
The Supreme Court Destroyed the Structure of Marriage

 When Chief Justice Roberts weighed in to destroy the structure of marriage he joined with the pervading social zeitgeist of unreality of the era that was redefining names to mean flavors of evolution rather than Platonic realist things-in-themselves. Marriage had a structure that was written in common law and tradition that referred to the institution protecting women and children’s rights’ family rights in the process of creating humans. Creating or birthing humans was always accomplished exclusively with two people heterosexually sharing the task. Chief Justice Roberts and court secularists decided it was convenient to destroy the meaning of the structure of marriage and change it to something else that would thereby permit homosexuals to redistribute the rights given by law to marriage unto themselves as well.

 Redefining structure as a method for redistributing the properties of legal rights is an interesting way to render laws and meanings malleable to corrupt interests seeking to expropriate established properties of rights. If structure is explicitly redefined it should be acknowledged publicly rather than in passing fate accompli. In the case of marriage it would have been a better choice to leave the integrity of the meaning of the word in its historical and sane context and create a new establishment for homosexuals to legally entangle themselves together in instead of corrupting plain and simple truth.

 The criterion's conundrum was the rise of nominalism over neo-realism in linguistics. Kripke's version failed to a nominalism so extreme that falsehood became as good as truth.  Courts regarded morphing structures as fair dinkum in reconstructing political correctness for the New World Order favoring billionaires and scientist-atheists.

One of the problems with erasing truth from law and legal structures that are well established and replacing them with operative fiction is in the new methods of defense of hostile takeovers that attack defenders as bigots. In the case of abortion women in support of abortion did not generally accuse men and women that opposed abortion as bigots as did homosexuals to those defending the real structure of marriage. There is a great difference between taking sides in a legitimate political dispute in a democratic society and bigotry or persecution of individuals personally for having an antipathetic political opinion publicly expressed. In the modern social media environment many subtle ways exist to harm conservatives defending traditional values- and here I refer to moral values rather than interests of the rich and wealth classes seeking to concentrate wealth that paradoxically is quite predominant amidst homosexuals and Wall Street equally with moral conservatives.

 Truth is a useful item to adhere to even when it requires philosophical thought instead of simple unthinking acceptance of a given social inertia. Evolution theory seems to eliminate the requirement for truth in politics as the end and methods are deemed for-themselves neither good nor bad except as they are desired by the powerful. Evolution theory is just a phenomenon in a deeper Universe or Multiverse that may exist as math ideas in the mind of God. The entire Universe may be pre-determined structurally inclusive of evolution in a mysterious eternally existing process sustained by the will of God. Modern cosmology offers a field of deep ideas that aren’t antipathetic to the concept that Jesus Christ is the Word of God who created the Universe. The shallow leap to the conclusion that if evolution exists then Bible cosmology is wrong and that idea is itself wrong. Legal issue need also seek to keep the truth of structures intact in respect of laws promulgated by a Democratic, representative government. Instead of corrupting the meaning of structures it should allow legislatures to put new vinegar into new wine skins.

 Consider the idea of the structure of what makes a church for tax exempt status purposes. In theory there isn’t much reason why the Supreme Court couldn’t hear a case and decide that the Dow Jones establishment is a church where people worship money and should therefore be given tax exempt status for all the members. If the court did that it would be recognizable that the meaning of the structure of a church had changed or been corrupted to benefit a special interest as it was in the case of homosexuals and marriage.

 There was no compelling reason to corrupt one working structure by redefining and thereby destroying it to protect a minority or to assure equal rights or protection of the law; all men and women in the U.S.A. had equal opportunity to participate in marriage. Now that the structure of marriage has been destroyed, none have the opportunity. What supplanted marriage and took its name is something else that is likely to have long-range deleterious effects upon society equal to that of the corruption by the Supreme Courts choice.

 Conflation of a host of issues pertaining to discrimination against homosexuals led to the wrong decision to annihilate the structure of marriage, although a secondary reason was that certain influential, effete intellectuals felt that global demographics and the limits of population growth deemed the need to end marriage as a normal practice. Truth and information were better ways to address the problems of population growth and decreasing ecosystem extent and health with finite natural resources. All citizens including homosexuals should have security in work and culture; that wasn’t ever much of an issue. If people wish to sin that is their right so far as it isn’t a crime in this world. Homosexuals, Wall Street, social media and the left have tried to ban opposition to homosexual marriage and have employed subtle and some ham-fisted methods to proscribe expression of opposition. So much the worse for democracy and empowerment of Plutocrats and their minions.

 A final point for the edification of certain broadcast media wise-guys on what the meaning is of the Christian Church being the bride of Christ. It is nothing about homosexuality that is roundly proscribed in the Bible in New and Old Testaments. It is simply and expression, a kind of literal metaphor about the love that the creator of the Universe has for the souls that are the elect and saved eternally to worship God. Keep in mind that the Christian belief is that God created the Universe and every soul in it, and that the Universe is replete with original sin (that to me is exemplified in the thermodynamic facts of life and energy consumption and pro-creative urges) and therefore people are unfit for eternal life with God. Just through the atoning gift of God in the saving grace and crucifixion and substitution of the Lord Jesus for payment-unto death of sin owed by all can any of humanity be saved, rather than go to eternal hell.

 A human soul is a vaporous thing in a manner of speaking. It is a phenomenal, effervescent self-aware person existing for a moment in temporal being. It was created in a Universe created by God through the Son as the Word of God. God loves those saved souls and that is the meaning of the church as the bride of Christ; he really does care about the elect saved through the grace of the Spirit of God enabling faith in individual souls. The swell broadcast media and others might need a little humility to comprehend that. Too much prosperity and power may dull spiritual sensibility as well as good political sense to understand the value f keeping integrity concerning structure and legal meanings rather than melting down non-legislatively as if they were wax forms to be recast in the zeitgeist-world spirit of political correctness.

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