
Inexplicable; Excellence and Punky Billionaire Presidential Behavior

 When the Nobel Committee gave the Peace Prize to Barrack Obama people were surprised since he hadn't done anything yet besides being black and elected. It turned out during his terms of office that he would have better deserved a Nobel War Prize that even his speech acknowledged. Donald Trump actually deserves a Peace Prize for his excellence at bringing four Arab nations to sign off with diplomatic relations with Israel. What is inexplicable is how someone able to bring off a diplomatic coup that wasn't accomplished since Egypt did in return for the Sinai acts like a spoilt punky billionaire following his re-election defeat. To this time he is still in denial claiming he was cheated.

President-elect Biden is a threat to turn back salutary Middle East developments and that should be a concern for national politics. He may also return to stepped up hostility with Russia in order to make Hunter Biden's Ukrainian pay-masters happy and persuaded that their real estate interests are swelling. president Trump should be awarded a Nobel for his Middle East work next year even if the Biden administration is more to Sweden's liking politically.


The Republican Party may have a problem former President trying to be in the spotlight for a few years more as a kind of never-goes-away  Clintonesque figure. He is the best chance the Biden administration has for winning re-election in 2024. If Sect. Pompeo or some other fellow with capability is the party nominee Republicans might actually retake the White House.

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