
USA May Face War With Syria Ahead

Syrian President Assad has threatened U.S. forces. If Syria actually attacks U.S. troops in that nation with more credibility than the Gulf of Tonkin resolution had, and if the administration decides to fight Assad's forces, it should not enter the contest half-way. The U.S. should get a judge to sign off on a declaration of war and then send a minimum of 100,000 troops as soon as possible to secure that nation after a couple of weeks of air assault.

Israeli defense forces could help to sort out the good from the bad. When U.S. troops withdraw Kurds and Israelis together could administer the country until a new fair and balanced Syria is established with homelands for Kurds, and a protectorate for Israel looking out for Christians, Alawites, Shi'a and Sunni.


Attorney General Sessions- an Honorable Man in the Trump Administration

Attorney General Sessions is working his job well considering that he works for the most volatile President since Teddy Roosevelt and is hated by the left for being from the south, conservative and male.

Apparently President Trump would like to fire Jeff Sessions as he might anyone who disagreed with his will. He cannot because he is being investigated by Robert Mueller and he needs to not pick at the scab while the maggot is debridging the flesh. Former Senator Sessions made quite a sacrifice in leaving his Senate job to serve as Donald Trump's A.G. and is serving the President quite well. The Attorney General recused himself from the investigation of the President's theoretical campaign ties to Vladimir Putin's Russian boost team and President Trump doesn't like that a bit. He wanted a summary  judgment by the A.G.-and that was a reasonable desire. One that Attorney General Sessions didn't provide. Hence President Trump's twits expressing remorse for hiring Jeff Sessions.

Nothing could have been worse for President Trump than for A.G. Sessions to have acted like a consigliare for the President instead of a very credible and honorable lawyer working a government job with integrity. With the left scathing the A.G. for being a white southern, conservative male instead of a trans-gender black female lesbian as well as for not being a Democrat, the criticism from his boss with those unreasonable expectations make Jeff Sessions position rather difficult. If he were to leave the President to his fate before the Mueller investigations concludes that would look bad for President Trump. Jeff Sessions gets extra brownie points for staying to serve an unthankful boss who doesn't recognize that the way things are is the best of all possible world scenarios given the actual radical lunacy of the broadcast media and extremist nature of the post-Bill Clinton era Democrat Party.

President Trump Tariffs Foreign Heavy Metal

European Union, Canadian and Mexican steel exports to the U.S.A. will run into President Trump's new tariffs if they reach the border. Information isn't being taxed though and technological innovations in the manufacture of heavy metal is likely to continue.

I don't know much about doping heavy metal. Tungsten steel or wolfram was about as much as I knew about the history besides the Plant Rouge Ford Motor steel manufacture facility of yore.

What about using nanotech in the manufacture process to create lined conic sections for lightness and strength? Maybe the way steel is poured and cast could be changed so it could be stronger and with less density and weight? Perhaps steel could have molds and different materials doped in to create strong-bubbles and fibers.

Italy May Stim Rival National Union in Europe

Italian problems with economics and the European Union may prompt the rise of a rival, new union of European nations that want a new deal and a different sheet of economic music to enact their teleprompter policy script leadership performance. England that recently left the European Union, or is in the process presently may find Italy a partner in creating a new national union with a different set of rules. Could Europe support another and rival EU?

Sure. It would be like the creation of a rival football league in the United States long ago that over time merged into the national football league; the NFL.

With computers able to process data rather quickly these days the bottlenecks in Union formation are in getting everyone to agree to hog-tie themselves to the same rules and to be ruled by aliens that don't give a lizard's a about their interests except insofar as they ditto them like bobbly dolls.

Probably everyone in Europe will benefit from the start of a new political league.


Waiting for the 5000 GHz CPU or Something Like It

Maybe it is wrong to call the suburban legend Monster of Loch Ness a monster. Biases against the unknown are difficult to lose. Computer chip biases are quantifiable however, unlike those against the Loch Ness legend.

When I slept on the streets of Portland trying to finish my last computer programming courses in 1981 the state of the art of computers was still rather primitive. PCs existed with small capacity and the Osbourne computer, though gone, was still a memory. A computer shop in a basement of an office build across the street on SW 6th had some interesting computers to look at during break. The school IBM 360 and Ohio Scientific machines supported COBOL, FORTRAN and RPG II coursework even with a Hollerith card reader. After graduating I never worked as a programmer and instead continued reading history and philosophy. It was an interesting baseline from which to observe the evolution of of programming and computer tech over 40 years.

In some respects it doesn't seem like so much progress has occurred with CPU capacity. Yes it has and laptops are great though slow and reasonably effective if using something besides Windows that is a playground bully. It seems like there is some impending revolutionary increase in CPU size and speed that must advance it a couple orders of magnitude from the top 5 GHz to something like 5000ghz. How is it that after generations of the Pentium and i3 to i9 chips the top speed is still no more than 5ghz?

The trouble is the bottleneck of physicists that have to invent new ways to pack processing capacity into a small area. Maybe one will need to wait for Bose-Einstein condensate quantum computer chips that run very cold and calculate faster-than-light. If the late Stephen Hawking had devoted himself to improving computer chips instead of thinking about the University, gravity and black holes maybe my notebook computer useful for back-packing around would be as powerful as a super-computer; who knows.

Since I rather enjoy reading about philosophy, history and theology as I wander through life instead of worshiping material items as if they were worthy of devotion and nothing people did morally really mattered, it isn't too great of loss to me that I never spent a lifetime learning meaningless coding for-itself that becomes obsolete as a dead language.

On resurrection day it would be odd to assert the position that I devoted myself to a dead binary computer language filling my mind with 1's and 0's and nothing besides. Even so, those physicists with luck shall overcome the under-50ghz barrier sooner rather than later.


Media Fake News Frenzy About 'Murdered' Journalist

The media reported pervasively the death of a journalist fleeing Russia to Ukraine. The journalist is actually still alive and Russians did not kill the fellow as was insinuated.


Here are examples of the fake news.



An Underground Without Disquotation Theory

I watched a 1995 award winner of the Cannes film festival about Yugoslavia and Serbia over a period of 45 years or so. It is good in some respects yet it is a review of people that are rather immoral. It isn't about warriors so much as civilians experiencing the meaninglessness of war. Its an odd film. 

I don't wish to write critical reviews. There is much excellent work in the movie and it can withstand my evaluation. It is the philosophical aspects of the film and the nature of truth that it presented that are the issue here. While some wars are meaningless even so it is the character of the people and their being immersed in life-drowned in a way, that are responsible for their own fate (in the film).

I wasn't impressed with part 1 of Underground. The heroes or protagonists besides the Nazis are thieves; criminals. Not to say that the Nazis weren't criminals too. The partisans are communists and criminals that have advanced their careers during war with the prosperity of the fruits of crime. They are immoral exploiters of everything they can, and act to exploit everything. Those that can't act and be successful criminal careerists tend to be inferiors. Marko at the end of part 1 is the best criminal and rises to the top of his circle becoming a communist leader while keeping his best friend and family in a basement for twenty years exploiting them in order to have his best friend's girlfriend for his wife (Natalia). Marko even feeds them dog-food because of his avarice. Marko's speech explains that he believes there is no truth. The truth is implicit in being and acting, even if the acts are evil.

I will write later of my opinion about truth theory. It differs from that of Marko.

Marko says to Natalia; “No text, my dear, has any truth in it. Truth exists in reality. The truth exists only in real life. You are the truth, you. You are supposed to be the truth. There is no truth, only your conviction. That what you act is the truth.

No, art is a lie, a big lie! We are all liars, at least a little bit.”

Natalia is sexually aroused. She says of herself and her Nazi experiences 'those people raped me and beat me. Your wife is a whore, anyone can f her. Then she say; “Does it really matter if those people in the basement remain alive?”

Through the end of part one virtually no one worked at anything besides crime with dependents on criminals being a large secondary group. Silly musicians play through most of the film and are of course thoughtless. One is killed accidentally by a machine gun aboard a boat.

Marko, Blackie and Natalia sing...

Is it moonlight at noon
is it sunshine at midnight
from the skies above light is beaming
nobody knows, nobody knows
nobody knows, nobody knows
what is really shining

They are happy idiots of the sort that Elton John sang of in Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters with his lyrics;
Sons of bankers, sons of lawyers
turn around and say good morning to the night
unless they see the sky
but they can't and that is why
they know not if its dark outside or light”

Elton John may have regarded himself as a Mad Hatter and women as Mona Lisa(s). In that regard he was simply criticizing establishment youth, in a way, to bring company into his lifestyle of social relativism without productive work such as farming or medicine. Blackie before being recruited by Marko was at least an electrician. He reminds one a little of Lech Walesa in his appearance in part 2.

Part two begins with the viewer incredulous that those moved from above ground to become Plato's prisoners of the cave in a manner of speaking, living decades below ground in a basement in the false belief that Marko has convinced them of that the second world war is continuing above, while he lives mostly above-ground, that they are such complete dopes being so easily fooled. Marko was the intellectual poet however while Blackie was just an electrician- a pole man; tough as nails yet a gullible idiot representing ordinary communist symp criminals being fooled by intellectuals that are communist leaders.

When the characters escape from the cave, rather unintentionally, liberated by a chimpanzee, firing a home-built tank underground, they continue in their own ways until the Serbian war era. Marko and Natalia are war merchant-profiteers captured and killed by Blackie's militia forces, Ivan-the brother of Marko hangs himself, and Marko drowns himself perhaps for remorse after the death of Marko and Natalia. He sees his drowned son in a well and dives in to join him.

There is a kind of afterlife-repeat of all the dead characters in their own criminal party circle of acquaintances. Fundamentally the story views life as atheist phenomenality and people as meaningless as cattle. The film itself is a propaganda piece of a writer and producer perhaps overwhelmed by the Serbian war.

The disquotation theory of truth basically says that saying that something is true is redundant, yet it saves restating all of the statements about a state of affairs that would be necessary to explain that something is true.

For example; Sally, Jane, Princess, Harry, Jewel and Spike all hate Dickie. All of the preceding people except for Dickie are math students at the Hill School. If someone were to ask if the math students hate Dickie, the easiest answer would be yes it is true. The alternative would be to say that Sally hates Dickie and Jane hates Dickie and Harry hates Dickie and Jewel hates Dickie and Spike hates Dickie. The disquotation theory comprises a disquotation of the full, formal expression required to explain a state of affairs.

Another example is that of a computer programmer with a list of all of the phone numbers in a city. If someone asks if it is true that all of the numbers have area codes for London the programmer may answer yes it is true or alternatively read out all of the numbers to prove the point is in agreement.

Truth theory that is disquotation theory simply means that the reference point questioned about being true or false is in agreement with the conditions that would make it true rather than false. Truth is still about words rather than things in themselves. A description of what things-in-themselves are is also a matter of words. People tend to forget or overlook the fact that all words about anything remain a matter of words and word structures rather than things-in-themselves. People are free to correspond words to objects after deciding what objects are, yet the objects or reality remains imbued with Kant's noumenal reality. That is the field objects in the Higgs field are elements of a Universal for-itself existing independently of human labels.

The Apostle John wrote that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Only God transcends the gulf or ditch between words and objects implicitly. Truth or the coincidence of Word and Objects correspond perfectly solely for God for there is no difference for God, while for humans, they are always on the outside of the perceived objects and Higgs field that they comment about, and about its operations and configurations. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy say that; “The simplest formulation {of disquotation theory} is the claim that expressions of the form ‘S is true’ mean the same as expressions of the form S. “

There isn't a Platonic aspect to truth, unless one refers to God and John's statements about the Word. Truth doesn't exist independently outside human language except for God. That doesn't mean that Platonic forms don't exist; I believe that the forms of force comprising particles are a reasonable facsimile of Plato's ideas applied within a modern and upgraded context.

USA Doesn't Need A Large Military Base in Poland

 Poland has apparently nothing better to do than throw money away on the solicitation of a new U.S. military base. Two billion dollars is a nice chunk of change to entice the U.S.A. to build a fortress in Poland right on the border with sharp sticks in the ground pointing at where the Hun will attack. With 21 U.S. Army bases in Germany already, and the Rammstein concern, why bother?

Air power probably would solve the next war (and who can wait for that!). If not drone aircraft perhaps drone water-to land breathing vehicles with A.I. to attack from under the sea at points unknown before the amphibs arrive. Poland should spend two billion dollars on good weapons for the people's militia home defense forces and Bibles.

When the Huns attack from Russia in their bizerker mode hyped up on hip-hop dope in the tanks with the shark-teeth paint jobs the U.S. and the NATO partners will catch them in a pincers movement attacking from the East and South until the Brits arrive via air drop to surprise the opposition forces.


What would Martin Van Creveld have to say about it?

Musk's News Rating Site Pravduh com Has No Content Yet

  Billionaire entrepreneur/Ceo Elon Musk indicated he would create a web site to rate journalists on truth content and in effect chastise them with low ratings for resembling a propaganda service equivalent of organized crime with misleading disinformation . He bought the url pravduh.com for the service. I checked the site and it is blank. He is welcome to rerun my blog posts at his site until he has content worth publishing. (with an rss feed).



 I suggest that Musk may want to use a quantitative approach until he can rate individual journalists.

For instance he can give a broadcast network anywhere from -4 to +4 stars. CNN for example, could be a -2.3 and Fox News a +2.3.

It might be useful for the journalist rating service also to evaluate federal politicians qualifications if a candidate and job performance if an office holder. Corporations also might be rated for ecospheric economic value.


Putin's Leadership Isn't the Worst Case for Russia

 Crimea became Russian in 1783; for years before the U.S. Constitution was signed into law. It remained part of Russia even after the Soviet Union took over and made it a semi-autonomous oblast yet still within national law. The Crimea has been a part of national Russia for as long as the existence of the U.S.A. and in fact even before. In the middle ages before the Mongol and Muslim invasions the Crimea was part of Russia.

 Europe has looked toward invading Russia for more than a thousand years. It is true that Europeans such as the Germans, French and Polish were not the only invaders for those came from the east and south as well. Even the United States sent 2000 soldiers to fight in Russia during the Russian civil war of 1917. Alternatively besides the perennial Polish-Russian fighting over land (Poland has extended its power all the way to Moscow in the past), the defeat of Sweden’s King Carl Gustav and the Finland issue, Russia has never really been an aggressor against Europe.  Russian President Vladimir Putin has continued the tradition of Russian being a non-aggressor against Europe.

 Some point to the history of Red Army forces rolling up the German Army and other military forces occupying Eastern Europe during the Second World War as an example of Russian aggression, and that’s just wrong. Russia lost more than 20 million dead because of the German war against it and Stalin’s bad leadership. Russia fought for its survival and won and 50 years after liberating Eastern Europe gave those lands it had liberated independence. Unfortunately the west levered some of Russia too for itself as a kind of bonus. Of course I mean the Crimea and Ukraine.

Former world champion chess grand master Garry Kasparov recently twitted about French President Macron to the effect that he was like Petain cooperating with Hitler.  In my opinion if Mr. Kasparov’s rating at historical analysis were given a chess rating equivalence he would be at best a 1500 player.

President Putin has been a comparative island of stability during his lengthy period of public service transitioning Russia out of potential anarchy, chaos or even fascist leadership or a return to communism and into a reasonably solid state. Russia can stand a lot of improvement. Make no mistake though, Russia could easily have got a lot worse leadership, and after President Putin completes what is likely his final term, possibly worse leadership.

American government cannot usually run balanced budget, eliminate poverty or public debt, and get copyright registration forms to accept credit cards with an expiration date beyond 2025 or secure the real property rights and interests of ordinary American citizens. Its leaders tend to enjoy the high life of diplomacy and glory while scotching important issues of security and environmentalism. Blaming people and pouting are traditional U.S. government foreign policy methods rather than getting things done.

Believe me- Vlad Putin isn’t the worst case scenario. I hope he can pick a successor as good as Boris Yeltsin did.

Pluto Was Major Ice Collector in Early Solar System

Scientists have long known that Pluto had a lot of ice. Now they are calling it a large ice comet. Pluto was probably a large collector of water-ice of the early Universe and holds within its core many secrets of that ancient era. It is quite possible that frozen alien beer remains frozen within (joking that).


In the early formation of the Universe a lot of water molecules were about. God separated the waters above from those below. Gravity sweeping things around the solar system let myriad snowballs roll up into large things too; such as planet sized objects. If Nibiru exists- planet X, it may be a very large snowball so great in size that if it were to approach the sun, the sun light would be extinguished (joking again).

Genesis 1-6" And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
That process was probably replicated across the Universe.
A giant snowball planet X could be the key to interstellar secrets and possibly frozen artifacts of star formation. It would be fun to look inside and possibly mine it for pure drinking water.

US Copyright Office Fakes

  In trying to register an electronic copyright application I used a valid AMEX cash card with an expiration date of 2026. The Copyright Office only accepts card to 2025, unlike most businesses online that actually want the consumer's money, so my application was rejected.

 I wrote asking the Copyright Office to upgrade their online application process to at least accept valid cards that expire in 2026 and they wrote back; 

"We would like to continue to process your copyright, but it seems your credit card was declined.  Please advise proper payment information including theexpiration date, CVV, and billing address as that maybe the explanation.   
The total charge is $135.00 plus a $35 filing fee for a single author, same claimant, one work, not for hire or $55 all other filing including more than one work or more than one author."

In other words they asked for an extra $135 dollars for nothing! Authors actually care about registering works in a timely way, and not all people have spare cash to throw away on B.S. I can't wait to see how this resolves.

It turned out that it was a fake U.S. Copyright office web site that I logged in to. That was the reason for all of the problems. After contacting the authentic U.S. Copyright office the situation was satisfactorily resolved.

Musk Media Theory and Supercharger Locations

Elon Musk's excellent model 3 Tesla that goes 0 to 60 M.P.H. in 5.1 seconds with a top speed of 140 M.P.H. and other Tesla plug and play electric powered cars will have super-chargers all over the U.S.A. It is said they can recharge a Tesla in fewer than 30 minutes. So will there be a good coffee station at each location along with highest speed Internet connectivity?

Musk is having some problems with the news media these days as they go on about company cash problems and the late and/or slow delivery date of model 3's. Those things happen. It doesn't mean he will have to sell to Warren Buffet and get a Chinese communist partner or something like that.

Mush should just move up and buy his own media outlet that puts out Musk news with support for his own perspective on the world. Jeff Bezos of Amazon bought the Washington Post. Broadcast news outlets with a little window in the top left corner such as MS Explorer has after the April update to Windows 10 would allow a small, ubiquitous advertisement of the Model 3 while other stories on the media, politics and environmental issues were running. News broadcasting owning is an opportunity to advance your own corporate interests and ideas before those of rivals.

News media today is nothing more than putting out the most glaring, loud opinions about things that will influence the watcher/viewer/receiver of the broadcast as possible. If you are rich and snooze you lose. It is those that cannot afford the loudest media that are suffering. The downtrodden masses yearning to own CNN and agitate propaganda for-themselves and for-others with the true facts about Aunt Mabel’s apple pie can only wait and wonder why Elon Musk, billionaire at large, has to free ride tweets instead of creating his own Internet ranting place where even billionaires can enjoy the phreedom.


The Disquotation Theory of Truth

The disquotation theory of truth basically says that saying that something is true is redundant, yet it saves restating all of the statements about a state of affairs that would be necessary to explain that something is so.

For example; Sally, Jane, Princess, Harry, Jewel and Spike all hate Dickie. All of the preceding people except for Dickie are math students at the Hill School. If someone were to ask if the math students hate Dickie, the easiest answer would be to say that; "Yes, it is true". The alternative would be to say that Sally hates Dickie and Jane hates Dickie and Harry hates Dickie and Jewel hates Dickie and Spike hates Dickie. The disquotation theory comprises a disquotation of the full, formal expression required to explain a state of affairs.

Another example is that of a computer programmer with a list of all of the phone numbers in a city. If someone asks if it is true that all of the numbers have area codes for London the programmer may answer yes it is true or alternatively read out all of the numbers to prove the point is in agreement.

One could call up a a fellow shooting billiards and ask if it is true that all of the balls are round. Instead of saying that the cue ball is round, the 1 ball is round etc . enumerating and confirming that each ball in the rack is round, the billiard player could say; 'it is true'. Truth in a way is a subject-predicate verification of conformity. Truth for humans is a word about words.

Truth theory that is disquotation theory simply means that the reference point questioned about being true or false is in agreement with the conditions that would make it true rather than false. Truth is still about words rather than things in themselves. A description of what things-in-themselves are is also a matter of words. People tend to forget or overlook the fact that all words about anything remain a matter of words and word structures rather than things-in-themselves. People are free to correspond words to objects after deciding what objects are, yet the objects or reality remains imbued with Kant's noumenal reality. That is the field objects in the Higgs field are elements of a Universal for-itself existing independently of human labels.

The Apostle John wrote that “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” 

Only God transcends the gulf or ditch between words and objects implicitly. Truth or the coincidence of Word and Objects correspond perfectly solely for God for there is no difference for God, while for humans, they are always on the outside of the perceived objects and Higgs field that they comment about, and about its operations and configurations. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy say that;The simplest formulation {of disquotation theory} is the claim that expressions of the form ‘S is true’ mean the same as expressions of the form S.

There isn't a Platonic aspect to truth, unless one refers to God and John's statements about the Word. Truth doesn't exist independently outside human language except for God. That doesn't mean that Platonic forms don't exist; I believe that the forms of force comprising particles are a reasonable facsimile of Plato's ideas applied within a modern and upgraded context.

Will Wal-Mart Make Task Chairs High-Tech?

Ordinary office task chairs run toward variegated degrees of comfort. There are plush leather and pseudo leathers and woven cloth covers over various kinds of comfort foam. Where are the weight scales, time-in-use record keeping, body-temperature and pulse measuring features I wondered. How many technical features could be packed into an office task chair I wonder. Ergonomically speaking the humble task chair is underutilized in nearly every office.

Obviously computers and networking could be built into task chairs. That might be useful for medical devices, management information systems and translating language capabilities or even break entertainment. There must be many things easy to imagine that are far more useful. Perhaps cooking recipe mentoring or Bible scripture verse look-ups.


NFL Player Spies, Seditionists and Canadians Shouldn't Stand for National Anthem

There is no reason why Chinese Communist NFL players and Russian citizens or the broadcast media should stand for the national anthem of the United States. Nor for that matter should any NFL player who is loyal to a hostile foreign government, spying for pay for a foreign entity or devoted to a terrorist organization. Any really weird foreign citizen should take a seat during the playing of the Star Spangled banner and hum along respectfully.  Unreasonable expectations of support for the national anthem should not be taken too far.


The N.B.A. have a phrase for going to the hoop; they say going to the cup. A cup with as many holes as an N.B.A. hoop and net wouldn't hold a drop of liquid. To a certain extent N.F.L. players taking a knee for the national anthem are equally spaced.

Why should NFL players show any loyalty to the U.S. national anthem when they are playing in the United States? Why not the Russian anthem or that of Botswana? When American football fans pay, cumulatively, billions of dollars to see NFL stars get concussions and brain damage, why should they demand that the players be patriotic? 

When NFL players are getting millions and millions of dollars for sport, why should they care about national and economic interests of ordinary Americans that buy tickets for their games?


Epistemology and Language

Contextualism probably should not be transformed into empirical realism (an oxymoron). Words ought to be used for pragmatic purposes rather than for theoretical juxtapositions and relationships as if they were mathematical entities of Platonic realist states. Skepticism is great. Everyone in the 20th century offered refutations of Descartes it seemed, for one reason or another. Descartes' method was a correct tool for the day to get people thinking about the nature of things and it worked quite well. It still is useful.
Skepticism vs Certainty in language and the correspondence to word and objects. With Pierce one might use language trielectically to attempt to discover new things and it potentially could be productive; at least for an A.I. constructing with tremendous power a vast number of theoretical propositions about the unknown.
I have been influenced quite a lot by the linguistic philosophy of W.V.O. Quine, Saul Kripke, P.F. Strawson and others. Word and Object by Quine and Individuals by Strawson consider subjective epistemology vs empiricism. Quine  wrote The Two Dogmas of Empiricism that invalidated the empiricist outlook  convincingly. The boundary between intentional and extensional thought and words are never concisely delineated as empiricists prefer. Words and knowledge about 'external objects' are made from thought too.  One cannot just speak about external objects as if were not also defined  with the mind. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle regarding the observer effect on quantum states is consistent with the ambiguous linguistic paradigm for epistemology.
Quine's 'Ontological Relativity and Other Essays' describe language lexicon-Universes existing each within their own ontology. Each lexicon or ontology is self-standing and the terms are not imbued with an element of Platonic realism about them. To a certain extent words and word phrases in some epistemological debates chase around lexical meanings and agreements. A goldfinch or any other perceptible bird-as-an-object is what it is regardless of what it is perceived One may use Sartre's terms well here about objects in-themselves, for-themselves and for-others. Two philosophers perceiving an elephant each might believe it either a goldfinch or a woodpecker variously, and be wrong about the object in-itself though in agreement that they are correct..
Language truth values in corresponding words to objects have functional accuracy value rather than truth for-itself. A truth theory such as correspondence theory wherein accurate and commonly associated word relations to objects determine the truth of propositions about actual objects perceived, has pragmatic communication value instead of transcendent accuracy. Who wants to name an iceberg the Rub al Khali desert? That is only right considering the paradigm of humanity existing within a quantum Higgs field wherein Adam was given to assign names to everything for-himself.

Hitchcock’s The Rear Window- An Example of Trieletical Abduction

C.S. Pierce’s abduction is a consequence of pragmaticism. Pierce’s wrote about trielectical thinking. That is something like an internal three-part thought process Wankel engine. It is obviously a little better than dialecticism. Jeff (James Stewart) could look out his rear window, input sense data and make inferences about the material observed. Reasoning about present and absent common human behavior and the behavior of the salesman and his invalid wife who were observed through their distant rear windows Jeff abducted a theory of murder. How did Jeff observe facts and have a conversation with himself (and others) to elicit a nominative thought process to abducted a tentative conclusion?

Deductive reasoning should generate a conclusion supported strictly by the premises; each of which must be valid. Inductive reasoning allows new items to be created from various premises without as much technical rigor or validity. Abductive reasoning is a third way of tying various abstract observations or facts together that precipitate inferences about various premises that may or may not be related in such a way as to form a valid theory. It is interesting that Pierce’s third way is a third method of practical logic in parallel to his three-part way of subjective cogitation about percepts and reason. I like Pierce’s work yet I feel it is not correct today as a model for neurological processing of thought. Contemporary advances in neuroscience have made a different model than a trielectical system. Abductive reasoning could emanate from the subconscious however, formed from a myriad of sources of data stored in memory.

Jeff’s nurse, a woman of practical knowledge, immediately agrees with Jeff’s suspicion. Jeff's girl;friend, a wealthy society woman, is quite skeptical and tries to persuade Jeff that his opinion is a diseased one, until she sees the salesman packing up a large trunk with rope, herself. At the moment she changed her mind completely to be in complete agreement with Jeff. Perhaps witnessing a part of Jeff’s narrative at a further point of the story line such that it would be in complete agreement was the clincher that made her flip flop. It might alternatively have bee the meaning of seeking a packing trunk to her. She may have found it subconsciously troubling in meaning as Jeff one day too might pack a trunk and move somewhere far away in the world to pursue his photo-journalism profession she is not part of.

Jeff’s war buddy Detective Tom has a skeptical opinion. Without a body, hard evidence or eye-witnesses of a crime he is unwilling to validate the abduction line of murder that Jeff provides. He explained to Jeff that the law won’t allow a search of the salesman’s apartment without a warrant, and there aren’t sufficient grounds for a judge to issue a warrant. Tom also has counter-abductive premises of the salesman’s innocence; such as the exit of the invalid wife that morning to catch a train and a telegram from her to the salesman saying she had arrived at some distant place. The salesman’s apartment lease was also nearly expired so the timing on moving was reasonable.

Tom would not relinquish his incredulity until hard evidence dropped into his lap when Lisa found the ring of the salesman’s wife . Ye I knew much earlier that the salesman was a murderer recognizing instantly that the little dog that resembled Judy Garland’s little dog Toto, digging in the garden of the perp, smelled something foul buried deep below. An additional abduction I made was that Lisa being such a sweet rich woman could not have been wrong in throwing all her support behind Jeff’s theory. That simply is not the way Hollywood wrote mystery stories in that era.

Lisa at the end takes high risks and proves she is actually a smart, wonderful, brave woman whom Jeff is too lucky to have devoted to him. Unless the script was completely at the extremity of the bell curve and Lisa was actually the killer just toying with Jeff whom she knew was being a voyeur for eight weeks with his broken leg in a cast looking out his rear window, the conclusion had to be that the villainous philandering salesman that got rid of his old, invalid wife in order to secure a newer and better upgrade was guilty.

John Locke's Self-Aware Cogito; Rather Like Descartes'

In book four chapter ten of The Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke makes some good arguments for the existence of God. He also describes the position of the cogito metaphysically, as it were, rather reminiscent of Descartes. To exist is to be aware of existing. Reason leads to God, and that brings me to a point Locke didn't make about the existence of objects and other people.
Locke could have written that mathematics that one did not invent oneself are proof of the existence of reason in some sentient being. One could not believe that Euclid, Pythagoras or Einstein's abstract works weren't at least evidence of reasoning going on in some self-aware being and not a natural occurrence by non-sentient mass.

In book four chapter eleven I believe Locke finds sensations and sense data distinct from ideas. Ideas arise from sense data, and sense data from external objects; well, objective sources and non-self sources may be plainer than objects for terminology.
Referent objects may be the entire mass-energy of the Universe. Even great office buildings of more than one-hundred stories are simply arrangements of atoms that humans experience as solid because of human physical structure. If people were made of neutrinos they would find the solid building less substantial than vapor. Like the office building, the language and proofs of much of Locke's essays are embedded in the field-criterion Universe of being an element in-the-field given unto self-aware being. That is they work to a relative, circumstantial scale.


On John Locke's Book II-An Essay on Human Understanding-Chpt 13

Locke's Book II-An Essay on Human Understanding-Chpt 13

Locke's thought is quite interesting in this chapter. He is considering René Descartes' ideas to a certain extent and deliberating on why Descartes's Meditations were incorrect. Locke doesn't care fro the idea of extension as a virtual definition of body. Locke also considers the nature of space, and I like that quite a bit for I invented some of the same thoughts myself independently-just a few hundred years later than Locke.

Locke pointed out an argument people make that if space was really nothing there should be nothing between any two objects such that there would be no distance. That idea would apply to distant stars too of course. Locke has many other great ideas yet many of the metaphysical and epistemological sort can be readily recognized as anachronistic in light of quantum theory. I think its possible that epistemology has fully updated the facts that are relevant to the paradigm of Locke in Book two, yet I cannot say what philosophy knows overly well.

Locke makes an interesting comment that Descartes' idea of body as extension has a logic that requires everything to be one- in unity pervasive. Of course current physical cosmology has a singularity that extends to be the entire Universe and everything in it, so in that sense Descartes was right on the money.

Locke make a great point about relativity however in points 8-10 of chapter thirteen. I think it is better than one might find anywhere else. It brings one to the idea of experience however and the complete phenomenal subjectivity of names and things-in-themselves.

Epistemological objects are part of a unified field- a monism with component attributes that can be regarded by observers as qualitatively so different that they comprise plural objects. Human beings and human minds exist in a unified field. They may make names and categories about experience within that field, yet every idea about what occurs in it is what is permissible by the non-contingent and non-subjective nature of the field. Space for instance is now known not to be empty (it has virtual particles and other elements of the unified field, or Higgs field that may be an emergent quality of some other kind of field.

Humans may say whatever they like about the field elements and its consistent aspects that reproduce in common experience. Even mathematical relations though are subjective and possible only within criteria the field supports. If Riemannian geometry of a select form is an implicit fact of the Universe then whatever mathematics exist that can be consistent must cohere within that mathematical paradigm.

The relations and relativity of body, mass and substance in the field that is the field extended and perceptible for human experience is phenomenal. That is the problem of quantum weirdness about it; it is a steady state with consistent values of a field that includes the observer. It is possible to make practical guidebooks of physics about operations within the field. It does not seem realistic to talk about 'real objects' or the reality of things-in-themselves. Humans can interpret the extended field in one way, yet that is probably not the only way it is. Insects may view the Universe in infrared for instance and have an entirely different way of relating to it. If one found space aliens with very different and non-human form they might seem the Universe or field experience in a way dissimilar to that of human experience.

I will reiterate something of Locke's distinction between primary and secondary qualities in chapter eight. For Locke primary qualities seem to be elements that exist in an object while secondary qualities just produce sensations in the perceiver. Of course the problem exists that all percepts occur subjectively.

 A baseball removed from a freezer may be cold to touch, yet the coldness would not be regarded as a primary quality, yet the state configuration of the atoms of the baseball (imagine a baseball made from Bose-Einstein condensate) would be a primary quality.

For John Locke, secondary qualities depend on primary qualities of an object to produce sensations in 'us'. Locke provides a metaphysical map of the way percepts are transferred through some particulate way into sensations and ideas that are experienced subjectively.

From my point of view the complete complex of compresence (Russell's term) of being a sentient perceiver with self-awareness in a force-energy field that is a Higgs field/Universe where the way force is structured and allocated enables the self-aware experience of sensation within-the-field as part of the field, makes several of Locke's distinctions somewhat ancillary to a philosophical effort of the 18th through 20th centuries to describe the mechanics of perception, sensations and so forth. That paradigm is less than technically correct for the quantum immersion paradigm where even language can be regarded as producing contingent and secondary qualities. The word of God is the sole primary quality (if one follows the call of God). It is reasonable to guess that God enables the Higgs and all possible quantum configurations to be determined himself.

China May Have Been Behind Cuban Beamer Attack on U.S. Embassy Workers

Last years X-Files particle beam, audio attack on U.S. and Canadian Embassy officials in Cuba that caused brain injury may have been caused by Chinese Communist agents or, alternatively, X-tra-terrestrial space aliens. The attack has recurred in China as new reports find that a U.S. embassy worker in Guangzhou, "across the river from Hong Kong", has suffered a similar experience.

Of course it also might be that those U.S. Government workers had been listening to or watching C.N.N. The sharp glare of intelligence intrigue is challenging to see through.



Spinoza and the Author of the Pentateuch

  I have a different point of view on the topic of Moses authoring the Pentateuch. Even today the authorship of the Pentateuch is controversial among Christians and atheists. Spinoza could have run into the Papacy as the absolute authority on scripture. I have no problem like that. Today the problem is the popular wise guy atheism of the broadcast media if any.
16th and 17th century Holland was a challenging time for religion. The reformation and Catholic traditions met uneasily. Protestant sects had theological differences too. Spinoza was really out on a limb in being a self-standing, free-thinking theologian.
Spinoza was cast out of his Jewish synagogue. People have written that his theological ideas run toward pan-theism, yet he appears to have been Christian too if one can rely on his letters. In either case each way of thinking would be inconsistent with membership in a synagogue I suppose, unless they all become reformed Christians.
I will provide a quote from wikipedia- “I do not think it necessary for salvation to know Christ according to the flesh : but with regard to the Eternal Son of God, that is the Eternal Wisdom of God, which has manifested itself in all things and especially in the human mind, and above all in Christ Jesus, the case is far otherwise. For without this no one can come to a state of blessedness, inasmuch as it alone teaches, what is true or false, good or evil. And, inasmuch as this wisdom was made especially manifest through Jesus Christ, as I have said, his disciples preached it, in so far as it was revealed to them through him, and thus showed that they could rejoice in that spirit of Christ more than the rest of mankind. The doctrines added by certain churches, such as that God took upon himself human nature, I have expressly said that I do not understand; in fact, to speak the truth, they seem to me no less absurd than would a statement, that a circle had taken upon itself the nature of a square. This I think will be sufficient explanation of my opinions concerning the three points mentioned. Whether it will be satisfactory to Christians you will know better than I.
  • Letter 21 (73) to Henry Oldenburg, November (1675)”
  Let me explain about Moses. I believe he invented the aleph beth as a linguistic syncretism made possible by an Egyptian hieroglyphic literate Prince escaping to Israel with his Hebrew Semitic people. Moses received the stories of Israeli history from the captives in Cairo as well as from other sources. He was a consolidator and led his people to the promised land. Moses foretold that one day a Jewish leader would devote himself to writing down everything Moses did and said. I believe it probable that fellow was King David.
  King David devoted himself to the word of God provided in various documents as a legacy from Moses centuries before. David's son Solomon commissioned that they be formally consolidated and assembled as the Pentateuch. Some scholars believe that a J writer was the first to work on the project, and there were others that followed. The topic has quite a lot to it and few knew about that until the 20th century. After that it became more common knowledge for theologians.
 Spinoza ran into the problem of secular establishments that would repress knowledge. Unions do that too in areas besides scholarship. Corporatists and communes also perp repression when they regard people as products for marketing or alternatively nails that should not stick up and require hammering down. They repress this or that individual inconvenient for their public social narrative. Kierkegaard's method of Socratic irony questioned social zeitgeist and social organization. Skeptics are not the only philosophers to discover faulty thought. Socrates worked on that in his dialogues too of course.
I am sure Thomas Hobbes was a well-intentioned scholar. For me though his Leviathan is far too much. He could have equally been describing the Devil's absolute power in hell. Saddam Hussein was the perfect Hobbsean absolute ruler. Perhaps the west should feel some recalcitrance about ending Hobbes' Leviathan fulfillment figure. For myself I think it's the aftermath that was tragic rather than the demise of Saddam Hussein.

Hume's Existential Historical Analysis (Essay I-III-11)

Hume thought hereditary monarchies have non-violent transitions in comparison to non-hereditary. Yet we know from reading Shakespeare and the history of Byzantium that is not so.
Hume assumes the Roman Republic was a democracy that didn't work as the plebes in cities ran it to ruin. If one reads Livy one learns about the Roman Senate and its power as well as that of the consuls and master of the horse during war. Those were not powerless people. The plebes never came in to their own until they demanded Caesar have power, then they made his emperor. I believe Hume's Roman analysis is very poor. 
 Hume believes that monarchs treat provinces better than democracies. It is strange that he overlooked America in his analysis. King George III was the reason for the rebellion. The U.S. government sometimes has treated its 'provinces' or territories better than the states. Puerto Rico received billions and billions for hurricane relief in 2017-18 for example. I think Hume realized who buttered his bread in the England of his day- the nobles. Maybe they should have been named something else such as power goons level I, II III etc.
 Spanish monarchs allowed slavery in Latin America as did England in what became the U.S.A. Slavery was brought to half the world in fairly modern times thanks to monarchy. About 16 million aboriginal Americans perished during the era of Spanish royal power. it wasn't a pretty time.
  Hume use the term "government after the eastern manner" a couple of times. That might have been a bete noir of the time. Oriental despotism was a cliche. The Chinese imperial court was terribly lax. It was apparently quite authoritarian at times as was I suppose the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan.
  Hume posits various pure forms of government (three forms actually) and describes them as strong or mild versions and considers them in a mildly Aristotelian (the Politics) way, ineffectively. I agree with Hume's method of existential historical analysis yet he needs better though about human social organization. There are an infinite number of possible forms of human social organizations; well, at least as many forms as their are configurations of pieces on a chess board. The goal is to make the pieces work well together, and to assure that all the pieces have equal rights of value though some are more powerful than others. Human for some cause lacked the insights provide by the mathematical concept of Hilbert space permutations applied to political structures and ideal ways of responding to emergent issues, such as is possible today.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...