one’s pc and make a book get written down.  I like the idea a lot. It will be easier to get natural sounding writing. (mmm-hmmm, neva staat a song-ya- wrote with well I)

So fist things first; the bodies in the Eastern Ukraine. Will they be held for ransom or auctioned off on EBay so President Vladimir Putin can prove to the west that he is not a closet commie?  Those bodies have value and have already disappeared in sealed train cars for Moscow maybe, or perhaps the long way round to the Netherlands via Upper Skype and a Journey from Petersburg to Rome. The media will have a field month following the money.

My civilized world college professor Rurhwin Gory, said that Russians must never forget they owe us big time for liberating Eastern Europe form Volk-Nazis in the Second World War. Why are they biting that hand that feeds them risking the pollution of precious bodily fluids all around? Electronic cars are cleaner than dinosaur-mobiles.

Four scorned decades ago Elvis Presley might have twitted like a jailbird canary singin for the dough about being a-hunk-a- hunk of burnin aircraft yet wisely he didn’t. In the golden age of the 60s burning aircraft and the paparrizzi had a less volatile relationship in the pool of propaganda and publicity. Investigators soberly sought proximal rather than political causes for made-for-television events staged in the theatre of the absurd.

So today we can speculate about Malaysian Air sending a 777 loaded with citizens of their former colonial power gotten rid of only through protracted, bloody war repeatedly through a war zone and wonder why they would do that?

Death is tragic yet let the dead bury the dead has good practical meaning. The saved are in the kingdom of God already.

We wonder why defenders of Mother Russia in the Ukraine are called terrorists pejoratively by the Western media, and why the Nobel Prize committee gave President Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for what would be the foundation of the protracted unintentional development of terrorist organizations across North Africa and the Middle East and creation of a Caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq where Christians were expelled on pain of death? Perhaps it was for supporting theft of the Russian Ukraine by the Clinton administration boozing up Boris Yeltsin?

Irregular military forces perpetrate the most war crimes because they haven’t got the military discipline. Stuff such as that is well known and predictably in the fog of war if one sends aircraft into areas defended with anti-aircraft missiles some will get shot down. Rebels don’t have good VACR training and probably have bad vision for seeing at 30,000 feet where the bombers like to hang out above-it-all. Homeland security defenders of the Eastern Ukraine also don’t have electronic technology in their missiles to identify friend or foe e-prints to avoid hitting friendly aircraft as U.S. and N.A.T.O. missiles have. It’s not that the average gay-pot smoking, hip hopping N.A.T.O. cadre with a stinger is a more responsible shooter of aircraft than a rebel-he, she or transgender it has better idiot-proof rockets in his/her or its bag of tricks to eradicate the sky of perpetrators and make the world safe for the innocents ready to buy up the country at bargain prices, package and resell it on EBay or in Shanghai.

There is an ancient Zen koan that originated in West Texas that goes ‘What goes around, comes around’. Correctly interpreted the right answer is; a circle. Squaring the circle only makes the answer better and worth more.

Plainly I have probably written enough on this uninteresting topic already. I will leave off the efforts of the administration to increase Muslim terror organization in the Eastern Ukraine since Russia is no longer our ally in the war against resistance to development of a Caliphate since it already exist. There is lots of kitsch to add to the borscht of cabbage patch consumer stew that has to be omitted for due to time limitations. Remember though, Russia is the biggest geographically Christian country on Earth. Russians could be concerned about the rise of the Caliphate- the U.S.A. isn’t. So the administration says; sanction you!

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