Psalm 75:4 "and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horns. 5 Do not lift your horns against heaven; do not speak with outstretched neck.'"
Inflation has passed the Big Bang as a likely cosmological origin in the present era I believe. Space-time is believed to have coexistentially expanded analogous to a balloon famously.
Many people make invalid dysjunctive propositions conclusive for themselves especially regarding Christian cosmology and scientific cosmology. It is like saying the dumpster at McDonalds or Burger King, when there was a third choice of eats perhaps without a dumpster at all.
The Biblical chaos preceding the spoken word to begin order is considered by some eqv to the pre Higgs field inflationary chaos of high entropy.
The Higgs field expansion of course accelerated space and time, and the gravitational force eventual brought some of the field to contract and form into galaxies etc eventually. After 6 billion years that period was over, the Universe resumed acceleration at 7 billion years-God rested on the 7th day, and cosmologists speculate that the present expansion toward high chaos/entropy (all the hills made low, the sun going red giant, more signs and shaking in the heavens) will continue until a state of highest possible entropy resumes.
2nd Peter 3:8 "8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
I think Peter was generalizing as best he could, the special theory was a bit beyond him at that date.
The cosmological constant, another Higgs field possibly, is thought to be the element pushing space-time outward as a sort of anti-gravity.
The Higgs field may be what give all the other mass-like particles a seemingness of mass...that is it is relation to how they interact with the Higgs particles.
Light quanta have no mass traveling at the speed of light. At the speed of light time does not exist at all. Time exists proportionally, maybe in ratio to the Lorenz transformation, to speed in any object. The faster one goes the lower the value of time one-object experiences within the special theory of relativity.
God of course isn't subject to the time dimensional effects Himself unless he choose to, because He is a spirit and certainly not interacting with a primordial Higgs field to experience time or speed necessarily within a contingent cosmos of his creation...
Brian Greene phrased the way people experience sight in an interesting way in the 2004 book 'The Fabric of the Cosmos'; he said (paraphrased) that certain waveforms (I interpolate of the M-Theory matrices strings or branes assortment) stimulate certain chemicals in the eye to give the experience of seeming to 'see' in the brain.
That interesting point should stimulate some theological and philosophical cells perhaps asleep to consider the phenomenality of the cosmos as a for-itself, as what seems to be, even within an 'evolved' paradigm, and even how 'things' seem to have 'weight' within a Higgs field and within one's own senses within the Higgs Field and spacetime possible 3brane.
Some cosmological theorists point out that the entire universe could have been created from 20 pounds of 'mass' that was hyperinflated in a Higgs Field.
20 pounds and all this exists...not exactly illusory, yet relative and very temporal. In physics theories even time is reversible or isotropic. The problem is is a statistically modeled exemplar chaotic distribution of everything toward disorder. Time can't improbably assembly particles or mass from disorder to order.
At the beginning, somehow from extreme chaos and entropy, the Universe and space-time immediately came into being with the most concentrated possible order. The spoken word to begin, the order for the right strings and branes to vibrate or resonate, whatever God choose to will to be, and eventually human life too.
God's intervention in social reality, in order to give the sentient elements of His creation an opportunity to become reconciled unto his will, doers occur within the context, for human beings, of the cosmos which he created.
Of course there is prophetic material in the Bible, and I would not stipulate that 'theology' is the prupose of all scripture, or even most of it.
However it is certain that God has 'superior knowledge of the cosmos and physics to humanity. It is humanity that sees through a glass darkly and is continually revising its cosmological opinions often for the better. The Bible is truthful and even its cosmological ideas will be consistent with what ultimately is.
I believe the prophets and apostles were often right about cosmological concepts even though they would have needed to have been ignorant about it from a worldly basis.
If one reads the pre-Socratics and other aboriginal traditions about creation the Bible is remarkable for what it does not say in error on the subject, and what is does have to say.
Obviously it will have ideas that were simple and appropriate for the time written, yet will not become inconsistent with an increased understanding of the truth. Plainly the Bible could not alter its content periodically to coincide with the Ptolmaic,Copernican,netonian, Einsteinian and M-Theory versions of understanding what the Universe is.
Peter said in 2nd Peter “20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Peter plainly said "5But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water."
The Universal matter 'condensed' from a hyperinflated Higgs field into matter such as galaxies and the Earth. It resumed a higher rate of expansion after 6 billion years, when God rested.
Some cosmologists writing about M-Theory call the primordial Higgs Field and the Higgs Cosmological constant field an 'ocean'. Hydrogen is the most abundant element universally yet the 'water' Peter conceived was a simple waveform ocean given high order by God and hyperinflated into being, probably.
That isn't Earth, Air, Fire and water, it isn't the Universe on the back of a turtle, or even point particles of Democratis...its just water, or a high entropy Higgs Field perhaps stirred by quantum jitters into hyperinflation space-time for moderns perhaps.
Throughout the context of western civilization, and especially since the scopes trial, humanity has interpolated its own ideas about cosmology into the Bible to a certain extent.
It is remarkable that the history of the Bible, archaeology and scientific knowledge would at some point harmonize toward rational ideas regarding the Universe, as understanding increases generally.
The ideas about cosmology in the Bible is often quite accurate regarding something the ordinary apostles did not comprehend. Teleologically it would have been difficult for God to provide much quantum ideas to the people of the first millenium bc without altering the course of human history. I would imagine they would have long ago destroyed themselves with nuclear incineration if in possession of that sort of data for two millenia already.
I agree that the providing of superior cosmological knowledge wasn't an evident purpose of the Bible ideas...the cosmos is de trop compared to one's relation with God.
Jesus said that all things would pass or fade away, yet his words would last eternally. That is a point consistent with the Universe moving toward high entropy and perhaps Universal dispersion into formlessness of all mass, while His words as transcendent Creator are eternal and non-contingent upon the material Universe
GaryCGibson - 01:25pm Jan 28, 2005 EDT (#78 of 78)
Why don't gravitons just flow out of all dimensions as loop particles that don't interact with dimensional walls as a sort of Hawking radiation and remove all mass/energy from the Universe?
Brian Greene wrote about entropy in another way.
Physics has no implicit time direction in many instances. Instead time can reverse in most cosmological theories, I believe. Yet obviously time in this real Universe seems to have a particular direction. Mass moves in a singuar way, and does not reverse course.
Evidentally the proximal explanation is that the physical process of entropy, or stabilization of matter in the least complicated order, is what lets time not reverse course.
Time seems to be a statistically observable process of entropy taking an originally very ordered Universe and moving it toward the most simple form. The complex does not spontaneously arise from the simple. Broken glasses do not fly off the floor and assemble themselves into a drinking glass...etc.
Greene in the Fabric of the Universe' used Tolstoys 1000 page book 'War and Peace as an example.It takes a lot of order and arrangement to put the book together. If one takes the binding off the book and tosses it int the air letting the pages fall where they may, there isn't much of a chance that time will reverse and the pages reassemble themselves in order.
The Universe had much order to start with miraculously. Even in recurrent membrane theories or pre-creation theories the Universe has parts that are in a very high entropy (simple) form. Where does the order so concentrated even in a hypothetical singularity come from?
When the Universe goes through a hyper-expansion because a Higgs Field has experienced quantum fluctuation as a consequence of their quantum waveform nature of probability, it has mtremendous and most intense order, or low entropy.
The hyper-inflation continues for a part of a second, and for 6 bilion years gravity collects mass from the Higgs Field residue into galaxies and stars, planets and so forth. After 6 billion years the background Higs Field and its anti-gravity pushes space-time to accellerate faster and faster.
To simply that point-after 6 ('days') billion years God rested.
The Universe is expending its original endowment of masss order and ow entropy increasing to a state of high entropy. If God doesn't intervene to cut it short, the Universe may expand outward for a trillion years reaching farther to high entropy and low energy, until t is perhaps just a simple Higgs Field with no mass at all. Iraq may have peace by that time.
The interesting point that Greene made about the possibility that the Universe is a product of random quantum waveform fluctuations that instantaneously popped the Universe into existence as it is, is that if that were so even memory could not be trustworthy much less theories of the past and 'scientific' evidence. Greene discounted that possibility, for some reason I can't remember.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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