
Democrat's 2016 Platform Lacked Populism

Democrat 2016 Platform Lacked Populism

If one subtracted automatic Clinton support from women voting for a woman, and eliminated fearful Mexican -Americans voting to keep the border non-secured, Hillary Clinton barely got a quarter of votes cast. The reason is that the Democrat party is no longer populist and instead works for special interests and those earning more than $50,000 a year.

Apparently Obama voters from 2012 defected to Trump with just a hard core siding with the insider. Hillary actual took just a bare majority of female votes.

No one knows how far Donald Trump’s populism will address real challenges to the poor, middle class and the environment. Democrats proved to be failures even when in control of Congress and the White House. Democrats made vast permanent, comprehensive tax cuts for the rich with near unanimous support (with Bernie Sanders in dissent). The Clintons and Obamas encouraged race and sex politics instead of objective class economic issues based on real earnings. Demographic analysts probably determined that party voters appealed to with non-economic issues would vote to benefit their personal race and sex identity rather than for policies that would benefit all of the poor, or all of those earning fewer than $50,000 annually regardless of political affiliation . Even environmental reform initiatives were more of symbol than substance with Democrats. Nothing was really accomplished to transform the national economy toward and ecological economic direction in the academic definition of that meaning.

Real populism is what the Democrat party was about before the Clintons. Returning to actual populism may be impossible for the special interest branch of the insider party of Republicans like the Bushes and Democrats like the Clintons and Obamas. Though the nation needs secure borders and a turn toward a real and sustainable ecological economic economy it will need to be done with the people prospering from the bottom up while the most rich take a turn down toward the masses. It cannot be a reform where elites concentrate wealth and simply marginalize and degrade the masses wherever they can to reduce global population. If zero birth control on Earth does develop, the economic reforms required to create a good life for all cannot be accomplished without a Universal suffrage of Americans, and eventually mankind, equally shared.

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