
Hillary's Loss Dooms Hijab for Homos

Hillary Clinton's stunning election loss may act to disincentivize President Obama's homosexual diplomacy. Unanswered will be the questions of which spouse of a homosexual marriage should where hijab, if U.S. Marines to achieve full transsexual equality would be allowed to wear hijab, and, when stoning the devil casting carbon-credit clods at the alien meteorite of Mecca if it is hunkie dorkie for transsexual Muhammadan conversos making hijrah to wear hijab instead of full combat dress burka? The pro-homo marriage Roberts court left the devil in the details again with a decision that seemed to some as mad as a Nimzo-Larsen game.

With twenty trillion dollars of public debt bequeathed to the Trump administration, the matter of placing hijab on female figures adorning U.S. currency will need to be solved if the Federal Reserve is to print out more trillions to inflate money supply for Muslim nations to keep. If the Muslim world were suddenly offended by the appearance of bare naked lady's faces on U.S. currencies they just might dump the dollar to crash the U.S. economy.

These are tough days for the new administration to work with. Not only is global warming ruining winter in Alaska- setting it back a couple of months, ecological economic transitioning to a sustainable yet progressing economy for the U.S. with secure borders is not getting the attention it deserves. Also of concern is the creepage of cayune pepper into maple sugar cookies topped with tobacco that isn't hilal with the little bacon bit topping.

With due diligence, freedom and peace will arrive in Kurdberg, the rovers of Mars won't be transformed in the next Star trek movie into vengeful smartie robots with bent ideology attacking Earth, and the extinction of wildlife on Earth will reverse with full employment for all discouraged job seekers. Good luck President-elect Trump.

Practical Tip of the Week

Ever want a cheap and effective debridging agent serviceable for removing minor areas of necrotic tissue? Need to fix socially awkward unsightly wounds, bites, gouges trending toward infection? In addition to making dentures sparkling clean with a good soak, hydrogen peroxide is the agent of choi.

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