
Immoral Paganism and the Concentration of Wealth

I thought I would write a comment about paganism and its relation to morality in the contemporary environment. Popular paganism takes forms such as the Harry Potter books and even Thor; the Brad Pitt version, although the character is simply an extra-terrestrial rather than a demi-urge. Upgrading pagan paradigms such that they become non-divines may actually be a useful thing. So I shall put that off the pagan list. There are many others though in the gaming world that are populated with pagan gods and demons.

Popular paganism seems a way to indirectly attack Christianity. Christianity is lumped in with all the other religious paradigms and God with gods. That equivocation of the Lord and God with all the others is a sort of inverse algebraic formulaic process of negating like terms on both sides of an equation (or all directions & dimensions of an equation if using some sort of Multiverse algebra possibly) in order to get zero- the atheist ideal.

Paganism is a necessary chaff and smoke screen for advancing immoral norms such as homosexual marriage, legal marijuana recreational use and other platforms of the Democrat party and decadent elements of the rich. Paganism is synergistic with the goals of the most wealthy and aristocratic minded that would make subjects of all usurping democracy in the process. Christianity actually reinforces individual rights and neighborly morality as everyone Christian is under the moral accountability of God, while paganism is used to destroy individual civil rights to advance just class rights. Those class rights are behavioral conformity planks. And anything to advance the behavioral conformity planks of the party is alright.

Paganism destroys civil rights rather than reinforcing them and that is good for incipient and recrudescent royalty that desire a world of dopey, compliant subjects without individual civil rights. Free expression is simply effaced for subjects of the secular paganism forever seeking to assert itself. The rise of paganism in the popular gaming and movie world also inherently attacks the idea of free will of individuals for self-determination. Popular paganism is against individual free will. Employing arguments against Christianity and Christian morality are ways to advance the collective agenda- a pagan global Borg in a sense of collective behavioral norms of what would be regarded by Christians as immoral,sinful conduct. Sin is a concept to the new pagans akin to sunlight to a vampire...they hate it.

Christianity allows a sober secular paradigm supportive of a scientific empirical rational view of the world. Calvinist pre-determinism does permit free will. Free will is necessary for Christians to be accountable to God for sin after all. Calvinism also strongly espouses pre-destination, and reconciling that to free will is challenging to some.

Christians do need to improve their Bible and theological understanding obviously. The Bible is perfect although the theologians aren’t. They lack an ordinary priesthood of believers as Luther apparently wanted. Instead Protestant Christianity has evolved into family led or sole pastored churches that leave Christians as career pew sitters. Evangelical Christians usually misunderstand end-times theology too; a great problem because they miss the completely accurate prophecy of Jesus for the apocalypse of the first century a.d., and that is a tragedy in a way. A priesthood of believers should be building up universally within an increasing Kingdom of God that grows until the time when the age of the gentiles is fulfilled (maybe when Elon Musk runs out of ideas).

Sober Christian rationalism can accommodate a world of ecospheric development and moral accountability to God without the avarice or fetish of commodities hoarding (since Marxism is dead I expropriated the term) sort of way of socially structuring society that requires a non-sustainable and ecospherically destructive version of unreformed capitalism in support of an unChristian, unMuslim and grossly unfair allocation of wealth. The new paganism just wants a world of amoral cyphers equivalent to amoeba or ants, without individual civil rights or intellectual independence, harnessed in service to the 1%.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...