
G.R. and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems

Gödel's incompleteness theorems have many applications to fields besides mathematics. The characteristic feature of a set of all possible sets that includes itself as impossible is analogous to the problem of getting a finite number to define an infinite series. Einstein's General theory of relativity and its equations providing data describing the curvature of spacetime and the past and future of the Universe without extraneous factors such as dark energy entails similar problems. Because the equations are made with mathematics embedded in space-time itself the formulas must collapse with the collapse of space-time toward the singularity.

If a set of all sets inclusive of itself were possible, if G.R. could describe the entire Universe's history, if the principle of identity were transcended such that one being could view itself entirely as other yet include the independent view of each for-themselves, it would be a different Universe. It is remarkable that Kurt Gödel's and Albert Einstein each worked at the same time at Princeton University's center for theoretical physics.

Could God have a fate? For the Unconditional to let himself become the conditional, where the non-contingent being reduced unto the Universe of contingencies, that was bold. That was the Lord Jesus Christ being born of the virgin Mary predestined to crucifixion as the perfect lamb of God atoning for the sins of the elect. Jesus Christ took a deterministic spatio-temporal role in the steady state of a material Universe alongside his fellow humanity. The presence of omnipotent God filled even a contingent Universe of his creation.

If G.R.'s equations had a platonic validity such that they could exist to describe space-time independently of the material-energy space-time Universe that would be great. Mathematical physicists such as Max Tegmark have theorized about a Mathematical Universe (M.U.T.) wherein purely abstract mathematics actually are the foundation of particle-waves, mass and energy. Yet rather than presenting a continuum of scientific validity narrowing into infinite reduction in singularity, G.R. may itself be a phenomenon of the space-time in which it is embedded that terminates at a select scale of reduction, maybe where the first appearance of a dimension entity in nothingness occurs and time itself vanishes.

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