
The Devolution of Democracy into Tyranny

Could the Roman Republic have survived into the Christian era if Caesar had not won the Roman civil war? The Roman patricians of the Republic had invested heavily in foreign concerns and cared too little for the nation. Of course they wanted to preserve their class political power yet who exactly was to mind the store?

History presents interesting questions and lessons to learn about human social environments from. The Phoenicians were before the Romans the great naval power of the Mediterranean. With the rise of Roma as a rival they sent their General Hannibal to beat down Rome and of course he failed. Though a greatly innovative and determined military leaders Phoenician Carthage was a naval and trading power instead of one with a history of successful land war. Eventually at the critical moment when Hannibal had Rome in his grasp the Carthaginian financiers cut off his military funding as too costly. Perhaps the Roman Republic could be understood as dying from a similar cause of distracted commercial leaders in political-economic power unwilling to comprehend and support their real national interest.

The charismatic Julius Caesar was a populist supported by the common plebian urbanites who understood their rich Republican rulers were busy concentrating wealth through foreign interests across the ancient world including luxurious villas in France (trans-alpine Gaul) while they had high unemployment and uncertain economic security. Republicanism might have appeared like an aristocracy on a hill, aloof, imperious and callous uttering advice of a stoic nature to the poor to bite the bullet and stuff will trickle down in a hypothetical spatiotemporal time parameter acceptable to proper civil order conserving the interests of the rich. Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon with his legion understood the circumstance of popular discontent. Over the course of the war he met and defeated Pompey’s legion in Greece who then fled.  Winning the civil war he would eventually become with recalcitrance, Emperor. The plebian mob liked it. The imperial Empire buried the Roman Republic for good replacing bad coin with worse. When wealth is over-concentrated concentrated Republicanism becomes a casualty. In the U.S.A. the concentration of wealth supported by Democrats and Republicans could lead to the end of Republicanism and Democracy.

The United States seems to have similar dangers today as did Republican Rome. Its political leaders are tools for commercial global interests. Federal and Wall Street misadministration built up the 2008 financial crash. Federal debt continues to compile and civil leadership to reduce global expenses on standing military and increase ecosphere reconstruction with employment and quality of life improvements are lacking.

Contemporary plebeians experience an unresponsive and aloof, ineffective political leadership class unwilling to reform capitalism that has moved its center of effort offshore. The U.S. Senate is led by a quietist majority leader used to raising daughters so non-dynamic that the President is tempted to be too executive such as to disregard the Congressional right to make the laws and his duty to obey and execute the laws of Congress.

When the United States was founded it inherited the problem of slavery created by imperial government before. Importation of slavery was stopped as soon as reasonably possible in that era-about 20 years after the signing of the constitution into law. It would take fourscore and ten years before the American civil war to end slavery. It wouldn’t have been possible for the United States to have long endured without the slave states sandwiched between imperialists North and South. The experiment in democracy would have quickly ended. The wisdom of the founders brought in the slave states to the revolution and cut off the head of the imperialist leaders, politically speaking, later in winning the civil war. Rehabilitating the southern states into democracy was a time consuming and costly process. The war of 1812 though demonstrated how dangerous British imperialists still were and the need to include the southern states in the revolution of 1776.

The revolutionary era of American history was still on something more of a human level of egalitarianism than today. There wasn’t so much difference between rich and poor and neither did medical procedures give the rich the assurance of longer, healthier lifespan. The revolutionaries fought human beings rather than half billion dollar stealth bombers, nuclear attack submarines, space satellites, and nuclear weapons. I mention this enormous change in the relationship between the power of any government of that era and its citizens and those of today for a reason; to point out that it may be impossible for Americans to revolt against their government today and without that ability, one enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, government power may have no real limit to its ability to degrade democracy and popular sovereignty.

It is difficult to imagine the President becoming an Emperor in this or any of the next few administrations, yet the transformation of the U.S. Government to an insular institution loyal to global financial Plutocracy isn’t. A benevolent dictatorship is an oxymoron however a sham democratic government protected by loyal to the rich broadcast media isn’t. Mercenary broadcast media political opinion hasn’t the same political interests at all as plebian urbanites and rural Americans. More illegal aliens arrive in America every few years than there were American citizens in the early Republic. With open borders and cheap air travel or to the beach of Laredo and Phoenix hundreds of millions of migrants would move if they could, anytime before the U.S.A. runs out of natural resources and jobs to plunder and take. Inrushing masses care little about the national ecospheric, security or civil rights and order issues of the nation-they are in quest of cash and have cell phones and the internet to get instructions from the world with about where to g and what to do.

The President seems to live in the 19th century on the subject of immigration and not recognize the numbers of people involved. There are more illegal aliens in the U.S.A. today than were Americans in the country in 1860. It has real consequences to let in a few million illegals here and a few more there.  The scalar field increase of resource consumption and inverse reduction of per capita land area available is a fact in the arrival of illegal alien millions that does no good at all to the democratic concept of  self-determination of the people of the United States from within.

American democracy is premised to be a country of, by and for the people with political rule with the consent of the governed. Americans don’t set illegal immigration levels for the year the illegals decide for themselves to enter whenever they choose destroying the sovereignty of the citizens of the United States over immigration.

The people of the United States have historically set immigration levels. Immigrant quotas from Europe were set early in U.S. history. When the danger of anarchists and communist seemed to develop amidst eastern Europeans immigration quotas were drastically cut. Most Americans arrived here legally and were hence acting within the popular sovereignty of the people of United States unlike the illegal immigrants from the south the past 50 years. President Obama has supported the idea of making law breaking of the sovereign laws of the people of the United States a pathway to U.S. citizenship in accord with his tendency toward an imperial executive power.

Control of immigration levels are important for sovereign citizen government designs of policy reacting satisfactorily to public will. Surplus labor supply may be undesired by the masses of Americans without prospects for good jobs or even any job at all so they may not want millions of immigrants in some year or decade. The environment may be viewed as endangered by human exploitation and the public will by a majority may be for zero or low population growth. There are any number of reasons why political will of the majority may oppose high immigration levels yet illegal immigration bypasses the political system completely. Illegal aliens can enter illegally because the Democrat congress and neo-imperial executive won’t defend the border adequately or empower local law officials to arrest illegal aliens and remand them to federal custody for repatriation to real homeland.

President Obama as an executive enforcing laws selectively seems to prefer a plutocratic imperialism down-grading American democracy. Support for mass illegal immigration and refusing to let Bush II era tax cuts expire are imperial policy directions. While there is any public debt the taxes on the rich should not have been cut. The way to cut public debt is to tax the rich. The poor will get off reliance on public support when they have good jobs or good job prospects that won’t happen with surplus cheap labor.  The rich are concentrating wealth in the meanwhile, the environment is in decay, public debt increases at something like a trillion a year more or less and the President sets a new record every week on the number of gold games played in two terms by a President. The broadcast media like imperialism with the people experiencing democracy vicariously through them in a new age bread, circuses (T.V.) and soporifics.

Imperial and brute imposition of alien will from leaders and migrants into the nation is traditionally un-American. The former was a stimulus to the American Revolution. Today the globalist government-corporate entity finds distance non-existent with speed-of-light communication and U.S. ideas about the sovereign political will of plebian Republicans quaint. American Republicans were, to start with, more like Roman plebeians than Roman republicans- that were more like an aristocracy after more century increasing wealth and power. It’s hard to say where it will develop or it what manner reform could occur.

The Roman Republicans might have evolved a broader representative franchise and avoided the transition to imperialism yet failed with their attention focused on concentrating wealth and training foreign mercenaries to serve in their army and substitute for them in military service. The failure of elite Republican leadership to comprehend what comprises and interests the populous seems recurrent to a certain extent. Examples are limited because Republics are limited in number to review over history.

Ronald Reagan understood populism and was a popular Republican leader-it wasn’t just the conservativism of rich. Elite Republicanism detached from the plebian sort of populism that is supposed to be the true foundation (under God) of American democratic government (representative government) probably leads in the same sort of direction as the Republicanism of ancient Rome toward imperialism- even if in a new age form of global plutocracy and Wall Street networking of concentrated wealth (the 5% of the 1%).

Republicanism that fails to lead on ecological economic reform will not get the chance often enough to stop the illegal immigration that will eventually undermine democracy and their own political base. Imperialism ends Republicanism with concentrating wealth rather leading to fewer and fewer Republicans. It is then that the populous feeling repressed support a symbolic popular imperialist (Caesar) to be the benevolent dictator ostensibly working for the masses. Democracy has then died.

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