
Theology and Humanity #3

. From just 20 pounds perhaps the entire Universe was created. The cosmological constant or underlying Higgs 'Ocean' may be what all the strings or particles interact with to seem to have mass or 'weight'. Human beings accord themselves tremendous substance in some ways, and importance too sometimes. They will say such quasi-theological points such as "if God were real he would not allow sufferring in the world, evil would not exist and one could drink vast quantities of the ale for free with no time lost in recovery from hangovers"or " "If God were real little children could not suffer" . Yet God created the entire Universe in one physical theory, from just 20 pounds. He can let any phenomenal evil occur, allow his creation to become corrupt attempting to go it's own way from the initial Satanic rebellion, and still save those whom would trust Him.

Certainly humanity should have peer values to recognize fundamental democratic rights of individuals. Governments should not wreak evil upon poor citizens trying to help themselves in the free market. Governments should not utilize cheap-shot labels such as 'menshevik' to eviscerate social earnings opportunities.Governments should not be Satanic.

God has the power to know what it is each human being experiences, of any age, within this bootstrap epiphenominal Creation of a Cosmos, and still bring the Indians/Natives/Created over the goal line of salvation as it accords with His purposes.

Physicists generally find no physical necessity for field theories to have a direction of time...that is it can run forwards as well as backwards with equal ease. It is simply a statistical course of events that the singularity or membrane at which space-time began its hyperinflation was extremely well ordered to start with. The Universe could randomly dissociate itself from the lowest entropy status of origin over billions of years toward higher entropy (more disorder) and spend some order on the existence of humanity on the way toward absolute disorder in time.

Time is the hour glass of order to disorder...the bottom hald is broken and lets everything pour away. Trust in God is the way, Jesus Christ is the truth, to associate with God instead of the material phenomenon of the cosmos that eventually brings everyone to a wave of surrealistic dimensions.

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