
Ukraine; Swiss Reform Models & Liberation from Global Network Oligarchy

The Ukrainian political issues of the day comprise a continuum of reform initiatives after the collapse of the former Soviet Union. The west for financial windfall reasons chooses not to recognize any Russian claims as legitimate in a five-finger discount possession is 9/10ths of the law sort of way. Regardless one ought to contemplate the matter of fair financial compensation to Russians for the investment still-living Russian Federation citizens as members of the former Soviet Union put into Ukraine. Compensations for loss of physical properties and institutional investments ought to be significant in addition to the value of the real estate.

President Obama is a skilled attorney yet so is President Putin so the litigation could reach beyond their terms of office if they choose fair courts of law-perhaps in China rather than in the Euro-biased world court. President Obama could use the innovative 'You didn't build that!' legal tactic and discard the value of social, institutional services and software contributions of Russians in Ukraine. Even so the issue of continuing political reform could be remedied better perhaps by following the Swiss model of reform with cantons and magistracies such as evolved in the 16th century.

A Ukrainian state of independent Republican cantons free to choose what global power of influence to sell it's servitude to in exchange for bread, circuses, military ready to eat meals or unlimited campaign finance contributions so the local magistracy can in turn give free campaign financing to any candidates with sufficient signatures on a nomination to run sheet would be able to align with Moscow or Washington D.C., Boston or London if the money is right. It is certain that the rather obsolete nation-state context of the former Soviet Republic is vulnerable to influence peddling by the west and as Richard Nixon suspected, perhaps rightly, of communist influence in organizing counter-culture protests in the United States. President Putin suspects Washington and London of organizing counter-culture protests in Ukraine that actually forced Yanakovich from office. Sect. Kerry was something of a counter-culture anti-war radical himself while President Obama is a student of Saul Olinsky whom was something of a Haymarket radical no-spiritually speaking-hence reasonable suspicion of a five-finger discount approach to diplomacy from Egypt to Ukraine via...

Today's C.I.A. is a tool of big government rather like the K.G.B. was in the former Soviet Union making the world safe for the global oligarchy and their communal corporate subjects. The C.I.A. may fear that Kremlinite is the only substance that can hurt the super-global state of concentrated wealth and power in error obviously, since simply privatization of the broadcast wavelengths to individual citizen podcast politic slices would also damage the political propaganda power of the oligarchy.

American citizens need to be free to dissent from big government and big corporate policy that degrade the way of life of individual citizens with abuse and contempt, sanctions and exclusion from going about their private interests. Yet the oligarchy has perhaps already doomed the world to global heat death. Even Ukraine is readied for the brave new world and will sing along with

'We are the world,
we are the dinosaurs,
we will build oil pipeline covering everything everywhere
our power will flow so crudely
ninny twitheads will face the sunrise
and be happy with legal dope
in peaceful corporatopia'

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