
US Senate Letting Covid Relief Bill Die

 The U.S. Senate is letting the 2nd Covid emergency relief bill die for partisan reasons. The Senate leaders seek partisan advantages and cannot agree to let that go and simply pass a plain cash stimulus check to Americans to use presently.

 Senator McConnell wants to give blanket immunity too corporations from Covid 19 lawsuits. Instead of concern for cash-strapped citizens that need cash today he cares about corporations and corporate profits next year.


Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi care more for funding their vast left-wing state governments and funding deficits than for ordinary citizens of the U.S.A. even in their own states. The best simple compromise is to pass immediate $2400 cash relief stimulus checks for all Americans let Senate and House leaders clash over their special interests with mace, swords and shields of rhetoric after Christmas. A third Wilder-Fury fight or a Joshua-Fury or Wilder-Fury battle have been put off; what should not be put off is immediate cash relief for the poor and middle class that need pay rent, pay for classes or fund tooth extractions. I recently heard an elder gentleman trying to get a loan to pay for an elder brother’s covid 19 hospitalization; apparently he lacked free Bethesda hospitalization.

 What should matter now are the people of the United States. It’s their federal government; special interests can wait. New York can freeze rent payments for police and firemen. California can ditto that. State employees then can work for half-pay. Corporations can suck an egg on immunity from criminal action during the Covid 19 crisis...

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