
Obama Administration Mismanagement of the Ukrainian Affair

The political ineptitude of the Obama administration in failing to properly address the Ukrainian conundrum is notable for its consistence with the post-Regan  era record of maladroit management of foreign affairs. The Ukraine as a natural part of Russia should easily have been recognized by the State Department as a permanent and destabilizing bone of contention and that satisfying mouse-that-roared paradigmata as well as C.I.A., D.O.D. and Wall Street avarice would be counterproductive to U.S. and European economic and security interests the next thirty years.

The Ukraine is not a N.A.T.O. member and in the post-cold war era there is dubious reason to expand that alliance further. Ukrainian development as a pad for global investors with a global infusion of migrant workers will undermine Euro-Russian economic stability more than not.

The Obama administration seems unaware of European history since the 1500s with its record of protracted infinitesimal disputations and ought to have taken the high ground and recognized Russian rights to the East Ukraine as valid for historical and security reasons. Consider the Landgrave's efforts to get Martin Luther to accept Zwingli's protestant ideas instead of excoriating them and the consequences of Luther's intransigence.  Collective toleration of minor points with agreement on major issue should be the normal for politically holistic accord. Without a union of intersecting interests the Smalcaldian and Thirty Years Wars evolved.

Europe, Russia and the United States should be on a reformist agenda innovating ecospherically restorative full employment technologies with liberty and justice for all. Instead whiled the Ukraine affair is made a lasting diving line of adversity the main points become dusted over with neglect.

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