
Darwinian Skinkery and the Orange Wave

A recent Gecko ad featured a critical orange cheese-puff jamming the gears of the machine. Cloud leftists from India to Albuquerque derided Trump the candidate as a political pop-Cheeto. Yet the orange sherbet wave-cut is the trend of the future. Orange comb-over-do may crush remnant opposition.

What became of the Democrat party of the 60's with its focus on the middle class economic portion of the nation's wealth? It transitioned into the antinomy of M.L.K.'s I have a dream criterion. The flaw with M.L.K.'s content of character criterion was the evolving idea that character doesn't matter and neither does mind. The left regard each to be emergent evolutionary phenomena.

Some scientists have said that only D.N.A. matters. Deweyan pedagogical paradigms largely negating truth, character subjectivity became a Democrat Party lubricant to subvert existing social structures of the U.S.A., media and politics. Black Lives Matter is politically about no more than a class physical characteristic. Content of character as character was erased along with ideas about classical virtue from party planks. Character could be redefined subjectively to mean anything. Liberal dope use or homosexuality, skin color or lying were regarded equally well with or even preferential to altruism as good character. Character within Christian or even classical virtue as M.L.K. might have envisioned, was dead.

Statistically objective, class economics were important to both major party's during the last 70 years of the 20th century. Beginning with the post-Vietnam conflict era though, deregulation of Wall Street and a dollar no longer tied to the value of gold and gold reserves let a kind of financial phenomenalism creep in. The administration of Bill Clinton liberated Wall Street with deregulation founding the home mortgage/derivatives/banking crisis of 2008. With Bill Clinton the Democrat Party entirely lost its economic moral bearings. It evolved through the Bush II years to produce Barrack Obama via Harvard to become the entirely race/gender/sex perversion nominal party with voters electing candidates solely on the basis of race/gender/perversion physicalism. Race may be regarded (wrongly) as character, as can gender and with an element of truth; perversion.

President Obama gave the most rich of the elites everything they wanted in tax cuts. The 1% supported homosexual marriage through corporate opinion and media. President Obama was something of a Scarlett Pimpernel rescuing the rich from economic blame or consequences of the 2008 derivatives crisis. He also supported fully the corporate global agenda and flooding of the U.S.A. with cheap illegal immigrant labor. Donald Trump benefited from the Democrat Party's abandonment of defense of U.S. labor and jobs. Since the Democrat party leadership was already fully committed to defense of the interests of the 1% and their policies, Donald Trump with largely his own financing had a fairly low threshold of resistance to overcome to become the President elect. Trump, a member of the elite wealthiest individuals in the world, drew support from what Richard Nixon once called the silent majority -since no one else represented them any more.

The age of celebrity politics thrives on superficiality and sound bites. Race, gender and perversion are more important than class economic analysis. National debt doesn't matter as much as football scores. Environmental decay doesn't mean as much as new cars. Global heating is not as meaningful as quality asphalt streets in Phoenix without potholes. National democracy must be some sort of racism and sexism in comparison to globalism and evolution theory political actualization while mind doesn't matter as much as credit. If democracy dies a silent death and viewers want celebrity leaders to entertain them while promoting all Democrats in a bureaucratic social utopia expanded to take over or at least unite with global corporations in fulfillment of Hitler and Mussolini's ideas about corporatism well, that can be tolerated with legal dope and nice imperial skinks.

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