
The Ukraine, Crimea & Problems of Erastrian and Atheist Intolerance of Spiritual Liberty

Separating church from state control is one of a few perennial challenges for mankind. Religious intolerance historically is a function of the will to power and a matter of factual control of political power through the intolerance of political opposition. That is the principal that makes democracy impossible for Moslem countries wherein the religious authority is regarded as universal. Sharia law is in effect catholic. That institutional method is ancient and found in Mesopotamian mud.

Urth had its gods enacting as oligarchs atop ziggurats the archetype activities of life. Rulers were gods embodied as man down through the ages as Pharaoh and Caesar. Christianity overthrew that premise with Christ. Jesus was a servant rather than a ruler of humanity.

Constantine the Roman Emperor, born in England of a British woman named Helena saw a sign from God and was moved to convert to Christianity. He founded the Eastern Roman Empire capitol at Byzantium and developed the role of Emperor as head of the Christian Church although that role was vague enough at first. There was after all a Pope at Rome and differences between more Orthodox and Catholic sects as well as four other traditional patriarchates with equal claim for spiritual prominence besides that of Rome.

Charles, Charlemagne and the Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire for a time could also claim to be first as political rulers of the Christian Church with the power to appoint Bishops and other church leaders. The problems of the Roman Papacy in its relation politically to kings of the various nations often was one of papal claims to rule politically as well as spiritually with kings disputing that right. The issue was often one of who had a right to rule the unified church and state. Those practical power issues tended to eclipse the democratic rights of the laity or common folk. The political rights of the common people tended to develop meaningfully along with the emancipation of Christian fellowship from oppressive state and ecclesiastical authority, and the process evolved over hundreds of years.

During the Protestant reformation the reformers such as Martin Luther, Zwingli, Hus and Calvin took umbrage to not only corrupt clerical practices and wrong doctrine, they found a fundamental priesthood of believers approach to a direct relationship with Christ better and more true than a hierarchical trickle down of doctrine from a priesthood to a laity. There were numerous unintended consequences of the reformation though.

With the reformation Kings such as Henry the Eight broke off from Rome and the Roman pope and became their own pope leading their own church. Like Caesar as a god to be worshiped the nationalist popes leading their own churches became pseudo gods issuing ecclesiastical rules by decree. Decretals of the British female pope Queen Elizabeth set the rules for mandatory church attendance and forms of worship permissible in her realm. The protestant reformation became a more complex breakup of political and ecclesiastical empires into new local and regional ones. The continuing reform is to liberate the Christian Church and individual spiritual freedom from bondage to state authority.

Europe was best by aristocratic usurpation of Christian authority in Sweden as well as England and Russia. Spiritual liberation from Erastian criteria could also bring development antipathetic libertines without belief in anything besides cultural hedonism. Such godless behavior in society resulting in elastic rationalism brought the anti-Christs Stalin and Hitler to power with Stalin declaring churches 'not working anymore' as the religion of state atheism was compelled on the populace. Effectively worship of Uncle Joe became requisite for survival.

The state church of the tsars was the Orthodox sect of the Universal Christian Church. In the Ukraine the inter-tidal areas of political and sectarian conflict as well as the troubles of racism, culturalism and practical issues of food growing lands and security from invasion made for continuing contention for control. The Ukraine had Catholicism from Polish landlords, Orthodox from Russian and a synthetic Uniate Church comprised of both. Because of the association of religion under state authority, religious strife was implicit as it was for Cromwell, Milton and anti-Papist reactionaries, regicides of Charles the First and St. Bartholomew's Day massacres in Ireland and France unto the Briitish-Irish troubles of the 20th century.

Conservative forces have tended to support the human characteristic of depleting and degrading the resources of foes; religious or political, and liberal forces have sought relief from such oppression. Of course there is a cyclical element to that. Christianity of the Lord is liberal yet with perennial moral values. Even so Conservative Christians defending doctrines and Church power and murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians much less godless atheist heretics. Protestants decried the faults of Catholicism yet even Protestant reformers supported the execution of fellow reformers with different doctrines. Human original sin corrupts all social establishments while the spirit of the Lord perpetually frees saved individuals from that bondage. One hopes that the Ukraine receives a new fellowship in the Spirit of the Lord.

It is difficult to imagine President Vladimir Putin as the Russian Pope leading the Orthodox Church as it is impossible to imagine President Barrack Obama as Pope of American Christians. Americans have a difficult time understanding European history or the practical political course of the historical political and ecclesiastical evolution of the worldly establishments. American neon-elites of the Eastern establishments have developed a convenient godless scientific elitism without comprehension of historical and cultural circumstance. Declaring themselves as infallible as any Pope ever has their authority runs toward spreading a gospel of godless rationalism that Frederick Nietzsche would have been comfortable with. They fail to understand the error of Stalinism and fail to appreciate the role of original sin in perpetually re-establish itself through state and operative corporate censorship, repression of free speech and opposition to political dissent. The will to totalize political power and negate democratic individual is an implicit characteristic of concentrated wealth and/or power. In the Ukraine the west as sought to exert its will to power so far as possible. Because of the contemporary criterion of atheist influence and evolution of reprobate and depraved social behavior it is unlikely that the Obama administration will be able to perceive then opportunity to work with President Putin to advance the cause of the separation of Church and state in Russian and the Ukraine.

The 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney declared Russia as America's number one existential foe. That's not too surprising since President Putin had banned Mormonism from Russia. Each leader sought to interfere in religious affairs; Romney as a Mormon priest effectively anathematized Russia while President Putin as the Eminence Gris Pope of Russia failed to see the value of establishing an extra-terrestrial religion that worshiped an oligarchy in the Kolob Star System in Russia. President Putin could renounce Russian Federation State control of religion and declare Universal tolerance for spiritual values throughout all of it's lands including anything it receives from a remorseful land-grabbing west in the Ukraine that could potentially decide to share.

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