
Simplified Political Economy for Alaska Legislature

A simple governing political philosophy for the state of Alaska ought to be easy to make. Barking at the half-empty pipeline isn't good enough. Bark until it refills and government is funded fully again.

The state should not develop any fossil fuel pipelines- let free enterprise do that as it did for TAPS if and when the market looks that way. Alaska's natural resources shouldn't be just given away to global corporations and/or mismanaged at rock bottom prices.

The state needs to keep a stable tax rate for oil royalties from state reserves so any global corporations knows a priori what the cost of development would be from year to year. Global oil prices, supply and demand, fluctuating reserves etc make cost calculations a special game for the major players. Legislative cargo cult adjusting tax rates down are inefficient. The Gov. Sarah Von Palin tax plan should return and be the normal condition.

If the state government decides to invest in energy it should be in commercial fuel cell power plant incentives and wind farms. Reducing the size of government and making it more efficient along with a state income tax would pay for government as needed. The state shouldn't destroy natural resources selling them cheap to Japanese pulp, British Petroleum or Exxon-Mobil. Neither should it ruin fisheries with too much commercial harvest (half should be for sports and subsistence) and no fish free zones to let fish recover from the attack.

Alaska has lots of natural resources and conservative, fairly taxed commercial use if necessary will keep them intact and valuable for centuries. As it is presently unwise use at giveaway prices by the state legislators intent on kickbacks to themselves and special interests are bad government. Good government is very simple.

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