
Trends in Post-Ideological Quantification

      The age of quantification could be regarded as coincident with the Anthropocene era-that of human caused mass extinction of species, yet also with the evolution of the age of reason morphing into the age of fracture and economic existentialism. Human beings with education have a marked tendency toward quantifying things formerly as individual and unique occurrences. Assuredly the ability to discern redness in particulars such as roses and automobiles generates the ability to extract the quality of redness for-itself and understand that any sort of object may be painted with it-even a town. The quantification of red in a nation, in the morning or evening sky, in the sea or in blood spilled upon wet sod of the Earth are no more than single instances of quantification. The human characteristic of quantification itself might be quantified in quantification studies.

Science means knowledge and quantification of existing things or object quantities measured entails quantification in a pure form. Abstract quantification of terms can be found in mathematics, logic and physics as well as in the liberal arts. For some the art of reason is a practice of rationalism. Rationalism itself though may be two-dimensional in a three-dimensional world at times forsaking intuition and faith for a finite means of adjudicating quantities. If Noah had no faith he might not have built an Ark, if Einstein did not trust his genius he might not have unified space-time conceptually speaking. Some scientists could not have faith that a 10-dimensional multi-verse might exist and would trust in relativistically shrank measuring yardsticks that the warped Universe is flat.

Faith is an essential requirement for belief in God. God that is not an ossified artifact or stone practico-inert sculpture is pure spirit transcending space-time and any given Universe in any possible multi-verse of n-dimensional attributes existing with physical components. Physical components are inevitably in thermodynamic motion flowing like a waterfall from a singularity or membrane through a marvelous and possibly mysterious network of causality. Causality and an entangled energy steady-state Universe with flowing space-time may be a concatenation of local and non-local fields with broken symmetries and isolated particle-waves. That steady-state of mass-energy Universe wearing down it's order with quantum structures comparable to standing waves, eddies and currents of fields, branes and quarks to return to a field of more basic unification and order might be though of as a multi-dimensional yo-yo flung out from a condition of perfect order at singularity that will return after a marvelous performance to The One. Human beings themselves existing in the field nexus quantify whatever they can in order to have greater understanding.

Martin Luther was credited by some as the forefather of modern rationalism for opposing the mysterium of the Catholic Church with its exclusive priesthood and exclusive control of the Bible the laity were forbidden to own or read in their own non-Latin language. Historians have pointed out though that Luther was a man of faith who would 'ten times have rejected reason in preference for faith'. Luther believed in the word of God expressed in the gospel message, and in the Lord Jesus Christ above the Bible. Rationalism in Germany was a stage in the progress of human society, yet rationalism with faith may become without reason as history experienced in the rise and execution of Nazi Germany and the bureaucrat banality of Heinrich Himmler.

Rationality without faith is like a computer operating system that it totalitarian in its quantifications. Moral judgments are basically meaningless to rational operating systems, the only ethical questions are those of hierarchialization and execution priorities. Faith though is something like a recognition of several operating systems as possible existing, even booted simultaneously onto a single computer with partitions to separate them and prevent conflicts of interest. The computer owner of faith knows that the uncertainty and implicit possibilities of the hardware allow many configurations-some good, some bad and some outright ugly, yet evolutionary possibilities that the computer designer allowed in the software. For a reasoning man or woman of faith universes and multi-verses are comparable to operating systems of physics with various configurations and protocols that are possibilities the designer permits. God is the omniscient designer.

In an age where some regard ideology as dead, quantification proceeds in high-speed Wall Street dark pool quantitative trading. Global businesses quantify and value anything, buying, selling and trading quantities. Ideology itself was a kind of reformation era political product of quantification as well as qualitative judgments about church, state, behavior of the priesthood, values of the Bible actual, theoretical and applied. The television series Cosmos noted the qualitative trashing of a few scientists by select members of the Catholic hierarchy-a periodically divided and even corrupt proprietary distracted clergy incidentally. One that vied for political control with kingdoms and was intolerant of political rivals and even scientists disloyal to the absolute power of thee presiding Pope of the day. Scientists sometimes fail to note that the Catholic Church produced most of the early scientists such as Copernicus, Newton and Mendel, that the Medici sponsored science and engineering research, or that Protestant reformers and others were slaughter by the tens and hundreds of thousands by the conservative catholic Church and that the loss of very few scientists was quantitatively very small. On the other hand, science invented most of the weapons of mass destruction existing today while faith produced very few.

Philosophers such as Sartre expressing an epistomologically singular perspective-even within a major work of dialectical analysis of the social order such as his tome 'The Critique of Dialectical Reason' and theologicans like Paul Tillich with an objective analysis of social collectives within an ontology with explicit empirical ideology may use a universal nominalism or contingent universalism alternatively for quantification and the paradigm of structural quantitative analysis remains intact.

Quantifying historical matters accurately is quite a bit more challenging than quantifying mass. Accuracy in history requires reading and understanding a vast amount of material in no particular order. To become too specialized means to become biased toward a particular point of view. Scientific quantification alternatively is simple and objectively verifiable, yet pure rationalism without faith tends to lack reason and moral judgment. It is as if a portion of the mind that is spirit is cut out and a degree of objectivity through faith omitted. Reason requires a metaphorical dash of quantum uncertainty as a component of thought that is reflective and contemplative. Inductive reasoning is as necessary as inductive reasoning in order for rationality to serve reason. Quantification of ideology, politics, economics and environments are intrinsic elements for to projects for building and shaping social development toward an optimal direction rather than dystopia.

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