
Oil & Foreign Policy Triffles

GaryCGibson - 04:06pm Jan 31, 2005 EDT (#27 of 28)
Why don't gravitons just flow out of all dimensions as loop particles that don't interact with dimensional walls as a sort of Hawking radiation and remove all mass/energy from the Universe?

The bulletin of Atomic Scientists ran an article on Nigeria and it's prospects for a civil war. One interesting point raised in the article was the possibility that Shell Oil inflated its reserves of oil in that nation in order to cooperate with the Atcha Administration's (I don't believe that it was the Obisanjo administration (sp.) desire to have a higher OPEC production ceiling.

Nigeria has vast reserves of Luscious Sweet Crude Oil ideal for American refineries, has earned more than 250 billion on oil sales, and yet the nation is exceedingly poor.

The article also reported that the U.S. Government or U.S. Oil interests have been working against reform efforts by the Obisanjo administration to reduce corruption in Nigeria.

The American public always misunderstimates (GWB) the power of international oil companies to affect politics and international relations.

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