
Democrat Presidential Candidates are a Sorry Lot

Democrats traditionally increase debt. The exception was the 1999–2000 version of Bill Clinton who balanced the budget when the Republican Congress had him by the b__ls because of the Lewinsky lying crisis. They insisted on cutting government spending and he signed off on it.
President Obama created greater public debt than any other president, yet reduced the rate of increase of public debt his final three years. President Trump had solid debt increase his first two years and reduced the rate of increase his third year staying true to the modern form.
I did omit W from above- he did seem to accept public debt increase too well.
Democrat Presidential candidates are fairly uncreative, dull and the product of socialist pyramid approval structures. race, gender and perversion are more important issues for Democrats than substantial ideas about reform. They are generally happy with the economic system in its largest parameters and, except for AOC who would like to change it substantially (though not enough or correctly) adding 11 trillion dollars of public debt, the Democrat candidates are somewhat deaf to the idea of balancing the budget without increasing it too with vastly more taxes. Democrat leaders want to enrich themselves.
Few really creative and intelligent people enter politics to reach a high level these days-especially in the Democrat Party. There are so many reasons why they don’t.
One is that the Democrat Party isn’t one of ideas. They have a different idea of freedom than most Republicans perhaps. Democrats distrust strait white men and U.S. history because the history of the nation being one led mostly by strait white men. The Democrat assumption is that the whole constitutional paradigm and foundation of the nation by white men was bad because non-white men and women were not enfranchised. They fail to realize that white men revolted against white men over issues of freedom and rights with race having nothing to do with it generally.
To simply elect people that aren’t white, straight and male without good ideas won’t get good political work done for all citizens if the non-straight, white males are elected. Good ideas are totally separable from race, gender and perversion. Americans need to be more educated to expect good ideas for reform and actually encounter them through the media; lots of good ideas. people should want to elect the best ideas instead of the best skin color or gender.
Balancing the federal budget, reforming government, reducing public debt, restoring ecospheric health, stopping illegal immigration, creating a more egalitarian distribution of wealth without crass redistributionism, keeping Americans out of the dangerous scuppers and whirlpools endemic to dire poverty, building a moon base, safeguarding national defense and helping neighboring nations out of poverty with hope for all- these are ideas with possible content that work yet are not recognized by the race-card playing Democrat party.

Would Demos Really Vote for a Candidate Descended From Slave Plantation Owners?

When Kamala Harris said she was descended from prominent Jamaican slave owners that presented a conundrum for the party faithless; wouldn't they seem like step-n-fetch-its if they chose a leader descended from slave owners?

Democrats are such a racist party without good ideas that skin coloration alone is a qualifier for the top job. Female and homo are additional points for the party of perversion.

I cannot imagine voting for anyone descended from slave owners intentionally. The United States is about democracy and resistance to slavery- maybe Democrats can nominate people descended from Klan leaders as well and, of course, Robert E. Lee.

With hundreds of millions of native-born Americans it should be possible for the Democrat Party to find candidates that have a lineage of freedom rather than the slave-owning side to put up for their top jobs.



Competent people in a nation give wide birth to select historical currents, persons, symbols and directions in order to avoid conflicts of interest. There is no need to cut the corners as if there were few potential candidates with middle of the road qualifications free of conflict of interest.

An example would be German electors that run a candidate with ancestors that were high in the Nazi Party or cousins of Adolph Hitler; there must be a few competent Germans without that heritage to run for the top job. If China ever became a free market social democracy should it run heirs of Chairman Mao for the Presidency? What about Benedict Arnold- surely he must have some fully qualified descendants that could run for the White House?

The Democrat Party could at least look to the United States instead of Jamaica for a candidate with ancestors that were proud and prominent owners of slaves. Since Democrats want to make slaves of Americans socially to the very rich through real politik, it behooves them to find candidates with ancestors experienced owning slaves in the United States.


Simplified Intellectual Properties International Court for China Trade War?

Wouldn’t a simplified intellectual properties adjudication process in an international court make it easier to defend against and find compensation for theft of intellectual properties? China with its communist background has a different attitude toward ownership of intellectual properties. 

Intellectual and technical transfer from the west with its intellectual properties rights have built China up substantially in the intellectual vacuum created by pervasive government repression of individual intellectual and spiritual freedom.

Communism represses individual creativity. It strips individual creators of the fruit of their labor (no reference to Elton John at all). Communism kills motivation for invention, and with liberalization Chinese inventiveness increases, yet the dark specter of communist authoritarianism remains to guide the invisible hand of Adam Smith's invisible half-brother; Shady Smith; Pickpocket Extraordinaire.

The trade war should be resolved reasonably soon in order to facilitate orderly business processes that should be guided to an ecologically sustainable direction. China with its history of over-population has required severe birth control measures for national viability. Communism may be the best form of government for state repression of population growth beyond the Nazi concentration-liquidation camp methodology.

In my opinion humanity is best at expansion and least competent at social design. Governments are good at repression but virtually incapable of intelligent ecologically sustainable design. The U.S. Democrat Party is a good present example of that; it seeks to flood the United States with illegal aliens by the tens of millions to swell the domestic population closer toward the 400 million level that radically over-stresses the national ecosphere. In some way intellectual creativity need accompany ecological and demographic sustainability or the usual human social structure of expansion in unplanned sprawl followed by mass war casualties to destroy the structure when it becomes untenable recurs.

Some kind of international court and process for compensating victims of intellectual properties theft need be made between China and the world. fair hearings and just compensation for victims along with protection against frivolous lawsuits need be made. China and other governments should pay into the fund from business profits. Hearing officers would decide the legitimacy of claims and scheduled, standardized payments that are structurally scheduled would be made. National governments basing the convicted perpetrators would be free to seek pay-back from their perps.

In addition to the Intellectual Properties Court it would be useful to reform the patent process globally and reduce the exclusivity period to three years in order to accelerate human technological development. After three years anyone could produce the patented item legally if they pay 10% royalty to the patent holder.

Technology transfer in some ways is a separable items. The phenomenon is a result of weak national governance and policy. It is a result of capitalists seeking after cheap foreign labor and foreign markets. Nations including the U.S.A. could require foreign companies to transfer technology too in order to do business in their country. Trade agreements and equalize and yet so may national policy.


Regarding 'Fair' National Income Distribution

The GINI Index exists and is ubiquitous for the purpose of comparing fair income distribution.

Gini Index Definition

Gini coefficient - Wikipedia

I am not sure what ‘fair’ distribution is. There is some relation between production and output/income. Should non-producers have the same output and income as non-producers? From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a Marxist paradigm and quote. That doesn’t seem right to me; there should be a lot of surplus wealth used for nothing good in that paradigm. Maybe it could be adjusted in some way so it worked without government goons deciding what everybody needs.

There should be a minimum livable income and a maximum allowable income to prevent social misery and the end of democracy with plutocracy. Besides that there should be equal opportunity to be productive and end the prospect of oppression by corporations, individuals or the state.

Maybe there are clever, better ways to regard fair distribution of wealth. Certainly public resources should be equally accessible such as forests, oceans etc and not exploited or destroyed for the benefit of corporations or governments.

If Canada Joined the EU

Canada isn’t in the European Union. They could make a deal with the EU to allow European leadership to make Canada a cute, loyal vassal state if the Canadians were nice enough. Canada is tight with Britain, and Britain is trying to ditch the EU with Brexit; one would think that a Canadian submission to the EU and the Huns of Hungary (such as GM Richard Rapport who could conquer Canadian chess rankings) would be counter-cyclical regarding Canadian tradition and current history vis England.

The United States would need a new defense posture concerning the possible perfidy of the EU on the northern border. Probably it would be requisite for the U.S. to end N.A.T.O. and form and alliance with Russia to offset the European edge. Central American and latino problems would arise in greater substance than at present with Communist China levering South American powers too along with Europeans leaders of the left and right to squeeze the United States with adverse military and trade agreements.

Suspension of US Democracy While Foreign Governments Rule Immigration Policy

The Democrat party seems like an alien party trying to rule in behalf of foreign governments; especially those of Central America sending illegal aliens north. U.S. citizens are no longer self-determining regarding who and how foreigners arrive in the United States. Immigration policy is set by foreign governments that choose to create conditions in their own nations that would drive their people away.

The poor of those nations haven't competent government leadership to assure reasonable living conditions and security so they flee north. That situation need be corrected with pressure put on Central American Governments as well as security on the U.S. to halt the illegal flow of migrants across the U.S. border.

The U.S. Democrat is party degrades the value of U.S. citizenship and kills political self-determination. Democrat Party leaders determine U.S. policy so far as they can- even through illegal means, and are a party of lunatics undermining the opportunity for Americans to have calm, rational, stable politics that allow the marketplace of ideas to change the course of the nation in a steady, measured way to sustainable economics and the end of misery for the poor of the U.S.A. Democrats are a party that would enslave citizens socially and economically and force them into their evil, godless mold. Democrats are like Marxist-Leninists that are satisfied with the CPSU leadership class becoming empowered while the proles look up their noses on high from below.


Middle East May Not Need a 'Peace' Plan

Central economic planning didn't work too well for the Soviet Union. A Middle east Peace plan that is some kind of socialist coordination template with donors or others providing $50 billion to Palestine doesn't seem like a good idea. That would enable Palestine to buy better weapons to attack Israel with.

U.S. Presidents are not obligated to provide a peace plan for Palestine. Free enterprise lassez fare might work better. Middle East problems are better solved by Middle Easterners. The United States should just support Israeli defense needs and let the terrorists beyond their borders find their own funding.

Rube Goldberg schemes might be good for post-presidency Trump Inc investment prospects in Muslim nations yet they are wrong for Americans. Central Americans need a Marshall plan more than Palestine, and Marshall plans should just go to friends and beaten enemies rather than present enemies such as exist in the Middle East. The Von Trump-Kushner Peace Plan for Enriching Palestinians seems wrong. Put together a moon financing package for the moon base. Get Central America fully recovered and looking to the future with hope. Let the Palestinians keep electing gangsters. Until they choose to put down the suicide vest let them find their own financing. Maybe President Trump and Kushner are working on a package for Iran. The logic is somewhat off.

Palestinians and the Arabs with nation status should pay reparations for attacking Israel so many times. They should also pay for the terrorism.

If the Palestinians were reasonable people that had an ethic of peace and free enterprise themselves investment from Jews and others would allow them to prosper. For some reason U.S. administrations are spaced on the Middle East too often. There is not even a war going on today. The need for a Peace Plan is somewhat untimely. Maybe there is a need for a Crime Plan to stop terrorism.

Dialetheism and Nominalist Logic

One can approach the matter with formal logic or a posteriori statements. One might say that matter is solid, or that substances are solid for example, and it is true yet false at the same time- for one knows about atoms and spacing between them. One may have logic, language and categorical issues. It is challenging to find word meanings that cannot be defined in other words. Interpretation of statements is important. What to do with Free Speech is Hate Speech? https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dialetheism/ Paraconsistent logic might be associated with nominalism rather than realism in language philosophy. The LNC law of non-contradiction for statements such that they cannot be true and false at the same time worked better with Platonic realism and linguistic realism perhaps. Computer logic seems to be the test of formal logic these days. If an algorithm can work meaningfully with productivity being both true and false then it might be true (yet false). Interesting words games and more. Statements may be true at one level and false at another. That conserves the LNC. Sorting out statement values with bi-conditionals and disjuncts might keep meanings at one level that have multiple true and false values.


Stanley McCrystal for Ice Director?

Former General Stanley McCrystal might be able to address the border security crisis as head of the vacant I.C.E. leadership job if he were asked. President Trump should find some former general able to view the border to border security problem wholisticly and assign the right personnel to the most effective locations for control.

U.S. border security should be taken seriously, a priori- before some unfingerprinted, non-registered terrorist smuggles a suitcase nuke over the porous boundary.

Systems analysts should find some way to actualize 100% capture, swift processing and detention at closed military bases, adjudication by special judges on the spot and relocated to their own countries or given an entry visa in some cases.

Ocasio-Cortez's Concentration Camps are Full of Volunteer Illegal Immigrants

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said that the President has made concentration camps on the border for illegal aliens. Presumably he should have sent them to Motel Six. There is a difference between holocaust concentration camps and those camps full of illegal aliens in the U.S. border with Mexico- the illegals traveled hundreds and thousands of miles to get to the U.S. illegally, while the Jews and others sent to Nazi camps did not get there voluntarily.

Jews and select others were gathered forcibly from all over Europe and concentrated in camps for disposal- death. The illegal aliens entering the United States were not gathered and concentrated at all; in fact they were not wanted in the U.S.A. at all (except for those with criminal warrants). The U.S.A. prefers legal immigrants and not illegal ones. Fact check; Rep Cortez had no truth at all in her description of ICE holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in the paradigm of the Nazi camps.

Another difference is the illegals aren't being starved or liquidated in ovens. The Latino Congresswoman really should learn more about history. The Second World War was actually a significant event for a generation she wasn't part of. It was a war for survival of many nations. Mexico was neutral until the last year of the war when it finally declared war on Germany so as not to seem too sympathetic with the losers.

President Trump should get House Speaker No Pelposi to sign off on a Marshall Plan for federal America so the illegals would not need to break into the U.S.A. in hot pursuit of wealth. As a son of a European immigrant (legal) the President may not have an interest in spending 20 billion for a Central American Marshall plan instead of wasting it in the desert for Palestinian terrorists (he would like to spend 50 billion there).

Central America could be great again, or great at least, and the balance could fund the wall and a moon base (from the tentative $50 billion wasted on Palestinian terrorists).



Actually the Economy is the Best It Has Ever Been*

*Yes the economy probably is the best it’s ever been, except for the deficit piling up. That’s a very serious problem, as is the foundation of most of the economy on non-sustainable ecological principles.
Though the economy has arguably the best statistics ever, the quality of life was better from a natural point of view before 1970. Too many people packed in and the closing of the wilderness, decline of fisheries etc.
Before 1960 the Jim Crowe south made much of the workforce underemployed or working for unnaturally low wages. Women were not nearly as employed outside the home before the invention of the birth control pill. The economy was good in the 1950s and 60s for those that were working.
After complete integration and equalization of wages was mostly reached in the U.S.A. by 1980 approximately, wealth began concentrating for the rich. Though more Americans were working they took a smaller portion of the national income. The portion of society new to the workforce demanded equality with white men and took their eye off of the disparity increasing between the middle class and the richest citizens.
After the Vietnam War ended there was a recession in the United States that never really turned around to robust economic growth until the Reagan era. Reagan gave tax cuts to the rich, deficit spending for military and government growth, and in a sense practiced Keynesian economics. That policy never ended after his administration. What should have been short-term policy to stimulate the economy became permanent government method. Deficit spending, resource exploitation and military spending kept economic growth going.
President Clinton’s deregulation of Wall Street and banks led to the 2008 financial and banking crash (along with President G.W. Bush’s tax cuts and deficit spending doubled down). A slow recovery with vast left-wing federal deficit spending by President Obama adding trillions to the public debt brought the nation to the Trump era and continuing Keynsean-Lafferian economics with military spending and vast centrist public debt increase.

Fund a Moon Base Instead of $50 Billion Foreign Aid Program for Terrorists

Establishing a moon base is said to cost 30 billion dollars. President Trump wants to gather foreign aid for Palestinians in the amount of $50 billion dollars as if terrorists want money more than power. It would be better to build a moon base and invest the spare $20 billion in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica than in the Middle East outside the borders of Israel.

https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/73931476-9511-11E9-9E6F-BDF56509629E The Trump Plan- $50 Billion




Saudi Arabia and its imperials are already rich and could reconstruct Palestine easily with spare change if they wanted to. The Trump-Kushner plan seems wrong-headed and misplaced; Palestinian terrorists are not going to change their opinion about permanent war anytime soon. However the Trump administration has cut off foreign aid to Central America and needs to get a clue about how to rebuild those nations so they are prosperous enough not to have loads of citizens that want to migrate north.


The Central Americans are Americans; the Palestinians are terrorists. If a Marshall Plan for somewhere on Earth really needs to be funded, Central America would be a better investment for the United States. The Middle East should fund its own development; it has boatloads of cash, diamonds, foreign properties and stocks as it is. The United States should not be the redistribution leader in that location; Middle Eastern royals should be down with that themselves.

President Nixon probably would have been sharper on foreign investment than President Trump. Nixon or Sect. Kissinger would have seen the wisdom in building our Central American neighbors better than they were before the wars and communist conflicts, and letting our non-ally Palestinian planetary neighbors get their help from their own Muslim co-religionists. Nixon also would have understood that a Marshall Plan for Central America would help his reelection chances with the Hispanic vote instead of relying on the Palestinian terrorist and radical Muslim jihadi voter base.

Saudi Arabia has given the Chinese the green light for building a vast drone hunter-killer aircraft factory in Saudi initially producing 300 annually for sales to friendly Muslim countries- possibly including Palestine. China is already the largest supplier of killer-drone aircraft to African and Middle Eastern countries. Saudi is already going great guns for investment in China. Hence the United States has no reason in neglecting the western hemisphere and building political glass houses in the desert.

England May Finally Be Able to Get Rid of Scotland

If Boris Johnson is elected Prime Minister (of England), Scotland has virtually promised to vote to leave the United Kingdom. That is all good for England and Scotland.


England and Scotland are miles apart, and should remain so. While an open border with Scotland allows those people to freely enter England without inspection, severing England from Scotland would probably keep it that way, and that's a change for the good.

Without Scotland England can be free to be British without the influence of golf-playing northerners. Scotland would be without a king or Queen and that's all for the good- unless the British Open played somewhere around Edinburgh is made to serve to provide Scotland a king for a year with the winner of the Open wearing the crown.

Crown could be a word with ancient origin when a crow was worn atop the head as a symbol of power. A crown was thus made to mean one of power. Only Boris Johnson has the possibility of restoring England to its senses as a right independent nation without Frenchmen and Germans dictating what's what as if they won the last great war.

The Party of Slavery Should Have Ended After Civil War

The Democrat Party is historically the party of slavery. Probably it should have ended following the civil war. The Democrat Party continued as the Jim Crowe party until the Kennedy era when it morphed slowly into a party of socialist thugs with the help of LSD, San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury hippies and Hollywood.

In its present form the Democrat Party is mostly a thug party core with no moral values. It tends to recognize its thug peers transcendentally in imperialism, communism and organized crime. Basically those elements are redistributionist cohorts. Redistribution not simply of wealth; redistribution of social opportunity, intellectual properties and life from the creative and enterprising to ordinary, average thugs.

In times past over the course of history ordinary people were required to liberate themselves from the oppression of concentrated wealth and power. The sounding of the fanfare for the common man was one of individual freedom, enterprise and work for-oneself without royal thugs expropriating the properties of individuals. Today the problem for ordinary individuals is that of organized thugs such as the Democrat Party redistributing wealth and opportunity, enterprise and power to elite thugs organizations and networks from individuals.

It is always reasonable for a Democracy to redistribute concentrated wealth and power when it becomes so powerful as to undermine democracy itself and promote rule by elite thugs. The challenge for a democracy is to prevent thugs of various stripes; royal, communist, socialist, organized criminal gangs, global banks and etc from arrogating hegemonic power over democracy.
Presently the broadcast media is an accomplice of elite and wealthy thugs and ad hoc networks that have built a corporatist edifice with imperialist tendencies. They have corrupted family tradition in the United States and established homosexual marriage. They have flooded the United States with illegal aliens to destroy the power of political self-determination of the electorate. Ordinary Americans earn less in real dollars today than a half century ago.

Democrat Party leaders are generally godless atheist haters of Christianity. Because they are thugs that hate Christianity and the history of the United States because it was not led by the present demographic constituency of the Democrat party, and because that constituency is prevalently neo-socialist at minimum, they have worked against traditional America and promoted globalism and virtually any interest that is not historically a part of the traditional U.S. majority culture. That includes Mohammadans, Communists, Socialist and illegal aliens.

Mohammadanists are thugs like the Democrats. While submission to God is a good thing, Mohammadanism is a thug approach. Democrats are therefore too happy to regard Christianity and Mohammadanism with equanimity as they do also regard Communist Chinese atheism. That approach by the Democrat party has profound, evil effects on the world political status. It aborts decency and salvation unto eternal life for billions of souls potentially. It loses the opportunity for a peaceful, verdant world with liberty and justice for all. It promotes thuggery and spiritual enslavement by godless and even demonic forces of political and spiritual evil.

The Democrat Party is a collective of thugs seeking power for their leaders on the basis of race, gender and perversion instead of working for the well being of all of the citizens. It is a party that should have ended after the civil war.


US Political Economy; Saturday in the Park

Regulation or deregulation, that is the question. Whether ‘tis better to endure the sweeps and arrows of outrageous inflation or understand political philosophy in the darkest abyss that looks back at you? None understand economic philosophy in the major American parties, no, not one. It is as if a restaurateur believed just two items were possible for a restaurant menu; slurried or fried gruel.
One may regulate inappropriate, ecologically unsustainable economic method or deregulate it. The same difference of negative sum strategies work out well for the grateful dead laughing in their graves at the folly of mortal economists kissing derriers of the most rich and attainable a-holes determining the fate of mankind in the humble states of America.
One might want a more rational, competent set of well-intentioned and ecologically literate economic advisers and politicians in power. One might like to remember Chicago the band’s better songs and mid-western picnics and ice cream too if only one have ever lived there.


Does President Trump Have a Duty or Right to Enforce Laws Of USA?

The United States has tens of millions of illegal aliens residing within its borders. President Trump is the chief law enforcement officer of the nations. One might believe he has a duty to enforce the laws of the nation; that it would be an impeachable offense to be derelict and indolent and choose not to enforce the laws. Democrat party leadership tends to disagree with that position concerning the illegal aliens.
The L.A. Times has reported that illegal aliens are calling people in virtual terror of law enforcement activity the President said would include rounding them up for deportation. 

If the President were to selectively enforce laws, that would render the courts and congress to a superfluous status (if he could get away with it). A President could order the I.R.S. not to collect taxes on the rich (though President Obama already cut their taxes to a minimum), not to enforce laws against defecating in the streets of the nation's capitol as free speech about Democrat Party legislation, build a seige tower in front of the White House as politically protected free speech or enforce laws against pollution or insider trading. Democrats like illegal aliens and open borders for various reasons including yet not limited to anarchy and global communism. They demand executive compliance with their will regardless of the legality or means required to get it done.


One Explanation for UFO Sightings the Past Couple of Decades

My guess is experimental aircraft; something like magnetically charged poker chips in an electro-magnetic field. In theory they could travel nearly to the speed of light within an electromagnetic field. One might use the Earth's magnetic field or create a field that could be aimed at the craft's line of travel. Who can say? There should be innumerable methods of generating charged e.m.g.fields for charged space chips and pucks to fly through.

Aiming electromagnetic fields, or creating e.m.g. field 'bridges' between remote planets- possibly converting the sun's photons emissions for power, would provide highways in micro-gravity for charged space chips to travel in. It might be feasible to create simple moon-girdling charged fields for human transport pucks to travel quickly through too.


The Moon is a Better Place for Space Science Than Earth

The moon is a better place for space science than Earth. Little excuse exists for not establishing a permanent scientific base on the moon. A lazy, indolent nation would be slow to get off the ground on that project. The moon has clear skies, good viewing of the stars. Great solar power and super-conducting location and a fine defense base to protect the planet Earth against incoming threat-asteroids that could impact the Earth.

The moon is a good place to locate lasers and particle beam weapons to hit asteroids. It is a good location for a few good anti-asteroid missiles. Yet basic building science in very low temperature- lunar engineering technology need be established for practical development.
N.A.S.A. image
Lunar reflectivity should not be degraded. Buildings should reflect light at the same level as the  dirt (regolith) albedo. Scarce lunar ice should never be removed for any purpose including rockets. All existing ice should be recycled in greenhouses if used at all. Drinking and growing water are the sole justifiable uses for lunar ice. Spaceships builders need be a little more clever and not burn up the ice of the moon. The moon and all space planetary economics should be on a sustainable ecological foundation so humanity can start afresh at its importunate methods of using cheap environmental resources disposably instead of sustainably through good use of human intellectual skill.

Hydrogen and oxygen are often used to make rocket fuel. Those rocket scientists that want to exploit rare resources and ancient technology look at the lunar ice as fuel. Intelligent space-ship designers, alternatively, would use electro-magnetic mass drivers with solar power or plutonium power sources to get capsules off the moon. Ion engines could move vehicles in orbit to earth as well as numerous other power sources and propulsion types including lunar lasers hitting reactive surfaces on the aft of space ships returning to Earth.

President Trump; Peace Monger at Large

Iran has radical leadership. That leadership sponsors terrorism. It has worked relentlessly to develop nuclear weapons; and it is anti-Israel. Iranian leaders have said they would destroy Israel.

President Clinton allowed North Korea to develop nuclear weapons. President Obama created a structure for Iran to perfectly develop nuclear weapons and missiles over a fifteen year parameter. Iran and North Korea have worked together to develop nuclear weapons and missiles. The world is not a safer place with more nations with nuclear weapons.

President Trump appears to be a peace monger; he hasn’t started a war during his first term of office so far. President Obama helped develop a host of wars across North Africa and the Middle East as well as unstable governments.

With the War Powers Resolution of 1973 any U.S. President has 60 days of executive authority to wage a war he believes is requisite to secure U.S. security. A President with a quality military that cannot win a conflict against a nation such as Iran- not for occupation purposes- in fewer than two weeks is a bureaucratic loser and should be replaced if the nation wants a military leader. Allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons is a very bad idea. The President may need to use nuclear bunker busting tiny-bombs to destroy Iran’s enrichment facilities that are accelerating enrichment for bomb making.
When President Trump said recently that the Iranian conflict is a minor issue the Iranian government followed that up by shooting done a U.S. drone aircraft. Iranians attack when they perceive weakness; the propaganda value to Iran might be substantive. The President hasn’t even order the Air Force to destroy a few dozen Iranian aircraft, tanks and anti-aircraft devices in retaliation; peace monger.

War Powers Resolution Green Lights War on Iran

The 1973 War Powers Resolution allows a President to war on a nation with his sole executive authority for 60 days plus 30 days more for withdrawal. After that if the president and his military people have bungled the job and require more time Congressional authorization is required. I only point out the obvious fact since the media seems to want to obfuscate the plain legal facts of life that President Clinton and Obama have used for war in Bosnia and Libya.

Why a solid strike against Iranian targets requires more than 3 or 4 days is not plain. President Reagan made a couple of strikes against Libya that were effective as a deterrent. Punitive military strikes to discourage further opposition force aggression can be effective. Nothing is certain. Bunker-busting tiny nuclear ground-penetrating devices may be necessary to destroy Iranian enrichment facilities.

 If President Trump is a peace monger that perceived weakness can encourage Iranian aggression such as may have occurred with the downing of a drone recently. The drone attack followed President Trump's statement that the Iranian issue is a minor conflict; apparently they want him to regard it as substantive.


USA Ranks 21st Least Corrupt Nation on the Planet

Of 180 nations the United States is listed as the 21st least corrupt nation.
The top twenty nations may regard the United States differently because of the Democrat Party's corruption of the elections validity for the office of President in so much as they have never really accepted the results and sought to overturn the result since 2016 through the Mueller Investigation and interminable adverse relations with the President.
The politics of the top 20 nations are complex. I suppose they all jockey for advantages and get jiggy with laws and regulations to advantage this sector or that of their population versus the other nations.
Denmark is the least corruption nation today. Apparently they took to heart Hamlet’s remark about something being rotten in Denmark.

Reparations Debate is a Good Way for Democrat's to Play Race Card

The reparations debate sponsored  by the Democrat Party is an excellent way to play the race card for the 2020 election. Motivating the black base to get out and vote for reparations and to get rid of the white man from Congress is a solid Democrat party tactic.

There are 37 million non-Hispanic blacks in the U.S.A.  If each were given just $20,000 that would add up to 740 billion dollars.

In order to make sure that all of the blacks given the reparation were descendants of slaves owned in the confederate states all American blacks would need to have a genetic test. The genetic record would need to verify that each black was legitimately eligible for a reparation to restore his or her standard of living to that such as he or she would have had if their ancestor had not been captured and sent in to slavery and instead had remained in Africa.

A census would need to be made to determine how many people living in the United States are U.S. citizens and if they are black and if they have ancestors that were slaves in the Confederate states in order to prepare a tax increase especially to pay for the reparation. Without a tax increase three quarters of a trillion dollars would need to be added to the U.S. public debt and the interest payments alone would add tens of trillions more.

A special reparations tax increase of 90% on the most rich for just a few years would be able to finance the reparation. Maybe blacks should have a minimum threshold of genetic material inherited from an ancestor that was a slave to qualify for the reparation as Indian tribes sometimes have in order to qualify as a member of the tribe- perhaps 25% or more, otherwise white people with 5% or 1% genetic material from slaves will qualify for the reparation too driving up the number of claimants for reparation.


Radical Centrists Undermine Ecological Economics

Radical centrists undermine transitional ecological economics in the United States. When incompetents on the far left and right hold political sway there isn't a neccesity that moderates are spot on; in fact the moderate, centrist position between two incompetent extremes may be even more incompetent, silly, and base.

The broadcast media has journeyed so far to the post-socialist left that it is preponderantly left-corporatist. That media portrays moderates as being tolerant of hegemonist, worldly, global sin politics and ecological exploitation replete with homosexual marriage. Neither party encompasses ecological economics as a transitional center of effort of the United States; their moderation is extremist.

Time to Draft the Trump E-Dollar

With Facebook's plan to launch its own global e-dollar named the Libra it is likely that Gresham's law slightly modified of bad money following good will promulgate a host of e-currencies. China may seek to establish an electronic yuan. Plainly the United States should not sit on its hands and might consider the dragon realm and what tool would best combat it. That device could be the Trump e-dollar.

Facebook's new digital currency is interesting and has vast radical centrist potential to become a global currency useful for terrorists and others seeking to circumvent national laws on trafficking finance. One might wonder if the digital currency is consistent with the principles of exclusive fiat to mint dollars the United States has had for more than a century.


Private currencies may give far too much power to global corporate elitists than has ever existed. It may confer advantages for dodging national taxes with very tricky transnational accounting rather easily for on-line businesses. It may accelerate political corruption in as many as 180 nations.



Presently the United States permits digital currencies perhaps without limit to number. The U.S. Government itself might want to get into the digital currency business to assure uniformity in transactions. If billions or trillions of dollars were to be tied up in Libra currency for example, that would very likely have transnational political consequences and changes as well. The administration and Congress might want to consider how they should react to the subversive issue before it grows very large.

It was inevitable that some wag in the corporate world would seek to have its own global currency to scythe a profit from all of the working people. It seems equally likely that eventually some government would want to expropriate that planetary infrastructure.

If the United States issues its own global cryto-fiat-e-currency it should be named The Trump.

Will Libra Currency Clash With the Dollar?

Facebook's new digital currency is interesting and has vast centrist potential to become a global currency useful for terrorists and others seeking to circumvent national laws on trafficking finance. One might wonder if the digital currency is consistent with the principles of exclusive fiat to mint dollars the United States has had for more than a century.


Private currencies may give far too much power to global corporate elitists than has ever existed. It may confer advantages for dodging national taxes with very tricky transnational accounting rather easily for on-line businesses. It may accelerate political corruption in as many as 180 nations.



Presently the United States permits digital currencies perhaps without limit to number. The U.S. Government itself might want to get into the digital currency business to assure uniformity in transactions. If billions or trillions of dollars were to be tied up in Libra currency for example, that would very likely have transnational political consequences and changes as well. The administration and Congress might want to consider how they should react to the subversive issue before it grows very large.

It was inevitable that some wag in the corporate world would seek to have its own global currency to scythe a profit from all of the working people. It seems equally likely that eventually some government would want to expropriate that planetary infrastructure.

If the United States issues its own global crypto-fiat-e-currency it should be named The Trump.


Dred Scott Decision Shows Fallability of SCOTUS' Reliance on Precedence

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas showed some common sense in offering the opinion that the Court should overturn bad decisions and not just obey like Pavlov's dogs, precedence. As an African-American and jurist Clarence Thomas wouldn't have to think for a moment before being aware of how bad the Dred Scott and Plessy vs. Ferguson decisions were. The Court ignored those bad precedents and overturned them.

Some leftists in their hatred of all things conservative forget the past too conveniently for the value of attacking today.



The U.S. Economy is Better Now Than in 2015-2016

The economy is much better than it was three years or four years ago. The nation is in the midst of a continuing expansion- one of the longest periods without a recession in U.S. history. Public debt is great, yet some economists dismiss that. Others regard it as threatening.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data U.S. Unemployment Rate
President Trump is reducing the rate of growth of the annual federal budget debt. Not enough of course. Public debt as a percent of the national income should be less than 40%. President Obama saw the debt percent rise from 62% in 2008 to more than 100% before leaving office. Presently it is around 104%.
People have confidence in President Trumps economic capacity to lead in national economic policy so far as the executive branch can. The marginal unemployment rate of 3.6% is good for those that have most difficulty finding work. Even so there are numerous social challenges for the poor that exist structurally. Neither party is competent to repair that.
In addition to public debt there is the problem of the non-sustainable basis of the economy that continues to adversely exploit the ecosphere of the nation. Neither party understands ecological economics yet.
Another concern is the tremendous concentration of wealth that has developed in the nation since 1990. Wealth is as concentrated as it was in the Gilded Age at the start of the 20th century.
People are concerned that a Democrat President would run up the public debt even more and perhaps overload the system with trillions of dollars of additional borrowing to pay for medicare for everyone and so forth. Democrats may finally collapse the economy at least to the point of recession.

Socialism Isn't 'Emotionally Intelligent'

I.M.O. emotion is an evolutionary forerunner of intelligence. Animals feel things, people can reason about things. So emotionally intelligent as a phrase is rather meaningless. One might compare it to intelligent emotion to understand the problem. Socialism is a philosophy of government wherein people are something like prisoners ruled over by trustees or prison gangs. The U.S.S.R. was a reasonable example of socialism. It wasn’t an ideal society.
In primitive societies there is no government. There may be a tribal chief. Most men are warriors occupationally. People tend to have the same tools such as a knife. If another warrior admires the knife one gives it to him. It’s easy to make another and jealously is dangerous. That sort of society is quite unlike modern society. A more modern society might have the guy that makes admirable knives become a knife-manufacturing specialist. People will trade or barter goods for the excellent blades. The knife maker prospers more than the warriors. An exclusive blacksmith shop is required to keep dishonest tribespersons from stealing the excellent blades.
Private property and exclusive use of property are requisite for private enterprise. One cannot develop technology for oneself on the commons with people wandering in and out of clean rooms. Capitalism is not a form of government. Democracy is a form of government that usually allows free enterprise and capital building. Capital is material or intellectual property. It is possible for some individual or groups to concentrate so much capital they can end democracy and have a form of working government that benefits themselves more and better (i.e. plutocracy, oligarchy, dictatorship of the proletariat with exclusive, privileged party leadership)
Socialism is a form of government where everyone is a prole, is oppressed yet is slopped and has a place to live. Everyone is guaranteed their very own cell. Maybe it will have nice pictures in it- even a big screen t.v. with government approved programming.

Tactical War With Iran or Moon Base?

It the Trump administration decides to launch a tactical military strike on Iran for developing nuclear weapons, supporting terrorism and threatening Israel the cost may be rather high. N.A.S.A. reportedly requires 24 billion dollars to return Americans to the moon by 2024 and just a little high-tech conflict can be expensive.

President Obama's war on Libya- kind of a kinetic, stand-off affair, cost $2 billion dollars per day one source said. https://www.forbes.com/sites/beltway/2011/03

Another source CNN - reported the war to oust the legal dictator of Libya cost about $2 billion altogether. Another report said the Iraq war and its peak cost about 3 billion dollars per week.

Iran has many good people. While the Republican Guards are fanatics, there are still a lot of good Iranian people. A war with Iran comparable to the Libyan venture should have modest goals of destroying the nuclear bomb building infrastructure, taking out the leadership of the military and government, and decimating the military aircraft vehicles and so forth after taking out air defense.
There isn't much of a need to occupy Iran. In fact the lesson Iran can learn from the policy interdiction can be that the military medicine might be repeated as needed if corrections are not made.

The entire potential conflict harms the N.A.S.A. lunar exploration budget and billions already are being borrowed from foreign governments to finance the federal budget deficit.

Modern Defense- 3M Blitz

                                                                       I played black in this game.


National Capital Concentration for the Rich Has Made U.S.A. a Peer of Haiti, Uganda and Turkmenistan

The state of capitalism in the United States- the growing inequality in the distribution of wealth that has brought the United States down to the level of Uganda, Haiti and Turkmenistan ( Gini coefficient - Wikipedia ) Countries ranked by GINI index (World Bank estimate). The shape of an economy always affects social conditions. The political economy of global plutocrats is different from a rural agrarian society for instance as the United States largely was before the end of the civil war (though urban manufacture continued to grow quickly). The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900)

The evolution of American capitalism following the end of the cold war and the end of Roosevelt-era high taxes on the rich, along with government debt of vast size has definitely changed the political economy. Both parties support corporatism and elements of socialism (e.g. bail-outs of General Motors and Big banks after the 2008 debacle. Fifty million Americans have about 1/2 of 1% of the national income. Student loan debts exceed a trillion dollars, ordinary housing prices average about a quarter of a million dollars, the national ecosystem is steadily being degraded and species extirpated, one party supports legal drugs, abortion, homosexual marriage and illegal immigration in order to build a majority of support on the foundation of vice. The broadcast media is owned by the rich and conditions the people toward consumption and daily hate of opposition party leaders while providing silly yellow tabloid issues to follow; these are signs of the times of the state of networked capitalism where a small percent of the people own or control most of the nation’s wealth and income.

Even so I would tend to support the opinion that original sin is the root cause of the nation’s social problems and corruption of the efficacy of capitalism for everyone that should serve everyone very well without dark areas of hidden poverty, oppression or ecospheric degradation.

Bootstrapping Production During Economic Collapse

There are innumerable forms of economic collapse. And there are counter-cyclical investments and businesses. During the Greek civil war there was, I recall, a fellow who had horded wheat before the collapse and sold bread for exorbitant prices during the collapse when people were starving. I believe he was later executed or punished in some way.
Bear markets have people that profit from them and even win ‘bets’ on the collapse of the economy. Short selling has made fortunes for good guessers. Even inflation can drive up real estate values- though one should keep in mind that real estate as capital is very small today in comparison to manufacturing and financial capital.
On a micro-economic basis I would think that bootstrapping production for-oneself might be useful as a safeguard against starvation. One might grow plants at home for food and the market, produce solar and wind power and find other simple items to manufacture that are necessary.

Why Cuba is More Separated than China from U.S. Economics

Cuba is a communist nation just 80 miles from the United States. Normalizing relations would allow its agents to work misanthropic acts in the United Sates. So the controls are a prophylaxis against communist subversion. China on the other hand is at a distance and too large to ignore. It is relatively harmless to ignore Cuba since it has little military or economic power, yet China with 1.3 billion people and a large nuclear weapons arsenal cannot be safely ignored.

Chinese Communism is one of two vast political threats to political and spiritual freedom remaining on the planet (the other is Muhammadism). With the end of the former Soviet Union Communist China presented the greatest challenge to free people in the political ideological battle between free people and government authoritarianism.

Communist Chinese leadership had begun moving toward limited free markets following the Nixon administration beginning at normalizing relations in order to move beyond the Vietnam War era paradigm with the Soviet Union investing in S.E. Asian and global political military intervention through arms supplies and military advisers. There may have been a divide and conquer element to the Kissinger-Nixon method since China and Russia had a certain mutual belligerency over Siberian-Chinese borders and leadership of the communist world.

At any rate the Chinese naturally moved toward limited free markets and relationship with the west over time because the free markets of free individuals is far more dynamic and productive than government owned and directed economics. China has other issues than those of political philosophy however; it has so many people that government discipline is required to keep the population from exploding and chaotic civil wars from breaking out- dynamic wars more of non-ideological demographics and economics rather than pure theory. It may be illuminated by saying China is like a tinder-dry barn full of hay and gasoline in barrels that requires government repression to keep fire from breaking out. A socialist-capitalist fight with light sabers in the barn wouldn’t really be good for anyone in China.

The worst thing about neo-communist China with its repressive government is abortion and the one-child per family policy that has existed for decades. China would have 3 or 4 billion people without it fairly quickly. The world cannot imagine what that would do; it’s really not good to think about because of the possible famines and etc.
I guess China will need to evolve a political economy with the best situation for individual rights, the best ecospheric restoration it can manage and good virtual reality for entertainment; in fact a healthy ecosphere with lots of wildlife would be entertainment for so many people too.

Cuba is likely to be moderately separated from the United States until China is no longer a repressive authoritarian threat to its own people and the free world. There are a lot of American sailors that would like to be able to legally sail to Cuban marinas and return normally. Sadly that will have to wait perhaps until all of the southern ocean reefs perish, dead zones expand so there are no fish in the sea and the waters become far more acidic.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...