
The Cretan Solution to the Euro-Refugee Crisis

Refugees from President Obama's North African and Middle East policies fleeing to Europe have contributed to the development of long-term opportunities to name Europeans racists and bigots for existing as comparatively wealthy white people. As desirable as it may be for some to grow a vast non-white internal proletariat in Europe able to marginalize and degrade Europeans in order to better harmonize leftist and globalist ideals there are of course naysayers that demure from that plank. They have advocated a Cretan solution.

The island of Crete is a vast, placid potentially Utopian refugee capture and training center where refugees migrating to Europe could be placed in high tech barracks and trained to make solar panels, fuel cells and wind generators for export to power Africa and the Middle East with low-cost subsidized energy. Without adequate rural power low cost electric bikes and go-carts won't be able to refuel. Refugees would be provided with excellent education and food supply; rice crispies, broccoli, tacos and any other sort of delicacy including sliced ham, cheese and sourdough bread required to make refugees comfortable and productive alternative energy tech producers.

Crete is dominated by two oppressive colonial rulers; Turkey and Greece that nave created conflict there forever demonstrating the point that forcing vast numbers of non-white Muslim refugees might not amplify European social harmony and in fact might retard that. With E.C.. supervision and without the U.N. such as kept Greece and Turkey from war in Crete for quite a while in the 1960s, millions of African and middle eastern migrants could be provided with solid European support at Crete and therein discover a way to transform a problem situation into a productive one.

Coordinated Universal development of an alternative energy technology and higher education center for Middle East and African migrants would catalyze actualization of alternative energy infrastructure throughout the third world. As a practical matter who knows if the wire going from an alternator with wind generator blades to a battery bank needs a charge controller or a negative wire returning to the alternator? Many villagers just don't know how to connect the wires, much less manufacture them.

Greece and Turkey might be happy enough to donate Crete for a refugee training facility, as they already suffer as primary corridors of migration. Otherwise asd was shown recently when the British High Court put down the silly public referendum for independence, Greek and Turkey could be disincentivized to resist progress. Proponents argue against the idea that a great jump forward cannot be made if the moo is take n out of the moon. Instead they say that when the glass is half empty of water, it is more valuable in a dry market.

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