
Some Southwest Times

I cannot believe how hostile some of the Hispanics are in New Mexico, purely upon a racial basis. Evidently they will use any excuse possible to publicly harass and threaten any time they feel the time is opportune. I’d like to say it’s rare, yet it is very common.

Their expanding numbers blimp their self-opinions so far as to train them to be very aggressive in specialized circumstance. Of course the aloof Bush administration wouldn’t have a clue about that. They have grown in privilege and ignorance.

I feel the trend of Hispanics toward intersocial terrorism (not of the Al Qa’eda sort-it isn’t necessary) will continue as the absence of intelligent political authority drives the United States increasing under British management authority as an aspect of global Corporations. The British and Global Corporatists need an increasing working population malleable politically for transnational corporate expansion. The Hispanics of course abuse poor whites, deriding bikes as ‘trikes’ while they, with their idiotic educations dedicated to pure fossil fuel autos and producing children, will do their best to frame up a white guy for legal trimming. They should find out how nice a bike is compared to walking. The state of Texas and the post office could not even deliver an ID card for me in 5 months last year and this. It is quite malodorous…and that is in the coldest and wettest, darkest days of winter, while one is enduring colds and tenting. Their hate training does effectively increase their feelings of power, what can one do politically?

I remember in the late 60’s and early 70’s the British had more products, they were more productive industrially than today it seems for the export market. After the conclusive loss of their empire they seem to have restructured migrating into international financial and corporate markets to replace their former colonial revenue producing investments. If one compares Japan’s material productivity to Japan’s, the Britain’s unfavorable balance is especially remarkable. I believe Britain makes a lot of money through manipulating, or perhaps that’s too strong a word, through investing in American companies and transnational companies as they have historically. Britain makes money on the capital market.

With the paucity of competent U.S. political leadership these days the nation is suffering a number of financial reverses with no end in sight until 2008 perhaps. With 3 million Hispanics annually migrating to the U.S.A. jobs can be created and filled, wages drop, while the deficits increase satisfying Global Corporate much more than U.S. interests. George Bush is a lackey of Global Corporations and the Brits in particular my theory goes, yet we did help the Brits out in world war one and two, after they’d burned the capital in 1812 in reaction to our burning some provincial capital in Canada perhaps, so understandably we owe them quite a lot.

It must be a convenient thing to for Global Corporate to have a U.S. President that will support Global interests more so than U.S. domestic interests. He will seek to plunder ANWR and make the nation forever dependent upon foreign and frequently OPEC oil when it is quickly tapped out. I find it amusing that anyone believes the oil companies would not in some future time tighten the drilling screws again to penetrate every remaining area on the North Slope when the price is right. The public is so malleable and gullible, or more accurately indifferent too much.

The administration will support every wrong, backward and inefficient industry possible while corrupting the environment to help the Global Corporate velocity of money increase. Since it doesn’t go to me specifically, I have little motivation in supporting the outsourcing of my own capital acquisition opportunities to just anybody else the administration feels is acceptable to the elitist clique’s designs.

Well, the inauguration of the goons will occur once again, so the nation can rest assured that sunrise industries, green and U.S. energy independent industries will be buried under a pile of coal and crude oil designs.

Cold fusion was shown to have remarkable practical chances more than a decade ago, and I don’t mean the Pons/Flashman phenomenon that gave it all an aura of speciousness. What happened to that for electric power lines in highways applications?

There are even some safer conventional nuclear reactors now that can’t melt down, yet with a federal choice to increasingly indirectly support alternative energy startups the nation could work its way out of the international power drain sometime sooner rather than later.

Without border security the federal government’s work is a farce. Any Al Qa’eda infiltrators with gps routes can bury bio or tech weapons for use anytime, including of course explosives. Later an Al Qa’eda commando can follow gps coordinates to a car and again a map route to select explosives and drive directly to a target…Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles etc. Any prime economic target could be affected. The economic terrorism the administration is accomplishing on poor Americans is itself remarkable.

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