
Iraq's Oil

GaryCGibson - 04:25pm Jan 31, 2005 EDT (#30 of 30)
Why don't gravitons just flow out of all dimensions as loop particles that don't interact with dimensional walls as a sort of Hawking radiation and remove all mass/energy from the Universe?

The question about what the oil of Iraq will mean to Iraqi individuals is an interesting point.

In the United States politics tend to become dominated by extreamists of the left and Neo-Corporatist right that annihilate individuality, individual and independent opinions and so forth from the political debate. Then, of course, trans genered sexual preferences meeting trans-national political corporations tend to eclipse mere independent and personally conservative political concerns too.

No one in Iraq rightly owns the oil fields presently. Perhaps the government could be said to own it, yet it is almost certain that transnational corporations will presure the Iraqi government to sell out the fields. Eventually restive Iraqi nationalists will seek to renationalize the oil fields to be on par with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The Alaskan North Slope Oil Field ownership situation is a comparable case in point. The people did get a bit with the permanent fund royalty investment, yet who will do that for ordinary Iraqi's? A permanent fund to distribute a thousand dollars a year if possible to every Iraqi citizen would be a good way to buy votes and loyalty for a new Iraqi Government.

Essentially the Alaskan Permanent Fund experiment was a modest success, yet concentrated wealth stymies diversified progress, government ownership of resources sold for profit also tends to corrupt, in partnership with Corporate kickbacking crooks of course. Governments should conserve ecosystems yet permit fair apportionment or privaization of natural resources to citizens that should inititally have some sort of 'aboriginal' right of citizenship/ownership worthy of compensation when public resources are sold.

Iraqi citizens have never had a part ownership of the oil fields historically, and certainly carpet baggers possibly supported by U.S. and British military forces will seek to dominate the profit end of the pipeline when possible.

Of course, the analysis of some Americans will tend to stop reasoning at Halliburton, Exxon, Bush, Zapata and so forth trusting that faith in the oil extraction process is morally the high ground, and that ownly the left, with support from the gist of Lenin and Castro, could possible see anything else than the Halo surrounding Secretary Rice (Rice U denied me admissio to the graduate philosophy program) and VP Cheney, or the certain divine inspiration leading Pres GWB. toward the promised oil fields and SUV's ahead, with talk of Hydrogen vehicles 'out there' enough to obfuscate the next four years of oil lethargy, infrastructure rot, and the termination of independent issue leadership and progress from U.S. politics.

The view from poverty perhaps provides a cold light that differs from the view from a continuum of comfort.

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