
Trump and the Nuclear Option

To some observers U.S. national politics may seem like a soap opera named The Dumb and the Wrong. So then, over the years, before the Federal Reserve started giving billions and billions of zero interest loans and buying up T-bills to finance the federal budget of annual vast deficits ($20 trillion and counting), what went wrong?

When President Obama got Harry Reed to use the nuclear option to pass Obamacare with a bare majority, and when he was the primary cheerleader making Bush II tax cuts for the rich permanent, he effectively neutered the Democrat party’s power as a minority in the future. With the election of Republican Donald Trump taking office with a full majority in the House and Senate the Democrats will be effectively powerless to resist whatever legislation the Republican party chooses. Donald Trump will be the most powerful President since F.D.R.

It is a fact that Republicans and Democrats have run wet firecracker candidates for the White House following the end of the cold war. Bush II, McCain and Romney are not regarded as mainstream ecological economist, nationalist candidates at all, for that matter neither was the venerable Bob Dole whom would have been a far better alternative to the Oxford attorney Bill Clinton.

Considering the economic decline of the United States since the cold war one may wonder if better Presidential leadership might have made a difference in modernizing and upgrading the post-cold war economic environment of the United States. I suppose a Democrat Party that had the economic priorities of the 1960s was in order where it was still a tough economic negotiator with Republicans and the difference between the most rich and poor was not so great. Following the Jimmy Carter administration the Democrat Party lost its bearings and forsook tight fiscal responsible for the poor and middle class in negotiations in Congress. What apparently occurred was the takeover of the Democrat Party by former anti-war activists, many of whom were not poor at all, that had far more concern for sundry social issues than prior generations, and that further were inured with counter-cultural values. A celebrity driven, rather spaced and even vague principle of identity, Leninist ‘and no religion too’ greased politics where money didn’t matter as much as power, dope, homosexuality and feminism party emerged. For a time Democrats drew in environmentalists only to discover their interests were given just nominal regard as the party continued.

The Clinton administration presented an Oxford-Arkansas synthesis of counter-culture values for-the-establishment with smoking-yet-not-inhaling /depends on what the meaning of is, is, disingenuity and admiration for Wall Street. Democrat Party yuppification would take homosexuals and feminists to the top. Lost was an interest in good paying jobs for those unemployed and underemployed at the bottom and lower middle class. It is doubtful that President Obama used the word ‘poor’ more than a handful of times over the course of two administrations.

In the absence of Democrat party economic sobriety, nothing would keep Wall Street in check. The Clinton administration brought sweeping deregulation to the market with all the problems brought to light in the 2008 mortgage and derivatives/finance crash. With the Clinton foundation’s solicitations of contributions from the rich and speaking fees from Wall Street for both Bill and Hillary the Democrat party became a loud race and sexuality advocate for the special interest groups of the party with little concern for ecological economic reform that would be in fundamental conflict if poorly applied with the street. Instead, the Democrat Party and Republican insiders like the Bushes moved toward a unified corporate-government synthetic one-party fusion.

The 2010 Battle of Seattle with protesters confronting a World Trade Organization meeting there showed the fundamental loss of bearings by Democrat Party leadership and special interests with a schism between nationalists with economic concerns (shared in many nations) and high-flying globalist Clintonista-Obamanites. That schism remains and will so long as the Democrat Party remains aloof from objective class and social economic statistical facts such as who and how many earn the least and the way it goes right to the top and the 1% and works to flood the nation with cheap foreign labour instead of repairing the environment while stimulating economic positive change for U.S. citizens of the lower 50% income bracket.

The Trump administration would be wise to realize that fuel cell, wind and solar power are part of the energy sector and in fact the better place to stimulate investment with tax credits and federal support. High tech energy generation and storage is the way of the future. Is it not better to train people in emergent high-tech fields for economic progress than to retard national energy education and become coal extraction industry recidivists decreasing the human prospects for survival on Earth? Need the U.S.A. follow Chinese solar panel leadership in the future and be thought of as an energy Neanderthal yippee nation of air and environment CO2 emitters? The failure of Republican leadership after the Nixon administration to address national environmental concerns with competence is a great wound Democrat apparatchiks exploit tirelessly each election cycle. There is no need, for example, to quit the Paris agreement since it is a toothless dog of legislation that won’t trouble polluters much if it bites. To quit the agreement will freshen the wound for the next election cycle unless a newer, more effective piece of CO2 reduction work takes its place. Opposition to global warming reduction politically is the equivalent of doing swan dives from a high board into two feet of water...if environmental crimes against humanity trials ever take place the Republican Party may have a few top ten finishers in the docket.

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