
No Stimulus Check = Republican Loss

 With so much money going to Republicans and Republican businesses during the McConnell era domination of the U.S. Senate voters put down the Trump re-election since many of their pockets were empty. Repeating that mistake will likely result in the Republican loss of the Senate to Democrats in the Georgia run-off election in January.

Senator McConnell could more convincingly play the Christmas scrooge putting a lump of Kentucky coal into voter's stockings if he didn't give preponderantly Republican owned small business free grant money by the hundreds of billions. There is nothing constitutionally agreeable about giving free money to preferred special interests instead of to all citizens individually and equally more or less.

In a sense Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Maine Senator Susan Collins are already neo-crats that vote blue on most feminine issues and numerous other Democrat agenda items that reach the Senate.  Senator Murkowski does support the pirate team plunder of ANWR of course  while Senator Collins may demure. The loss of the two Georgia Senate seats in the runoff election will seal the deal of U.S. Senate control by the Democrat party for the better part of a decade. Early voting starts December 14th. https://georgia.gov/vote-2020-runoff-elections

The actual election day is 5 January 2021.

The U.S. Government for several decades has turned toward giving hundreds of billions and sometimes trillions of dollars to corporations and small businesses asymmetrically regarding equal allocation of government giveaways to all citizens. In a way it could be said that sucks. Voters may not need to wait until January to determine discern if Senators are pips or  pugs.

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