
Neo-Liberalism, Noam Chomsky and the TPP

Neo-liberalism has drawn together disparate power minority groups in the U.S.A. since the 1960s primarily focused on gaining class power and economic increase. The redistribution of U.S. income to neo-liberals based in the Democrat party occurred while Wall Street globalism developed too. With the end of the cold war wages for white males in the U.S.A. stagnated, though they essentially froze at the end of the Vietnam war. Those disempowered individuals looked to Donald Trump who addressed concerns about the insecurity of an in flux of cheap foreign laborers from Latin America and the closing out of U.S. industry with former jobs relocated globally-especially to China. Even as the former middle class power majority was financially arrested at 1960s levels, neo-liberals looked only to their own class betterment.

Five percent of the top one percent of income earners in the U.S. received the majority of new wealth creation. People like the Clintons and Obamas (as well as the Bushes) looked after the wages and taxes of the rich more so than the middle class and poor. Globalism looks for cheap labor and manufacturing costs wherever they are and the United States is just another spot on the profit and loss abstract for investment opportunity. Government evolved into being a support element for corporate policy.

Noam Chomsky describes some of the issues in a 17 minute video; especially at end regarding the Trans pacific Partnership supported by Obama and the Clintons. Chomsky says it is essentially an agreement to benefit global investors rather than any sort of trade agreement. Plainly one can see that the Robert's Court, with the Chief Justice the most heavily invested in Wall Street, is in complete support of Wall Street globalism and the neo-liberal agenda of support. From homosexual marriage to the Obama Corporate Unaffordable Care Act to the TPP the trend is to reduce U.S. nationalism and democracy to ineffective sycophancy. The Brit High Court nihilation of the Brexit referendum vote in favor of leaving the EC demonstrated the power elites have taken to nullify public wealth and power.


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