
Truth and Gravity Theory

 I won’t delve into the critical issue of whether or not the President denied the election result because he is suffering from Covid 19 brain fog and hair loss; this post is instead about what gravity really is. Occasionally I speculate and write something about it. I have no idea about the extent of the Higgs Field yet it is popularly credited with doing marvelous things to energy and for mass these days. Blame it for creating the appearance of gravity too. So what is gravity? It could be an apparent effect caused by the shape or reshaping of the Higgs Field interacting with energy and mass. If the Higgs Field allows mass in three dimensions to be created from two dimensional energy slowing down in the Higgs Field, the Higgs itself might be morphed and reshaped making thereby the appearance of space being curved in relation to gravity.

If the Higgs Field is more or less than three dimensions, the field may allow quantum entanglement information to be saved or relocated from three dimensions and disseminated faster than light-itself an apparent phenomena in three dimensions- through the non-three dimensional field and return to three dimensional locations with something like a waveform collapse.

Gravity occurs at light speed, and that would be natural if light speed is the norm for massless particle-waves or energy not slowed down to three dimensions. When energy becomes entangled from two dimensions to three and becomes embedded in a steady state in the Higgs Field, the aggregation of mass in the field reshapes the field and draws other mass toward it in field curvature. The field itself may act at the speed of light and create the appearance of gravity acting at the speed of light. If the field is expanding or is something is acting upon the field that isn’t of the three dimensional mass the Higgs Field could seem to be causing space to expand. There is an obvious way to regard that condition though; aggregation of mass that causes the Field to warp and attract mass may reciprocally expand space of the field bereft of elements of the field drawn in the Higgs Field and mass interactive aggregation situation.

Gravity is a marvelous thing. If it is an appearance because people see through a glass darkly embedded in the mass of particle-waves slowed down to sub-light speed in the Higgs Field, humans at least have the promise of discovering how it arises some day. Like the time when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac by God, and Abraham showed he had such faith in God existing so as to be regarded as worthy of the promise, the appearance of gravity on this side of the cloud of unknowing may someday be rewarded by the saving grace of truth appearing; as when God sacrificed His Son Jesus Christ to save all of those of faith. The truth will set gravity theorists free.

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