
CEO EIch Forced Out by Mozilla for Supporting Hetero Marriage

C.E.O. Brendan Eich of Mozilla has been forced out by the Mozilla board for contributing $1000 to Calif. Proposition 8 several years ago. Prop 8 defined marriage as between a man and woman. The homo clan has leverage in the Internet and is intolerant of antipathetic political opinion. Fag McCarthyism is an ironic political phenomena. Hollywood has probably already been purged. Eich is the highest level casualty of the radical democrat movement to purge society of political opponents of homosexual marriage.


The fag clan inevitably uses personal financial attack as a political weapon. I was banned from writing at Helium.com Dec. 24, 2010 where I had been earning $200 a month or so as a top 5% blind juried peer-reviewed writer. My political incorrectness was in using the word 'fag' now and then amidst 600 to 700 articles on a variety of topics. The Internet offers innumerable ways including unauthorized altering of a few lines of code as an insider to marginalize political opponents. Hitler used homos too through the S.A. to radically alter the German social/political structure.

There is nothing funny about economic terrorism upon individual AMerican citizens in retaliation for writing or acting generally and even righteously in accord with constitutional guidelines. Even so we asked our comedy advisor Big Bubby Chauvin about the error of thinking queerness is a marriagable act. Bubby said, 'Ain't nothing sexual about a blowkob-we chewed gum and walked at the same time in D.C. drawl the time and what's what.'

Corporatism is a world-conquering activity exploiting financial and social networking to totalize the social environment. Purging antipathetic political opponents and controlling political free speech is simply too easy to fail to exploit for those concentrating wealth and power. Homosexuals are convenient devices to implement social takeover with since so many free-thinkers are opposed to the illogical mislabeling of a fag-end biological extinction as a marriage that is intended to be a social method of biological reproduction.

At least the inventive Eich is rich, and he may be able to find a job as a C.E.O. in some Moslem country or maybe Russia.

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